
Prodigy recognized


since the ending of the clan wars , the elemental nation decided to resolve future conflict with games and they invented many sports games and more importantly soccer and it became a huge hit , chakra will no longer be applied only to Shinobi but to these games and thus the cycle of hatred broken by mere common games the shinobi world will never be same again.

normal sunny day in the village of leaf.

as we see a soccer field and two teams are playing at it, the leaf academy composing of players under the age of 15 , the team is made up of eleven players against the wave academy, the game was in the favour of the leaf academy as the score is 1-0. Naruto's pov " i need to show my worth to my potential scholarships and all i have to do is score a few goals and get coach iruka to treat to ramen" as naruto dribbled past a the defence scored a second goal at the top corner of the net .

normal pov goalll!!!! now the score the score is 2-0 said the commentators who are kotetsu and izumo " that kid Naruto will go far dont u think izumo said kotetsu" " you are right my friend he might be the upcoming next best striker in leaf joining legends such as the minato, kakashi or itachi commented izumo" on the field the team is celebrating. iruka's pov " good going guys keep them under pressure and don't relax yet shouted iruka" and man naruto is a natural prodigy and will go far thought iruka".

after the celebration the kick off started and the wave team goes forward with the ball only for the ball to be taken away by the leaf defence who forwarded it to naruto who was skillfully dribbling past the wave defence and got tackled to the ground and the ref fouled the tackle and Naruto shrugged off the pain clearly indicating he was fine took the free kick which was outside the penalty area and wave defence lined up to make a wall and the time was almost up, as naruto took the ball puts it on the ground and steps backwards, " well kotetsu do you think he will score asked izumo" " i dont think so he is far from the goal posts". back to the field naruto breathes in and out looks at the goal post analysing how he is going to shoot the ball and, he shoots off course and everyone is disappointed and suddenly the ball curves and enters the net living everyone watching speechless ( imagine the ball curve as parabola) and everybody recovers and the team leaf academy celebrates ," did u see that kotetsu what an incredible goal said izumo" " ...i i i im still trying to process that ". give it for leaf academy they won by 3-0 .

aftermath of the game.

in the locker rooms " guys that was a great game and you make me proud to be your coach and you all deserve to rest said iruka " Thanks coach the whole team said leaving behind naruto and iruka, " so coach you owe me ramen exclaimed naruto " " yeah u deserve it let's go and celebrate iruka said" as they go to ichiraku ramen. as naruto is cleaning iruka's wallet ,so naruto after your performance today you will surely get a scholarship to the prestigious institute of leaf football academy and all legends are born there stated iruka" " you really thinks so coach with stars in his eyes exclaimed naruto enthusiastically" yes you will" and the two part going to their respective houses.

at the senju residence naruto walks inside the house and is welcomed by his adoptive grandmother tsunade, "how was the game naru asked tsunade" " the game was awesome and i scored three goals and don't call me that i have grown up said naruto" " you will always be my little naru and it never change brat said the blonde haird sannin" " dinner is ready go and take a bath you stink said tsunade holding her nose " ok grandma said naruto.

At the offices of intitute of leaf academy football.

minato namikaze ( the sports director ) is having a chat with kakashi ( the coach of the golden leaf team) are discussing how their going to win the elemental nations junior championship when they hear a knock from the door " come in said minato " in comes rin ( the scout) "sensei i bring grear news while i was scouting i watched the match between LA and WA and LA won 3-0 beating WA and i think i found a playmaker ( wears the numer 10 jersey) for our team reported rin" " who is the kid that impressed you asked minato while Kakashi was also curious since they couldn't find a player to be playmaker", " well the kid is a genius when it comes to being a playmaker and i think when he teams up with sasuke ( is the son of Minato he was a result of a one night stand with mikoto) at the offence they will be unstoppable and we will win the tournament said rin", " well if u say so rin you must give him the scholarship while me and kakashi will evaluate the how the match played stated minato", " ok i will go to LA tomorrow morning and give the good news to iruka said rin leaving the office.

after she left both minato and kakashi played the tape of the game and were impressed," this kid got talent and might even be better than sasuke said Kakashi", i might agree with you on that because Sasuke trained his whole life being a hardworker while these kid is a prodigy said minato", " well is gets jealous easily and i hope they might get along well said Kakashi.

author note "in this fiction kushina falls pregnant and dumbs minato so that minato can focus on his career and in his sorrows he has a one night stand with mikoto so both Naruto and Sasuke are half brothers and kushina died giving birth to naruto and never got to tell minato about naruto and tsunade also doesnt know about minato being Naruto's father and please review and tell me what you think


