
Character description


(Pack Status) Alpha

(Sex) Male

(Appearance) Has a dark purple body with small white dots representing stars and a large dick he isn't embarrassed to show.

(Element) Space

(Personality) He is quiet most of the time but when needed he will step up and lead. He is not afraid of anything and will often wonder around the territory, as alpha he is not afraid to have sex with any of the females in his pack.


(Pack Status) Beta

(Sex) Female

(Appearance) She has a pale yellow body, has a sky blue tail tip and has a dark yellow sun on her chest.


(Personality) She has a bright personality and is happy most of the time. Despite this she is an excellent fighter and will not stand down in a fight unless told to by her Alpha, she has a crush on Astro and sometimes licks his dick in her sleep.


(Pack Status) Omega

(Sex) Female

(Appearance) Has a bright yellow body with a light blue moon and two light blue stars on her left thigh.

(Element) Moon

(Personality) She mainly comes out at night but when she does come out during the day she won't stop complaining that she is bored, she is shy so she lets the male lead when having sex.


(Pack Status) Delta

(Sex) Male

(Appearance) Has a plain light purple body, his dick is medium sized.

(Element) Shadow

(Personality) Dusk tries his best to stay away from the other wolves but when confronted he'll always be looking for a way to leave the conversation unless he can see a way to get sex out of it .
