
Chapter 12(The First Solo Expedition Pt.1)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+Monster Sources)

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As Yang woke up with the sun gleaming into his room from the window at the side he couldn't help but feel completely refreshes. Having dinner with Tibor and finally getting to sleep in an actual bed really gets the soreness from training out of your body. Now it's sunrise and he begins to get ready and head out to the dungeon but, first things first, he opens his gear and checks it.

Yang slowly got up and washed up before opening the chest with his gear. Some jet black gear with red markings of Sarran's personal mark and the Hephaestus familia symbol on the shoulder of the pauldron stared back at his smiling face. Aside from that the gear was all simply jet black with red edges and a small layer of fur from the hellhounds presumably. 'I suppose it's better than brightly colored armor and it's not like I can afford to be picky right now anyway. Maybe when I get some armor that my magic won't eat away at then I will get my style in order, but for now, I have a dungeon to get to'.

Passing his hands over the gauntlets which would protect his forearms he could see that they were a bit rough but the insides were padded with more hellhound fur 'Hmm fireproofing inside, smart'. One of the arm pieces extended bast the shoulder roughly 2 inches with the Sarran's mark on the larger shoulder plate of this pauldron. The chest and legs made a complete matching set with the legs being much thinner pieces and not protecting behind his joints whilst the chest area had a black plate covering most of his chest without covering his back which would restrict movement and connected to all the other pieces with dark straps which could be seen connecting to each other even as he laid his gear out in front of him.

Standing at 6ft tall and with an athletic and muscular build, light brown skin, and short curly hair Yang looked at the gear in front of him and couldn't help the manic smile that formed on his face as small wisps of flames began to dance around his bare chest. Where the flames moved a small scar could be seen, healed but still leaving evidence that all the healing magic he has had used on himself hasn't gotten rid of. This was the injury he came to this world with and it remained in the form of a thin 2-inch scar on his left pectoral. (MC looks like Kirikou Rung but 6ft and athletic build)

Passing a hand through his hair and taking a deep breath as he took in his weird predicament one last time. 'Going in there solo is probably the dumbest choice someone can make, better than having people dying around me I guess, well, fewer allies means fewer people my magic can hurt so win-win. Right? Meh, whatever time to go.'

He quickly gets dressed and placed the 4 health potions into his inventory as well as the mana potions. Clearly, thankful Sarran managed to make the gear cheaply enough to get him those. 'I should probably lookout for something to show my thanks.' As he walks to the door he slowly looks back at the small basic room to see a bed, closet, and desk.' I'll have to talk to whoever is in charge of customizing this place about costs'.

As he walks to the dungeon entrance he has noticeably more confidence even from just the way his head is held high, likely a confidence boost from having his new gear. The gear he wears is catching some eyes because new adventurers, especially melee types such as himself usually wear some form of plate armor while Yang is just wearing some reinforced hellhound-hide padding for the most part and hellhound clothes under it as well.

'Well at least all the black and red looks good but he really does need to get something more defensive in the future' many bystanders thought. As he walks through the babel marketplace he nervously tightens the straps on his gauntlets after noticing the number of eyes on him and quickly makes his way to the dungeon entrance. Time for a new start to his adventure.

Yang took one deep breath before entering the dungeon once more. All he saw were cave walls for a while which quickly got boring so he decided to speed up the process and began jogging instead. It didn't take long jogging at his speed with mild lightning wisping through him to find rooms of monsters.

Yang saw a room of 7 goblins. He would have frozen had he come back here before training. But this time he was ready. He decided to hold off on any major uses of mana and simply amplified his physical abilities with his internalized lightning element magic, or, as he likes to call it his AMP strikes. As he activated it and rushed the goblins he saw the moment they noticed him and it appeared as if they were reacting in slow motion to him, only because of his accelerated speed.

He quickly delivered a punch to one of the goblins that were holding a natural dagger completely shattering the creature's jaw and knocking its teeth out. The force behind his strike sent the monster into a nearby wall hard enough to cause its crystal to crack and fall to the ground as the monster turns to ash. The results of this strike cause him to freeze for a moment.

This is the first time he has ever hit a living thing since he became level 2 and he didn't expect these results. A manic grin spread across his face as he quickly dodged another goblin's claws and began his onslaught in the dungeon. Before long his fists were covered in blood, none of it being his, and eventually, they were covered in flames. He ran from room to room killing all the goblins he came across and storing their crystals into his inventory before reaching the exit of the floor. Looking at his hands and thinking back. He's glad he took those days to train. That allowed him to get this strong and pummel the creatures that 2 weeks ago would have killed him.

Yang went through the exit and entered Floor 2 and continued the process flawlessly until he eventually reached the final room of Floor 2.In this room, he saw Kobolds, they made his blood boil as he remembers how they made him feel 2 weeks ago. Weak and powerless. Now they can't do that. Now he had power and now, they would all burn. The wisps of flames began to form on his skin and spread to his armor. The hellhound hair on his armor catching the flames and making them dance in rhythm as his flames build and build until he raises his hands together and says one word, the last the kobolds will ever hear, "FIREBALL!".

