
Echoes Of The Lost Realm

In the mystical realm of Aetheria, young Ethan discovers a hidden portal and awakens dormant magical powers. Guided by ancient whispers, he embarks on a perilous journey to master his abilities, face formidable foes, and unravel the secrets of the forgotten kingdom. With courage and determination, Ethan must confront his greatest fears to restore balance and safeguard Aetheria from darkness.

Demi9000 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 28: The Earth Guardian Spirit

Chapter 28: The Earth Guardian Spirit

As Ethan ventured deeper into the forest, following the enchanting whispers that seemed to guide him. The ancient trees stood tall around him, their gnarled branches creating a canopy overhead. The air was thick with magic, stirring a sense of anticipation within him.

As he pressed on, Ethan stumbled upon a hidden grove bathed in shimmering moonlight. A small stream trickled through the clearing, its gentle babble harmonizing with the whispers that beckoned him closer.

In the heart of the grove, a mysterious chamber awaited him. Its walls were adorned with ancient runes, pulsating with mystical energy. Ethan's curiosity urged him forward, and he stepped inside, the whispers growing louder with each passing moment.

A guardian spirit materialized before him, a being of ethereal beauty and wisdom.

Ethan gasped, his eyes widening in amazement. " You, you're the Earth guardian spirit, how are you here"

The guardian spirit smiled, its voice carrying a soothing melody. "Well, you followed the whispers".

Ethan's mind raced with questions, curiosity burning within him. "But why did you call me here".

The guardian spirit expression turned solemn as it answered Ethan, "The doom that awaits this world is more than you can imagine, I've chosen to bless you with the ability to use earth magic". The guardian spirit then extended a shimmering hand toward Ethan, "Take my hand" it said, as Ethan took it's hand, he felt the touch sending a surge of warmth through his body".

Ethan gasped, his eyes widening in amazement. "Earth magic?" he murmured in disbelief. "But how can I have more than one affinity of magic?".

"Magic is a vast tapestry, young one. While water may be your natural affinity, the world of magic is not bound by such limitations. You are not of this realm and as such you are not confined to the rules not the boundaries of it either", The guardian spirit replied. " I see, so that's how it is", Ethan muttered.

"Stay with me for a while, I need to impart the knowledge of the basics of earth magic within you" The guardian spirit added, "But what about my companions, they would worry about my sudden disappearance", Ethan responded, "Don't worry about that, in this chamber, time flows slower than in the outside world, by the time I'm done with you, it should just be a new day in the outside world".