
Waking Up knowing its not me.

Today i wake up and feel the same as ever, boring and same day . But one day something like a memories just come to me ,the memory feel so vivid that i feel that inside that memory is me but in an unknown place ,like another world.

When i just doing my daily life ,the memory that keep apearing in my head suddenly become real in this world .The people run and screaming panicking everywhere but i on the other hand cant stop smiling as if i want this thing to happend.

When all that happend i am not doing things that in the memory do , because i wont know if what happening now is the same as the one inside my head then a creature look alike monster screaming coming from crack by the change of the world and start running toward as if they are hunger of flesh and blood of an human.

At that time i run but it catch up to me and kill me Alive , suddenly i came back to where the world start to change and i realizing that things that happening that time same as my memory ,so i just start doing what i can remember from inside my head preparing and keep looking at the crack cautiosly, and remembering that the monster coming from the crack was goblin .