He fires his magic through the doorway and all the flames on his body culminate into a sphere of dancing flame as it flies through the air and into the room. The explosion rocks the Floor he is on and can be heard for quite a distance as a 40x60 ft room is incinerated and the explosion moves down the stairs to the 3rd floor as well as rushes to the doorway Yang is standing in bringing forth the flames with it. Had anyone seen this they would have run for cover, they would have been even more shocked when they saw Yang walk into the fire and explosions as if they weren't even there, disappearing into the inferno that was the room and quietly collecting the monster crystals.'Now to the 3rd floor'.

To his disappointment, the 3rd and 4th floors were only more kobolds and goblins. For practice and possibly stress relief he activated his full mage armor. Fire and wind swirled around his body. His black armor could be seen below the flames as well as his face being free of any obstructions but his shoulders, forearms, feet, back and hair had flames accenting them whilst his chest and legs had short flames reaching maybe even an inch off his body but burned even more intensely.

As flames grew more they condensed over time with his control they become better for defense and offense as they become closer to a solid magic shield. The flames on his head danced around and occasionally licked his skin but none of these flames did any damage as his skills handled it well. He quickly began to boost jump(Jumping with the assistance of his magic like temporary rocket boots) from room to room clearing goblins and kobolds in hoards at what must be record speeds for a level 2 adventurer and collecting their materials.

Accenting his punches by boosting them with flames for damage and thrust none of the monsters on these floors lasted more than one strike and any that tried to sneak up on him couldn't surpass the reaction time and speed boost of his AMP Technique(Lightning body enhancement). He was the real monster of floors 3 and 4 during these battles and eventually made his way to floor 5 in less than a half-hour.

As he stepped into the 5th floor he ran with his increased speed until he abruptly threw his hands forward and released a jet of flame to stop himself in place. What looked like a tongue struck the wall where his body would have been and instead got burned by the flames shot from his hands. He quickly looked to the source of the attack and saw a 3ft frog monster was reeling in pain because of the burns to its tongue.

Yang slowly approached it in case there were any surprises and when close enough he amplified the flames on his right leg and kicked the frog monster incinerating it and collecting the crystal. The benefit of having the hunter skill is that he mainly only has to be super careful the first time, after which he can rampage and kill the creature by using the large boost hunter gives him. He quickly ran from room to room killing frog after frog. When he was halfway through the rooms he stopped using his magic and relied on his physical ability instead to regain some magic before going to the next floor. As he stood at the tunnel to the 5th floor he calmly walked down to allow his mana to refill just that bit more.

After entering the 5th floor he saw that this cavern was darker than the others. The light bugs were much less abundant here. Because of this, he focused on being as quiet as possible and listening for any movement rather than using his flames and becoming a large target for the entire floor. Eventually, he heard it, a small but very much apparent in the completely silent cave was a short scraping sound. Instantly activating his Mage Armor flames and AMP he spins around just in time to raise his hand for his new gauntlet to block the sharp claws of what appears to be a walking shadow with one eye in the middle of its head. It was roughly 7ft tall and bearing down on him with all its strength, but it wasn't enough.

Seeing it was a creature of darkness he simply expanded his flames as if he were a bomb to create a 'Pyro Nova'(technique name) and incinerated the shadow. He decided to keep his mage armor and AMP on and even make his flames even brighter to draw out any more of these, he was not disappointed with his results. Shadows swarmed him as he moved through the floor like a force of nature. Destroying shadows left and right until he had cleared the floor. Having them flock to him made his life so much easier when he could just dance around them and use a Pyro Nova every time they gathered close enough.

As he was progressing through this floor he decided to speed up and quickly began to use small blasts of fire from his hands which looked like walls of fire being released going on the offensive completely demolishing his opposition. 'Looks like flames really are handy huh, I don't think I'll ever get bored of having magic'.As he walked through the final room he deactivated his Mage Armor and took his time using firebolts to clear this room for the sake of getting some target practice on moving enemies instead of just rocks in a field.

Making his way through the last part of the floor he saw the descent into floor 7 and didn't hesitate to enter. As soon as he entered what he saw made him grin. Many large 6ft tall ants were walking around in what can only be described as swarms. The monsters on the previous floors were fun but he needed an excuse to test his less subtle techniques. Now he finally has an excuse. As he sees the ants he activates his Mage Armor and AMP and places his hands together before slamming his hands onto the ground and shouting "FLAMEWAVES".

CHAPTER 12 END------

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

3 Chapters a week for the foreseeable future, check book description for details.

If you are having a hard time imagining the mc just google MHA Endeavour except the MC is brown so you could google DC firestorm as well just go with either.

Fireball: Large Fire explosion

Firebolt: Small fire explosion

AMP State(AMP for short): Channeling lightning element through mind and body to accelerate movements, reactions, and reaction time

Mage Armor(Development Skill from his magic): Coats the body in magic and boosts unarmed damage and user defenses.

Boosted Movements and strikes:(Think Rocket boots or when the jager from pacific rim had a rocket engine in the elbow to punch harder)

---Yes, Yang has firebolt, no it's not the actual spell. Hephaestus said he can practice copying the effects of spells and he played games before he woke up here. Firebolt goes back to D&D first edition 46 years ago its not new and he would have access to the guild's description of spells so he doesn't need the magic itself from the grimoire.

---Comment any questions you have and I'll answer them and no these techniques aren't going on the stat sheet because they arent the stats that appear on his back just like every sword swing wouldn't appear on the Ais sheet. I'll try my best to keep the descriptions consistent.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts