
Chapter 80 - Tournament and Vengeance(Part 4)

I felt the bloodlust nearing me, and it suddenly spiked as it stopped by me. I quickly opened my eyes and jumped off the bed, firing a couple of streaks of lightning. There was no one there that I could see or hear...but one of the streaks hit something, as a slash appeared by the pillow I had been resting my head on. 

Someone really is there! But even though I knew that now...it didn't change the fact that I couldn't either see or hear them. 

I'll fill this entire room with lightning! I began to charge up lightning in my fingers, when the door swung open, a slight shimmer appearing in front of it. I quickly flung a few paralysis needles at the shimmer...and three of them vanished into thin air. 

A small trail of blood appeared on the ground. 
