
The Cloak

[???'s POV]

When you've lived in the forest for as long as I have, you tend to lose track of time. After your first couple hundred years of life we stop growing and start taking long naps. We would get bored out of our minds if it weren't for the humans. They moved near the forest about seven hundred years ago. We didn't really get along at first, they started cutting some of us down, and making homes near us. They hunted the wildlife, ravaged the berry bushes, and burned us during the white season. When they finally stopped altogether the entire forest sighed in unison. The humans had learned how to use magic. Took them long enough right? Magic wasn't this huge secret thing that only enlightened beings can harness. They sure treat it like that though. Anyways. A hundred years after their discovery of magic, their civilization grew one hundred fold. Big buildings, smiling children and nice people. They even gave us names, like oak, and yew. People called students would come into the forest from time to time and practice magic. Their magic power was basic but the spells they used were very creative and fun to watch. My favorite student is named Alice, as a child she sat under my branches and read all about magic and fantasy. She did something I thought nobody would be able to, she gave me a bearing on time. I watched her grow up into a beautiful young woman. Along with the humans the forest grew happier. Until, the cloak appeared. Not even the other trees knew the true identity of the human we called the cloak. They did the unspeakable in the depths of the forest. Experimenting on the old ones. Me and my fellow yew were quite worried once the students spoke of the cloak themselves. The cloak would steal potions from the schools to keep mana flowing through them during the experiments. We yew had been protecting the students since they were little, and the thought of the cloak harming them caused fear through our part of the forest. For a while the entire forest was on guard, but the one night we slacked off they returned. To take me.


I didn't wake from my rest peacefully, the oaks nearby were screaming. My fellow yew were alerted by what this meant. The wind picked up as I heightened my senses, a wave of invisible energy swiftly erupting out of me. The cloak was walking toward the elder yews. As the oldest ones, we were given seniority over the forest. We only allowed the students to enter our part of the forest due to their admirable thirst for knowledge. This one abused it. Roots erupted from all sides of the cloak only for it to vanish momentarily before appearing before me, their hand resting on me. The other yew all froze when they realized I was about to be killed. As one of the last old ones, I was basically the leader. My magic was the most advanced, knowledge of the old world unmatched. If I were to die, what a waste. Before I could think anything else, all went white.



[You have been gifted the Elder System of Life and Death!!]

[As a "old one" the trait *Yew's Vitality* has been acquired!!]


[Trait *Elders Knowledge* has been acquired!!]

[Trait *Of The Forest* has been acquired!!]

[Twin Gods of life and death have both bestowed a blessing!!]


[Running calculations to determine your level…..]

[Level calculation complete!!]

[Your level is… 782!!]



[Back at the forest]

"Please work. Please." The cloak muttered. They continued to wait for any sign of a result. Fatigue was on its way before a bright blue potion appeared in the hand of the cloak. Quickly gulping it down the glass shattered as it emptied, scattering the ground with microscopic speck of glass. Then after a few minutes. Nothing happened.

"DAMNIT!!" The cloak suddenly yelled. Dropping to their knees.

The yew were frozen. All that was left of their old elder, was a large mound of ash. The wind slowly blew through the forest again as the beings of the forest cried. The remaining old ones wept openly, their old friend vaporised by a cloaked monster, nothing deserved that. Especially not their old friend.


A loud noise caused everything nearby to look at the cause. The old elders body, now ashen, blew away in the wind revealing a large white crack in space.

The cloak quickly backed away from the rift in space. The wind suddenly picked up as the crack opened. A green light suddenly erupted out from the crack. A green pillar of light could be seen from kilometers away as a powerful magical force caused anything living to look in awe.

The forest recognized this energy, although it was far greater than when they last felt it. The pillar condensed as a single humanoid shape began to form. Two and a half meters tall, With long dark green hair that flowed down to their knees. Eyes like the golden energy of a god. A loose white kimono that radiated light draped around the power plant of magic that was this being. And to top it off, two four meter long pitch black wings made of bone suddenly erupted from the beings' back. All movement ceased as the being looked around with no emotions on its face, before looking at the cloak. Suddenly all of that radiating mana was directed directly at the cowering cloak.

While being drowned in the energy of the immensely powerful being the cloak lost all hope for life and was being crushed to the ground.

"You" The being said, with such power in its voice to make an arch demon shiver. Suddenly the being was holding the cloak up by the neck, holding them above its head.

"What did you do to me!!"
