
Earth's Alpha Prime

[The System is assimilating Earth with the rest of the vast Universe.] [Congratulations! You are one of the 11 Chosen individuals out of 7.8 billion for the Alpha Program.] [As one of the 11 chosen members of the Alpha Program, you will be among the first from your planet to embark on the Trial Program.] [When the Trial Program concludes, Earth's assimilation with the Universe will commence. Your mission is to survive, overcome the dangers, and grow stronger. Best of luck to you.] ------------------------------------- Book Cover: Dall-E Generated Art, based on a scene in Volume 3. -------------------------------------- Hi there! I’m MN, the Author of the OMNOS REDUX Series, a story that spans 4 Mega Books (~750 Chs), with each having two or more Sub-Books (~250 Chs). The adventure begins with "EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME," the first step in a journey that has seen me grow as an author along the way. In my books, you’ll find interesting abilities, a well-designed system, consistent LitRPG elements, and well-thought-out fight sequences. If you enjoy stories that combine survival, world-building, LitRPG elements, OP MC and a fresh take on the System, then this series is for you. By joining me on PATRE0N, other than the weeks ahead of ADVANCED CHAPTERS, you have the exciting opportunity to customize various aspects of the series, including, MINOR/MAJOR Equipment, Skills, MINOR/MAJOR Monsters and RUDIMENTARY/MINOR/MAJOR Characters. You can make a ONE_TIME purchase for this in the shop section. Your support helps me bring these stories to life and share them with readers everywhere. Thank you for considering joining me. I’m excited to share the OMNOS REDUX Series with you! Any support is highly appreciated and will allow me to keep updating the story! - Note that the 'Charge Up Front' is enabled. Meaning, PATR0NS are charged upfront and then on the first of every following month. Alright then, Cheers! Happy Reading! ----------------------------------- Chapter Release Rate: 4 Chs/Week.  [Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat] @ 23:30 [GMT+8] Discord Server: https://discord.gg/EmqX6fh9cV ----------------------------------- my plan for  EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME (Book 1 of OMNOS REDUX Series[ORS]) {~ Estimated around 750 Chapters} - Total  Volumes: 6 Volume 1: Survival Arc (Completed) {Ch.1 to Ch.129} Volume 2: Tournament Arc (Completed) {Ch.130 to Ch.234} Volume 3: Obelisk Acquisition Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 4: Earth Assimilation Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 5: Universe Expedition Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 6: Annihilator Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} End of the [ORS] Book 1 --------------------------------------------------

MN_1223 · ファンタジー
293 Chs

<Blood Venom>

<Trial World Leaderboard> - 1000 Alpha Rankers

1. Jay (Earth) - Lv.25

2. Regaz (Garek) - Lv.25

3. Drogor (Mogret) - Lv.25

4. Dante (Earth) - Lv.25

5. Andrea (Earth) - Lv.25

6. Min Soo (Earth) - Lv.25

7. ..... - Lv.23

8. ..... - Lv.23

9. Olivia (Earth) - Lv.23

10. ..... - Lv.23

11. ..... - Lv.22

12. ..... - Lv.22


223. Sergei (Earth) - Lv.21


318. Brandon (Earth) - Lv.20

1000. ..... - Lv.17


I was out of words upon finding that among the Top 10 Alpha Rankers, I was in the 6th Position.

Half of the Top 10 Alpha Rankers were Earth's Alpha Chosen, and considering the overall <Trial World Leaderboard>, 7 of the 11 Earth's Alpha Chosen were among the 1000 Alpha Rankers.

Among those 7, three Earth's Alpha Chosen, including me, managed to become Alpha Rankers only because we were Mr Jay's Party Members.

Aside from that, I was amazed by the fact that in less than a day, my Level increased from Lv.11 to Lv.25 just by receiving 1/4th of the Life Energy Mr. Jay gains.

For a few seconds, I wondered how Mr. Jay managed to achieve such a feat. But, I soon gave up thinking about it since he was not someone who could be seen through by common sense and logic.

As for the Ex-Assassin 'Sergei' and Mr Brandon who were in the late 500's of the Leaderboard Rankings previously, they managed to reach the early 200's and 300's respectively.

The increase in their position in the Leaderboard might be because they adapted to their Innate Talent abilities and hunting Monsters.

Other than Sergei and Mr Brandon, there was 'Olivia', whose rise in Leaderboard Rankings could only be described as meteoric ever since she awakened as 'Omega-Chosen'.

