
High School DxD DX Volume 3 Chapter 3

This had happened when the members of ORC, including me, had gone to the underworld— to the Gremory household.

The payment earned by the Gremory peerage through fulfilling the request of our clients goes to the Gremory household and from time to time, we head to the castle to sort out and organise these items. After sorting them by their types, we put them inside the treasury that is under the castle.

Irina and Ravel, who are not part of Gremory peerage, also helps out but… I often ponder whether it would be a problem for Irina, who is an angel, to help us devils out. Well, the more the merrier.

It was when the sorting was nearly done.

Butler had told us that there was a guest waiting for us.

"I wonder who that is."

I asked Rias.

"It's been a while since he came here."

Rias seem to know who the person was. And through listening to her tone, it seems like it was some that she knew.

When I and the rest of the members went to the large guest room while puzzled— a strange looking mascot was waiting for us!

The body was that of a character suit and the head resembled an apple and a cute face was attached to it. The Devil's wing was attached to the back.

How can I say this? It was a devilish apple.

I know it sounds weird but that's all I could describe this as.

There was a blond ponytail bishoujo standing next to this mascot. She seemed familiar.

That woman greeted us.

"How do you do, it's been a while Rias-sama, people of her peerage."

"Yes, it has been awhile. You look fine as always, Kuisha-chan."

Rias said with a smile on her face.

That's right. She's [Queen] of Bael peerage. Kushia Abaddon-san!

It's the first time meeting her after the rating game! I never thought the person who came to visit us would be her…

At that exact moment, something came to me. Why did the [Queen] of Sairaorg-san come to visit us with this character?

Everyone except Rias tilted our heads.

[It's been a while, Rias. And also her peerage.]

A familiar voice came out of the character!

T-This voice. I won't be able to forget! I just about managed to move my mouth to ask the person in the suit as I was frozen in shock.

"… N-No way. In that character suit… Sairaorg-san is in there?"

When I asked, the character removed its head and showed the face inside it.

That was indeed Sairaorg-san! He spoke while wiping his sweat off his face.

"Yes, it is me. It has been a while, Hyoudou Issei."

Wild looking man! Sairaorg Bael-san! One of the person that I respect out of admiration!

For this person to come here while wearing a character suit!

As I reacted blankly out of surprise, Sairaorg-san smiled and said.

"The truth is we, House of Bael, are trying to create this [Mascot character]. So I became the actor of this suit."

... a mascot character you say.

It is popular in the human world— in japan. Many different communities are creating a cute character to advertise and such.

Sairaorg-san then continued.

"Actually [Bapple-kun] was invited to the event held in the land under the House of Gremory."

Event! Bapple-kun!

Ah, I remember. There was such an event today. Oh and the name of the character Sairaorg-san is acting as is Bapple-kun.

"The name of the character was based on one of our land's specialities, apples."

— Kuisha-san said as such.

Mascot character based on a speciality in the Bael land… I guess they named it by combining Bael and Apple. That's easy to understand.

Sairaorg-san nodded energetically.

"There are a lot to learn from the human world's character business. As the heir of the House of Bael, I have these kinds of public works in mind."

…. And thus as the part of the public work, he the heir of House of Bael is wearing a character suit… is that what he's saying?

I was surprised at this different side of Sairaorg-san.

Rossweisse-san asked Rias.

"Umm, does the House of Gremory also have this [Mascot Character]?"

Rias lightly smiled.

"Yup, the House of Gremory also has a [Mascot Character]. — And the event using that [Mascot Character] is being held in certain towns under our rule. And since we are having a collaboration with Bapple-kun of the House of Bael, that's why Sairaorg is here."

Oh so that's how it became like this.

Hmm, so the House of Gremory also had a [Mascot Character].

But after finishing her sentence, Rias's expression went dark. I wonder if there's anything wrong with this House of Gremory's [Mascot Character]?

Folding his arm in his character suit, Sairaorg-san said.

"If we enter this event, not only will we have an advertisement effect, but the specialities of our land will also be focused. So I really wish to attend. Rias, I'll learn from you guys today."

Sairaorg-san's face is full of spirit as always but… in his character suit; the mood was such that not even we can speak of!

Rias continued.

"Now that it came to this, let's move to the location where the event is being held."

And just like that, we, along with [Bapple-kun], Sairaorg-san, moved to where the event was held.

