
Easy Mode in Martial World

In the Realm of the Gods, countless legends fought over a mysterious cube. After the battle it disappeared into the void. Lin Ming stumbles upon this mystery object and begins his journey to become a hero of the land. But, is it the same Lin Ming that everybody knows?

tai_master9903 · 書籍·文学
6 Chs

Meeting Muyi and Getting a Backer(1)

Lin Ming was cultivating as usual inside his rented room, it had already been three days since he met Qin Xingxuan, before departure he had shared his place of stay with her, if she needed to arrange a meeting she could send a letter to him there.


His Progress during these last three days was as phenomenal as always, he had finally stepped into the second stage of physical training, the flesh training stage. With the help of the 'True Primal Chaos Formula,' Lin Ming could move his primal energies and soul force as effortlessly as breathing.


Lin Ming had also entered the large success stage of the first layer of the 'True Primal chaos formula', his physical strength has reached the third stage of body transformation, the Visceral tempering stage.


"The origin dew really made the world of difference. My marital and soul talent has likely increased by one grade at least." After just cultivating for two weeks Lin Ming has reached the second stage of body transformation, this speed cannot simply be regarded due to his abuse of high-grade true essence stones as even with unlimited supply you have to have the necessary absorption speed to see the difference.


After musing about his cultivation speed Lin Ming's thought suddenly drifted to Qin Xingxuan, it had been three days since their last meeting and he still hadn't heard from her. "Let's wait a couple more days, if she still doesn't call for me then I will have to seek out the Inscription association."


Lin Ming did not want to wait anymore, his main worry still lingered about finding a powerful backer, if he couldn't get acquainted with Mr. Muyi then the Inscription Association was also not a bad second choice after all it was one of the most prestigious organizations of the Sky Fortune Kingdom.



Marshal Quarters, Qin family Estate.


Inside a beautifully decorated room, a young girl was sitting on a bed with a canopy, and red curtains with floral designs hung around the bed obscuring the beauty within.


Qin Xingxuan, wearing a white dress with flowing silk hair was sitting cross-legged and intently observing the black Inscription Symbol paper in front of her, with her eyes closed and brows furrowed she was using her soul force to investigate the symbol matrix. After a long while, she exhaled a heavy breath and opened her eyes which were full of intrigue and curiosity, but there was a bit of exasperation also involved.


Sixth-rank martial talent, in addition to an inscription talent that was second to none in the Sky Fortune Kingdom, Qin Xingxuan was truly blessed by the heavens and had not found a match in those of her generation. She had never felt a half ounce of frustration at her age, so Qin Xingxuan had grown up with a self-belief of arrogance.


But today, she was suddenly defeated by a youth of the same age. Although his strength was less than hers, his talent, ability, and accomplishments in inscription had outstripped her by miles.


Concerning inscription technique, it could be said that she was a little fledgling that hadn't learned to fly, and he was a soaring eagle that rules the skies; the gap was simply too big!


"Haah, Mr. Lin's Inscription techniques are on another level." Qin Xingxuan sighed, after returning home that day she had been cooped up in her room trying to decipher and learn from the Inscription symbol that Lin Ming had gifted her, she had first wanted to bring the Inscription to her teacher but he was nowhere to be found in the Qin family estate, she had later learned that he has gone to visit his other student, the crown prince.


She had been trying to decipher the Inscription symbol for the last three days, except for gleaning a few things she hadn't made any substantial progress, and just when she was starting to feel frustrated again she heard a knock on her door.


"Young Miss, Master Muyi has arrived and is calling for you in his study." Hearing the maids' words Qin Xingxuan's eyes lit up with joy, her teacher was finally back and she could finally ask him about the things that were bothering her.


"Yes, I will be there soon." The maid hearing the reply then excused herself. Qin Xingxuan making herself more presentable exited her room and headed toward her teacher's study.


"Xingxuan, you wanted to see me?" Muyi smiled gently at his cherished disciple. Who nodded her head and handed him the black Inscription symbol paper.


Muyi looked intrigued after seeing the black symbol paper, he immediately immersed his soul force in the inscription and the more he immersed himself in the symbol matrix the more surprised his expression became, after a long time he opened his eyes full of astonishment.


"Xingxuan, where did you get this Inscription symbol from, this is a work of a master." Muyi looked at his disciple with genuine curiosity, the symbol matrix was unlike any other he had seen before, he could also glean that this Inscription very likely possessed a skill of Inscription.


Qin Xingxuan was also wide-eyed after hearing her teacher's high appraisal of the inscription symbol. "This symbol paper… it was given to me by a 15-16 year old boy."


Hearing the words coming out of this disciple's mouth, Muyi was stunned, "Impossible!" shaking his head he found the notion somewhat absurd.


"Teacher, his name is Lin Ming and I think he very likely has a hidden master teaching him." Muyi's eyes widened in realization, "I see, that's quite possible… this Lin Ming, do you know where he lives?"