Even though she was not a member of Mr Jay's Party, she managed to reach Lv.23 and stood high at 9th Position.

I bet that with her Grade-10 Innate Talent, it wouldn't be long before she reaches among the Top-3.

In the case of Mr Jay, he even reached Lv.25 on Day-2 itself, and for some reason, he didn't evolve to Tier-3.

But, in the case of Mr Jay, the 'Lv. 25' that was shown beside his name in any of the Leaderboards wouldn't matter much as the strength of a Lv.25 Lifeform was inconsequential in front of the power that Mr Jay displayed against the one-sided battle Storm Eagle.

Right then, Mr Brandon's voice woke me up from my thoughts, "Min-soo, could you please share the information of the events you have encountered after you separated from us for scouting the surroundings."

Even though Mr Brandon was in charge of the organisation that Gabriel and I became a part of, he never ordered us around or even forced us to do something we weren't comfortable with.

Besides his excellent Leadership qualities, his consideration for our freedom and opinion was what I admire the most about Mr Brandon.

After that, I began to describe everything from the moment I entered the strange Dome and my encounter with the terrifyingly powerful Storm Eagle and Mr Jay, who overpowered a High-Phase Tier-3 Monster.

But throughout my explanation, I experienced something strange beyond words.

I was only able to give a short and vague explanation whenever I was about to reveal Mr Jay's abilities that he displayed when he fought against Storm Eagle.

Not to mention his abilities, I couldn't even describe something as simple as his physical appearance when Mr Brandon asked me about it.

I remembered everything that happened as clearly as a day, but for some reason, when I want to say it out loud, I seem to forget it.

It was a similar feeling that one experiences just after waking up from a dream. It feels like you remember the contents of the dream but couldn't recall them in detail.

But, with the vague information I provided, both Mr Brandon and Gabriel understood the overall situation.

After that, Mr Brandon took a few seconds to pull himself together from the shock he received from learning that Mr Jay was powerful enough to single-handedly slay a High-Phase Tier-3 Monster.

Whereas Gabriel even refused to believe that someone could have gained such strength in just 3 Days since the start of the Trial Program.

Unlike Gabriel, Mr Brandon believed what I said, primarily because of my sudden rise in Level. He even guessed that Mr Jay must have a way to share his Life Energy with others or to share the life Energy he gains from killing monsters.

While I was trying hard to recall any details of the blurred events, Mr Brandon tapped my shoulder, "Don't over-exert yourself. If that man was as powerful as you mentioned, it wouldn't come as a surprise if he has some means to stop others from revealing any information about him."

Right then, a notification appeared, saying that there was a minute left before teleporting back to Earth.

After a short pause, Mr Brandon continued, "But in case you do manage to remember anything about Jay's appearance after returning to Earth, contact me at the fastest speed possible."

"Because, finding his identity on Earth will help me in learning what he needs or desires. With that, I could spare no expense of the entire country's resources to offer him anything he requests in order to recruit him to our side."

Mr Brandon continued after a deep breath, "Even at the expense of using half of the country's resources, I wouldn't hesitate to provide whatever he needs or desires to bring him to our side before he grows stronger beyond measure."

From Mr Brandon's solemn tone, I could tell how serious he was about inviting Mr Jay to join the Guardian Guild.

Just like that, Day-3 ended, and all three of us vanished from the Trial Zone.


Day-3 Rest Period, 6:00 A.M...

When I was teleported back to my house, I saw my Sister impatiently walking back and forth in the Hall.

By reading her thoughts, I could tell that she was waiting for Day-3 to end so that she could ask me to train her some combat techniques.

But, when she saw me, Qew hurried towards me and shouted anxiously with tears welled up in her eyes, "Big Brother! What hap….happened to your head? Why did it turn pale blue, and why are there injuries all over your body?"

Looking at her concern for me, it warmed my heart. Before she could worry more, I replied, "Don't worry, it's nothing serious as the injuries weren't fatal. Give me some time and I will be healed completely."

After reassuring her, I rested myself on the couch. While I waited for the Centauri Kavach's Full Body Armour form to recover from its fist-sized holes and occasional fractures in it, I consumed two Grade-3 Vitality Fruits in a row.

In the next 15 minutes, all my injuries recovered along with the Centauri Kavach that repaired itself.

However, my skin was still pale blue from the Poison injected by the High-Phase Tier-3 'Venomous Scorpion'.

After the fight with Storm Eagle, I fought against three more High-Phase Tier-3 Monsters: 'Devil Earth Bear', 'Fiery Fire Boar' and 'Venomous Scorpion'.