Arriving at the location, we moved to the waiting room.

The thing that's waiting for us there was— another character suit!

It was a character suit in the shape of a camel.

Akeno-san introduced us to the character suit.

"This is the House of Gremory's [Mascot Character] — [Gomorin]"

[Gomo Gomo]

[Gomorin], introduced by Akeno-san, said [Gomo Gomo] in unique voice. They also showed off their footwork skill there.

Oh ho, so the [Mascot Character] of the House of Gremory is [Gomorin] and it's based on a camel. They said that the [Gremory] is also called Gomory; I guess they took the name from that.

Thinking back, I did hear a story where when you summon a devil from Gremory, they appear riding on a camel. They say that they do use a lot of camel in an event within an area governed by the House of Gremory.

They also raise a lot of camels within the castle of Gremory.

But we never got a chance to see a camel.

The reason is— because of this woman hiding behind my back.

"… Camel…"

Rias was shivering cutely behind my back. That's right. Even though she's the apparently next heir of House of Gremory, she hates camels with a passion.

She said that she got attacked by a camel while making fun of it when she was young. After that incident, she came to hate them.

I only became aware of it after becoming a second year.

Because Rias hated even a character based of a camel, there weren't many chances for us to see camels.

Probably the reason why her expression darkened back at the castle was because of the thought of meeting [Gomorin] here.

Our time at the waiting room came to an end when the staff came to call us.

"Then we'll leave the rest to you guys."

We followed the staff to the backstage area.

Looking at the event venue from the backstage, there were many people there including families who brought their children. Wow it's sold out.


Looking towards the direction of Sairaorg-san… while folding his arms, an unspeakable aura was seeping out of his body.

… Maybe he's nervous? For such an aura to seep out of apple character suit even though it doesn't seem like he's related to these kind of job, it's hard to approach him…

The onee-chan in front of the stage then shouted towards the audience.

[Then let's all shout [Gomorin] and [Bapple-kun]! Let's all give our all and shout!]

Then the children covered in smiles shouted with all their might.



We heard the energetic voices calling for these two [Mascot Characters]! [Gomorin] and Sairaorg-san inside [Bapple-kun] then jumped energetically onto the stage. All we could do now was just to watch over them.

The onee-chan on the stage is now striking a conversation with these two [Mascot Characters] but looking flustered, the [Bapple-kun]'s movement looked awkward.

[Ara? What's wrong [Bapple-kun]? Aren't you feeling well today?]

The onee-chan then said that to him! Uuu, I can't watch this! As expected, such a stiff Sairaorg-san is too much to be a suit actor!

Meanwhile, [Gomorin] was showing an entertaining reaction towards the audience with its experienced movements. It looks like the person inside it is an experienced pro.

After the character introduction, the two [Mascot Character] was allowed to spend with the audience.

[Gomo Gomo]

"Waaaaa~ [Gomorin]'s so cute!"

[Gomorin] was playing with the children. However, [Bapple-kun] was…


It was standing there with its arms folded, and was giving off a strange energy around it.

Ahh. His aura is seeping out again! Sairaorg-san! Your aura can be seen by the naked eye! A [Mascot Character] shouldn't be giving off a white light around its body!

Because of [Bapple-kun]'s hard to approach aura, in the end one child was…


A child ended up bursting into tears! They are sensitive to this kind of overpowering aura!

Because I also participated in this kind of event as [Oppai Dragon], I know all too well that you shouldn't make this kind of aura!

"This apple is too scaryyyyyyy!"

Like a domino effect, the children near [Bapple-kun] all started to cry.

This situation can't be salvaged… that's what I thought but…

[Gomo Gomo]

Thanks to [Gomorin] playing with the children again, the situation calmed down.

"… It was too much after all."

The Bael peerage's [Queen] Kuisha-san, who was watching this from the backstage, was looking at her master with stiff face but in the end, covered her face with her hands.

Ah, by the way [Bapple-kun] was… it looks like he was too shocked as he was frozen in his place.

After the event has ended, we all returned to the waiting room.

Sairaorg-san sat down but couldn't keep his head up.

"… My god, to be hated by these children… I am a failure of a [Mascot Character]!"

Seeing that he was too shocked, Sairaorg-san face palmed and was severely dejected. It's extremely rare to see Sairaorg-san like this but… seriously, this kind of work didn't suit him at all.

