

It was a rather known fact that bloodline genes would be able to be stirred and stimulated not just through gene purification, but also through a severe emotional outburst.

Remorse, sadness and anger. These were the emotions that were wreaking through Emery's mind at the moment. Conveniently or not, these emotional turmoils was also the necessary key Emery needed to push and break through the bottleneck he experienced ever since his gene essence had reached 30%.

[Your Bloodline went through changes]

[Bloodline limit breakthrough]

Just like the previous instances, at the moment of breakthrough, Emery caught a glimpse of a figure within his mind. A massive wolf figure with half of its body seemingly covered by shadow while the other by light. 

A seemingly perfect embodiment of union, as it howled loudly, Emery could understand the message it wanted to deliver across, as it immediately popped into his mind.

"Devour and Life."
