
A Tribute and gift to my beloved Queen(ELIZABETH REGINA).

The Queen has always been my biggest role model and inspiration. Your death hit me hard!! I couldn't believe it!! I have always thought of you as someone that would never die. I didn't cry the day I received the news but I cried the next day because that's when I got used to the truth that you are no more!!!!!.

I wrote this song and poem for you:

Stanza 1:

A woman of Elegance

A mother with love

A wife so proud of what's hers

A Queen with governance so heavenly

Glorious Gloriana!!!

All hail Elizabeth Regina!!!

Stanza 2:

Eyes of an Eagle

Permed white hair for greatness

Dressing elite! showing the world she is lit.

A crown showing who she is

All hail Elizabeth Regina!

Dazzling in appearance

Gait ever so grateful

Aura,Aura, Aura, magnificent

Beautiful as a flower

Elizabeth Windsor

My Queen and hero

A mother to all, even those that are not part of her kingdom.

A Queen who has broken records

Britain is forever blessed!!

God save the Queen.

I love you Queen Elizabeth and I promise you I will make Britain proud.!!!!!