
Earth's Alpha Prime

[The System is assimilating Earth with the rest of the vast Universe.] [Congratulations! You are one of the 11 Chosen individuals out of 7.8 billion for the Alpha Program.] [As one of the 11 chosen members of the Alpha Program, you will be among the first from your planet to embark on the Trial Program.] [When the Trial Program concludes, Earth's assimilation with the Universe will commence. Your mission is to survive, overcome the dangers, and grow stronger. Best of luck to you.] ------------------------------------- Book Cover: Dall-E Generated Art, based on a scene in Volume 3. -------------------------------------- Hi there! I’m MN, the Author of the OMNOS REDUX Series, a story that spans 4 Mega Books (~750 Chs), with each having two or more Sub-Books (~250 Chs). The adventure begins with "EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME," the first step in a journey that has seen me grow as an author along the way. In my books, you’ll find interesting abilities, a well-designed system, consistent LitRPG elements, and well-thought-out fight sequences. If you enjoy stories that combine survival, world-building, LitRPG elements, OP MC and a fresh take on the System, then this series is for you. By joining me on PATRE0N, other than the weeks ahead of ADVANCED CHAPTERS, you have the exciting opportunity to customize various aspects of the series, including, MINOR/MAJOR Equipment, Skills, MINOR/MAJOR Monsters and RUDIMENTARY/MINOR/MAJOR Characters. You can make a ONE_TIME purchase for this in the shop section. Your support helps me bring these stories to life and share them with readers everywhere. Thank you for considering joining me. I’m excited to share the OMNOS REDUX Series with you! Any support is highly appreciated and will allow me to keep updating the story! - Note that the 'Charge Up Front' is enabled. Meaning, PATR0NS are charged upfront and then on the first of every following month. Alright then, Cheers! Happy Reading! ----------------------------------- Chapter Release Rate: 4 Chs/Week.  [Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat] @ 23:30 [GMT+8] Discord Server: https://discord.gg/EmqX6fh9cV ----------------------------------- my plan for  EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME (Book 1 of OMNOS REDUX Series[ORS]) {~ Estimated around 750 Chapters} - Total  Volumes: 6 Volume 1: Survival Arc (Completed) {Ch.1 to Ch.129} Volume 2: Tournament Arc (Completed) {Ch.130 to Ch.234} Volume 3: Obelisk Acquisition Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 4: Earth Assimilation Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 5: Universe Expedition Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 6: Annihilator Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} End of the [ORS] Book 1 --------------------------------------------------

MN_1223 · ファンタジー
293 Chs

Unknown Variable.

The desolation and death that accompanied wherever the Fiend Race conquered had made them into an infestation the Universe Embryo had to take care of.

Once every hundred million years or so, the Universe Embryo, the consciousness of the very Universe, chooses an individual and grants them a spark of Universe Fate.

As the holders of the power of Fate, these individuals were destined to reach the pinnacle of the Universe.

Every event that takes place around them is meant to be in their favour. If they ever face a life-and-death moment, the spark of the Universe Fate opens up ways for their survival.

That basically makes them near unkillable Beings who carry the will of the Universe.

But the odds of one individual against an entire Race with the most powerful Bloodline in the Universe were not even the spark of Universe Fate could beat.

Still, every time a Holy Child of Fate matures, they would leave a sizable dent in the Fiend Race's goal to conquer the Universe, knocking back their progress several million years.

If even less than twenty of their Race Sovereigns bite the dust, the Fiends would call it a win. Such was the terror a single matured Holy Child of Fate could bring to them.

It wasn't just the Fiends; even the Sentinels couldn't avoid a headache when it concerned the rise of a Holy Child of Fate.

Due to being bound to the System, the Sentinels were faced with several restrictions. They were obliged to walk on a righteous path and couldn't establish or join any other Hegemony.

They pretty much couldn't interfere in worldly matters unless it were a disturbance on a larger scale.

However, the Holy Children of Fate weren't bound to no such rules. They could do anything and get away with it as long as they fulfil their two duties: opposing the Fiend Race and eliminating the hordes of strange creatures that occasionally escape the Hidden Space Realms.

With the top-notch resources the Universe provides for them, the Holy Children are unrivalled in the same Tier.

However, many of them in the past took it for granted when everything revolved around them and didn't put other living beings in their eyes, eventually becoming a menace for the Sentinels.

However, the Sentinels have it a lot easier compared to the devastation the Fiends had to face.

Within the Dream Space, Tritos broke the silence by saying, "Lord, the individual who discovered the 25th Hidden Space Realm is a Fate Envoy the Universe Embryo had devised and discreetly put on the path of the Holy Child of Fate.