Qin Xingxuan eagerly nodded and told him the address, following which both of them took a carriage and headed for the inn Lin Ming was staying in.



A carriage with the insignia of Marshal Quarters arrived outside an unassuming inn, an old man and a young girl alighted the carriage.


Master Muyi and Qin Xingxuan looked at the unassuming inn, a hint of doubt creeping into Muyi's gaze. Suppressing these doubts for now both headed to the reception to inquire about Lin Ming.


As Master Muyi and Qin Xingxuan entered the inn, the receptionist looked at them wide-eyed having recognized them he immediately came running towards them from behind the counter.


"Elder Muyi, Miss Qin please come in! How can this humble servant be of service?" The receptionist knew that the reason these esteemed guests had come to their inn was most likely to not eat or stay, so to not embarrass himself he directly asked.

Muyi lightly smiled at the enthusiastic receptionist, "I am looking for a young man by the name of Lin Ming, please inform him that someone wishes to meet him."


"Ah Lin Ming, yes; yes. There is indeed a young man by that name. Please come this way." The receptionist took them to a private booth and asked them to wait while he went to call Lin Ming.


A short while later a young man around 15-16 years of age arrived at the private booth, Muyi and Qin Xingxuan both turned to look at him. The young man with his refined features had an ethereal charm to him, his black eyes shining with a purity that was hard to conceal.


Muyi was surprised by the temperament of the young man, but looking at this cultivation he was even more surprised. He found it hard to believe that a young fellow in the second stage of body transformation could make such a complex inscription symbol. He had originally guessed that the inscription symbol's creator did not have cultivation that surpassed the fourth level of body transformation, but it seemed he was wrong.



"Lin Ming Greets Elder, Miss Qin." Lin Ming looked at the old and young duo, feeling a little relieved that they finally decided to show up, otherwise, he would really have to approach the Inscription Association which would have made things complicated.


"Hmm, young Lin this inscription symbol, did you make it yourself?" Myui taking out the black symbol paper asked Lin Ming, hints of doubt creeping into his voice.


"Indeed, this was created by me." Although they had already expected this, after hearing Lin Ming's affirmation, Muyi gasped, Qin Xingxuan on the other hand sported a bright smile on her face, she was actually excited, because now that she had found a goal, she could then strive to improve herself!


After Muyi heard Lin Ming's answer, he finally managed to compose himself from the sense of disbelief he felt. This truly was unbelievable.


Muyi took a deep breath and asked with a respectful tone, "Excuse me for asking, by may I request the name of your esteemed master?"


Muyi had a high and aloof position with the Sky Fortune Kingdom. Even if he approached the emperor he would no need to bow. But from this respectful expression, it was sufficient to see the deep awe and reverence he had for this supreme and mysterious master behind Lin Ming.


Ling Ming said, "This…sorry, Elder, but my master once told me that to speak his name was taboo. The truth is my parents do not know that I have apprenticed myself to a master. When I was twelve years old my master found me and taught me some skills." Lin Ming had lived in Green Mulberry City since childhood, so this was easy to investigate. He only said as little as he could to avoid being suspected.


Muyi said. "I apologize for being crass with my words. For an elder of such high skill, they tour the four corners of the world so it is difficult to glimpse their whereabouts. I should not inquire so rashly…it's just that little brother's inscription technique was so outstanding that it is unlikely to belong to someone from the Sky Fortune Kingdom. Likely is someone from an ancient sect…"


Muyi said that he did not want to ask who Lin Ming's master was, but he was still vague and wanted to ask for some information. After all, a legendary master like this was rare to see even once; if one does, then perhaps it could be their stroke of luck!


Muyi had already been stuck at the peak of the houtian boundary for a very long time. He had always wanted to pass the threshold to the next stage.


But without guidance, the single step is simply an impassable ravine!


Lin Ming knew the reason for Muyi's insistence on inquiring about his "master", he was very likely hoping for some guidance on how to step into the Xiantian boundary. The origin dew could very likely help him in ascending to the Xiantian realm but Lin Ming would have to get the timing right on when to give him the dew.


Lin Ming said, "My master is a recluse, but he had once said that he had entered a sect."


After Muyi heard this he felt a bit envious. He did not have the good fortune to enter a sect, but Lin Ming's master had already left his sect. He said, "Your master's cultivation must have been very high if he left his sect to go traveling. He had probably reached the limit of some high boundary. Perhaps he was above the xiantian stage?"


To Muyi, the xiantian stage was an immeasurably distant ideal. For martial artists that were not in a sect, let alone the Xiantian stage, the stages above it must be even more unimaginable.


Lin Ming smiled inwardly at the old inscriptionist's question, he shook his head gently and said, "I don't know what boundary master is at, but master once said the martial way is divided into two major parts. He was now contemplating the second part."


"Oh? Which two parts?" Muyi's eyes lit up. He feared missing even a single word, for he knew that the opportunity to listen to the words of a learned senior was truly precious.


Qin Xingxuan's eyes were also bright, and she did not blink as she listened to Lin Ming with reverent attention.