Since I didn't use INVERSE mode while fighting against any of them, I suffered injuries every time. But, none of them were fatal, thanks to my Centauri Kavach's abnormal defence.

Among those three monsters, fighting against the Venomous Scorpion was the most challenging part since the piercing power of its sharp tail was able to break past a small portion of Centauri Kavach's defence, poisoning me with its venom.

Once poisoned, I went full-on offensive and killed it as quickly as possible and had MJ integrate with it's corpse.

Then, I manipulated the Venomous Scorpion's Innate Talent to freeze the Venom from spreading further in my body and harming my organs.

Right after that, I was teleported to Earth, and since I had the venom in my whole body and because the Centauri Kavach's Full Body Armour covered my entire body except for the head, Qew could only see that my head was pale blue.

Once all my injuries were healed, I initiated the merging process with the Innate Skill Lv.30<Blood Venom> that I looted from the Venomous Scorpion.

My Blood, which was almost black in colour due to Lv.5 <Blood Poison> from Poisonous Spiders, began to burn and gradually the pale-blue skin turned red from the intense heat produced by the transformation in my blood.

Soon, my blood cooled down, causing my skin tone to return to its original state and because of the <Blood Venom> the poison from Venomous Scorpion couldn't harm me anymore.

When I made a small cut on my finger, I could see a streak of blue blood appearing from the cut and before the cut healed itself, I took out a drop of blue blood and passed it to the Baby MJ to analyse its toxicity levels.

Meanwhile, I manipulated Water and Wind Innate Talent to remove blood stains over the completely recovered Centauri Kavach's Full Body Armour Form and morphed it back into Black Suit with Golden patterns on it.

Only when my condition returned to its normal state did Qew sigh in relief.

I patted her head, to which she retaliated, "Huu! Don't pat me. I am not a little girl anymore."

While looking at Qew, I smiled and asked MJ out loud, "Did you record someone crying like a little girl."

Looking at me bullying Qew, MJ replied enthusiastically, "Yes, Master! All my memories are recorded and can be displayed whenever needed."

But what MJ didn't know was that I sent his 'nemesis' after him.

Qew chased after MJ while shouting at him, "Little Brat! You wait right there and delete that memory or see how this GrandAunt will bully you."

While they were running around in the house like Tom & Jerry, I soon went into a deep sleep from the exhaustion that was stacked up from fighting four High-Phase Tier-3 Monsters in a single day.



Note: The '1st FIFTEEN PEOPLE' to comment for every new chapter release will get '1 ADVANCED CHAPTER' for free in Earth Alpha Prime's Discord server.

In the discord server, I will personally message those 15 individuals the link for the advanced chapter within an hour of the chapter release...

Also, you could find the link for Advanced Chapters in the Earth Alpha Prime's Discord Server. (within the 'ADVANCED CHAPTERS!' Category.)


Discord Link for 'Earth's Alpha Prime' :




Title preview for Advanced Chapters:

Chapter 81: Second Wristband Prototype.

Chapter 82: Qew’s Innate Exclusive Skills.

Chapter 83: Genonian Language

Chapter 84: Origin Energy

Chapter 85: The Gathering of Earth’s Alpha Chosen [(Part-1)/3]

Chapter 86: The Gathering of Earth’s Alpha Chosen [(Part-2)/3]

Chapter 87: The Gathering of Earth’s Alpha Chosen [(Part-3)/3]

Chapter 88: <Mind Eye>

Chapter 89: Hypergravity chamber.


You could find the link for Advanced Chapters in the Earth Alpha Prime's Discord Server.

Gamma-Chosen --> 3 Advanced Chapters (1 and a half week ahead of the public!)

Beta-Chosen --> 6 Advanced Chapters (3 weeks ahead of the public!)

Alpha-Chosen --> 10 Advanced Chapters (5 weeks ahead of the public!) + A short-term character/boss named after you (either your name/nickname/a name of your choosing.)


Upon reaching my 2nd ******* Goal, (92% Completed)...8% more to unlock the below benefits.

The Chapters available to Gamma-Chosen were increased from '3' to '6'.

The Chapters available to Beta-Chosen were increased from '6' to '10'.

The Chapters available to Alpha-Chosen will increase from '10' to '15'.

On top of that, the Chapter release rate will increase from 2 Ch/Week to 3 Chs/Week.


Well then, See you guys at the Next Chapter Release: Thursday (June 17th).

Stay Safe:)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

MN_1223creators' thoughts