
Chapter 411 - Battling a (not)God(Part 1)

"Wow, that's awfully bold of you, Shiro," Remarked Belia teasingly.

Ugh, seriously? Maybe I should have given everyone a bit more of a heads up, though it looks like he's the only one who's not wearing any clothes. He does have a blanket in his hand though, which he was using to cover himself by wrapping it around his waist like a towel. 

"I, uh, was taking a shower," He responded, not very convincingly. 

"You look pretty dry though," Countered Belia slyly. 

"And you were definitely hard when you first appeared," Added Rion with a look of amusement...did he really have to point that out? 

Well, they're all awfully carefree, considering the situation.

"How foolish, do you really believe that a handful of weaklings such as yourselves can defeat me?" Scoffed not-God disdainfully. 

"Oh, yeah? Well, if we're so weak, then why bother killing us at all?" I responded with a raised eyebrow. 