Although I couldn't envision much about him through <Dream Clairvoyance>, I could say for certain that Fate Envoy's life ends on the 1st Tournament, most likely trying to save the Holy Child from the monsters we deployed."

The Fiend Overlord asked with a sharp glint in his eyes, "Since there is a high chance the Holy Child might survive, how about we send over Army reinforcements to General Ghora and make sure they nip the bud before it could grow?"

Tritos shook his head, "Doing so would only alert the Sentinels. They weren't aware that the new Omega Chosen was a Holy Child of Fate. Let's use this advantage to our benefit and strike in a way they couldn't see coming...."

Seeing that Tritos paused at the end, the Fiend Overlord gave him a meaningful glance, "Seems like you already have a plan in mind. Speak your mind. Whatever you need will be at your disposal."

"My Lord, for this to work, your youngest son's cover will be blown, and our Infiltration Ploy will be all for naught." Tritos let it all out.

After some deliberation, the Fiend Overlord made a decision, "The danger posed by the emergence of a Holy Child of Fate takes more significance. Out of all my offspring, he is the only one with Bloodline purity that matches mine. As long as he matures, our Fiend Race will have another Fiend Overlord. Do as you see fit but make sure my youngest son doesn't fall."

Tritos repeatedly nodded at Lord Bazil's emphasis, "Rest assured, my Lord. I will see to it that the Young Lord is out of harm's way."

After reassuring him, Tritos exited the Dream Space to make the necessary preparations.

Little did either of them know that the Holy Child of Fate and the Omega Chosen were two different individuals, and the unknown variable behind the emergence of the new Omega Chosen was not even on their radar.

Unlike them, Plasma Predator was the only one who was at least aware of the unknown variable's existence.

When it regained consciousness after returning from the Dream Space, the drop of Fiend Overlord's blood began infusing with its body and underwent a Fiend subsidiary Race Evolution.

Among the million monsters that were granted the blood drop, the Fiend Overlord guaranteed each of them would at least have the power to match a Tier-4 Low-Phase Lifeform.

While some wouldn't have trouble being on par with those at Tier-4 Mid-Phase, a lucky few might even awaken a powerful bloodline that would place them at the standard of Tier-4 High-Phase.

It was among those lucky few monsters who awakened a powerful Fiend subsidiary Bloodline, the Plasma Predator Bloodline, which perfectly complemented the four elemental Innate Talents it possessed.

With a power level that could rival a Tier-4 High-Phase Lifeform, it didn't even fear facing the Tournament Manager or whom it called the 'Silver Alpha Chosen'.

All it had in mind was to please the Fiend Overlord by making enough contributions so that it could escape from the clutches of the Trial Program.

With no barriers separating the Trial Zones, the Plasma Predator ventured as many as possible and brought every Aerial Monster it laid eyes on under its control through the Fiend Bloodline.

Among the 10000-strong Monster army gathered, one-third were Aerial ones, just enough to carry the rest of the army to Tournament Island.

Plasma Predator intensely stared at the Tournament Island that floated several kilometers above the ground and patiently waited for the pre-planned time to approach.


Discord Link for 'Earth's Alpha Prime' :



In the next chapter, the 2nd Segment will start, and it wouldn't be long before the awaited battle unfolds itself.

If you have any suggestions for this chapter, I am all ears. I will make any reasonable corrections, based on your feedback.

Preview of advanced chapters:


Chapter 195: 2nd Segment (Part-1) (Out on Patre0n!!)

Chapter 196: 2nd Segment (Part-2) (Out on Patre0n!!)

Chapter 197: 2nd Segment (Part-3) (Out on Patre0n!!)

Chapter 198: 2nd Segment (Part-4) (going to be released soon)


You can find the link for Advanced Chapters in Earth Alpha Prime's Discord Server.

Gamma-Chosen --> 3 Advanced Chapters (1 and a half weeks ahead of the public!)

Beta-Chosen --> 6 Advanced Chapters (3 weeks ahead of the public!)

Alpha-Chosen --> 10 Advanced Chapters (5 weeks ahead of the public!) + A short-term character/boss/Equipment named after you (either your name/nickname/a name of your choosing.)


Upon reaching my 2nd Patreon Goal, 

The Chapters available to Gamma-Chosen were increased from '3' to '6'.

The Chapters available to Beta-Chosen were increased from '6' to '10'.

The Chapters available to Alpha-Chosen will increase from '10' to '15'. 

On top of that, the Chapter release rate will increase from 2 Ch/Week to 3 Chs/Week.


Stay Safe:)

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