"I-It's just that your aura seeped out because you were a little nervous."

"That's right; don't worry too much about it. You'll get it after getting some experience. No actually, there's no need for an apparent heir to do jobs like this."

Rias and I tried to cheer him up but all that Sairaorg-san did was sigh.

"Even so I am… I am ashamed of myself who could not train enough."

This person is such an honest person so he must have tried his best to act as the perfect [Mascot Character].

[Gomo Gomo]

[Gomorin] also put its hand on Sairaorg-san and cheered him on.

"… Gomorin. You also are cheering me on… No, you are…?!"

Looking like he had felt something from [Gomorin], he suddenly stood up from his place.

Just then [Gomorin] took off his head…

"It's been a while everyone."

A dandy red-haired gentleman appeared from it

"F-F-F-F- F-F-F-F- F-F-F-F- F-F-F-F- F-F-F-F-FATHER?!"

Rias was bewildered! That's to be expected! The person who was wearing [Gomorin] costume was her father!

If the current head of the House of Gremory showed up wearing a mascot costume then everyone would surely be shocked! The truth is everyone here couldn't believe their eyes!

"W-W-W-Why are you…?!"

A bewildered Rias asked with a trembling voice. Then her father, the current head, said with a leisurely smile and said.

"Be calm, Rias. This is all part of my job. - There are times when you have to wear such costumes as a head."

— I certainly don't think that's true though!

I gave him a flack in my mind! I never heard of a time where a head of a household participating in an event would wear a mascot costume!

Sairaorg-san deeply bowed his head.

"To think it would have been you Ojii-sama… I, Sairaorg did not notice at all. You certainly are very impressive Ojii-sama."

Right, Rias and Sairaorg-san are cousins. Therefore the current head of House of Gremory— Rias's father is Sairaorg-san's uncle.

Rias's father put his hand on Sairaorg-san's shoulder.

"Hahaha, Sairaorg. The basic of [Mascot Character] is to kill your own self. By becoming the character itself and serving others, it's the correct action."

"I cannot win against you, Ojii-sama."

Sairaorg-san said that then… with a trembling fist, he shouts in a fierce voice.

"However I cannot participate in further [Mascot Character] events in this state! Even if others can accept it, I cannot accept it myself! Would this be considered fine?! Never! To train myself over and over again is my essence! Only when I grow through driving myself into a corner can I then say that I am Sairaorg Bael!"

Sairaorg-san looked at me with a frustrated expression.

"Hyoudou Issei, I've got a request."

"Eh? Ah, yes!"

Sairaorg-san then grabbed my shoulders.

"— Won't you come with me to the mountain and train? I wish that you would come and train as a [Mascot Character]…!!!"

— Mountain! Why even?!

While perplexed, I asked.

"T-Training to become a [Mascot Character] inside the mountain?! W-Wait a second. I have trained inside a mountain multiple times but I've never done a [Mascot Character] training before…"

There were times that I've been dragged into the mountains multiple times to go for training. Why does devils consist of a mentality where training = mountain? Well, I did dragged Raiser into a mountain for his own training!

As I was helpless in wondering what kind of reaction to give, Rias's father nodded his head.

"Hmm, then I shall go with you Sairaorg."

And said such nonsense!

"Ojii-sama?! H-However…"

Sairaorg-san hesitated after hearing his suggestion but Rias's father gave a dandy smile.

"Don't refuse, Sairaorg. Just believe this Ojii-sama. There is nothing that I don't know about the Gremory. I will lead you to the mountain most suitable for [Mascot Character] training. Let's also go together, Hyoudou Issei-kun."

Really?! I can't refuse if the head is coming at me like that! Sairaorg-san also was getting pumped, shouting [Okay, let's give it all!]!

Rias's father then created a teleportation magic circle beneath our foot!

I couldn't even run away from Sairaorg-san's grip!

Rias shouted at her father who was in the middle of his teleportation circle.


"Rias, please don't stop us. There are things that a man must do."

Rias says while shaking her head.

"If mother finds out she's will be furious!"

...... T-That's a huge problem! Venelana-san, Rias's mother is very strict person!

If she hear about this then it can only be bad! Not only that but Rias isn't worried about me at all! Well, she must be thinking that mountain training won't be much of a problem for me!

