She was forced to leave her home, her husband and her love. She was forced to become a servant of the gods, because her womb had refused to stop giving birth to twin babies. But now, the very thing that drove her from her home, has become the very thing that is putting a smile on her face. The Battle line has been drawn, she must save every twin baby or guilt will drive her into insanity.
Cause the sun to rise
Sing to the heart that weeps
Cause the moon to fall
Let the heart that weeps sing
They said we are a curse
They said we course the land with curse
But we are like Rehab the harmless dragon
Their ignorance were the cause that cursed the land.
Cause the sun to rise
The blight of ignorance has walloped our mother with curse.
But in our infinite trouble
In our heart melting like the oil from a candle wax
There lies the one, the king, the mother of all mothers
The father of all fathers
Him and him alone took us in
There walked the king of kings
The God of gods
Him and him alone took us in
Shelters us, fed us and clothed us.
There smiled the love of all loves
Saying, I will never leave you nor forsake you
We are Ejima
We cried,
We screeched,
we screamed,
and the God of gods answered.
Cause the sun to rise
The heart that weeps shall sing
The womb that was barren has given birth to the child of promise