Rias's father was also trembling all over but as he was determined, he waved at his daughter!

"Then let's go, Sairaorg, Issei-kun!"

The light from the teleportation magic surrounded us—

For some unknown reason, I ended up going to the mountain for [Mascot Character] training.

Same day, same time.

The majestic great nature was in front of my eyes. The well shaded forest and the mountain range was within my sight.

The surrounding areas were filled with high mountains.

The apple character suit looked around then exclaimed.

"… Hmm, they are great mountains. The trees are all full of life and waters are shining."

… Sairaorg-san was all fired up inside the character suit.

He then grabbed my hand and pointing at a mountain before he powerfully exclaimed,

"Hyoudou Issei! Let's get started with training right away! First we are climbing all the way up the mountain!"

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! You want to climb the mountain first?!"

I was shocked to the core! It's not surprising to be shocked after hearing such a thing right after reaching here!

I didn't bring any equipment! I'm still in my uniform! You want me to climb in this form?! Sairaorg-san is also wearing the character suit!

"There are things that you can only see at the top. Let's clime up first!"

… Well, if it comes to that, I can equip my armour and Sairaorg-san won't have problem climbing if he wants to.

But the mountain that he pointed at looks taller than Mount Fuji…

While being perplexed, [Gomorin], no Rias's father, started to build the tent that came out of nowhere.

"Hmm, then I'll be setting up camp here.

Hey, he's even got a canteen and a steel pen! Where did all these come from?!

Hey Rias's father. Aren't you bit too familiar with this?! Not only that but he looks like he's enjoying himself!"

"Then let's go!"

Sairaorg-san then ran towards the mountain while dragging me.

Like this, I began mountain climbing with the apple shaped [Mascot Character] —.

...… 7, 8 hours later, I descended the mountain on my own.

Along with Sairaorg-san, we climbed a mountain that was easily 4000m range. As I was climbing up that mountain which didn't even have anything resembling of a road, we occasionally climbed a stiff cliff too.

I got tired mid-way up the mountain but I continued after equipping my Balance Breaker… I'm not even a mountain guy and to climb such a mountain without any proper gears, I would have died without equipping Balance Breaker…

It took several hours to reach the top but since I flew using my balance breaker, it didn't take that long coming down.

However when Sairaorg-san reached the top…

"I'll stay here and admire the view."

… And he began meditating. — In his character suit.

Admiring the view from the unknown mountain top, the apple shaped mascot character quietly meditated. Beyond shocked, I felt there was something spiritual witnessing that scene.

Although I meditated together for a few moments…

The person who greeted me was the camel [Mascot Character] who was making food in camp with the saucepan.

"Ah, Ise-kun. How is the training going?"

Rias's father who was wearing that camel costume waved his hand towards me.

"Ah, I came down first. Sairaorg-san said he'll be going waterfall climbing training. — while wearing his costume that is."

That's right. The reason why I descended first is because after finish admiring the view, he suddenly found a waterfall he found interesting…

"Maybe I should climb up that waterfall I found."

… He said something outrageous and made his way to the waterfall!

Why are you climbing a waterfall when you aren't a carp! And even then it's just a story! There's no way even a carp will climb up a waterfall! You shouldn't be climbing up the waterfall in the first place! Even then if its Sairaorg-san then I've got no doubt he will do it! There must be a apple [Mascot Character] who's swimming up a waterfall right about now!

Rias's father nodded his head.

"Is that so? That's the right direction."

Is that really?! I don't think there is anything related between [Mascot Character] training and admiring a view from the top of a mountain or climbing up a waterfall?!

First of all I'm confused on whether we even need a training camp for being a [Mascot Character]! Isn't it that all you need to do is get some advice from either the general manager or a professional suit actor?!

But since I can't say those things to either Rias's father or Sairaorg-san… In the end I just decided to help him cook.

— Just then, a teleportation circle appeared. Haven't seen that one before.

The person who appeared from the circle was—a female with bishoujo top half and fish bottom half.

— Mermaid! A real mermaid!

It wasn't a tuna with a leg Estleena, but a real mermaid!

"Lord Gremory. I caught some fish from the lake."

The person who appeared with a basket full of fish was a familiar mermaid!

"Ohho. Lilitifa-chan, thank you very much."

Rias's father took the basket from her.

That's right, Lilitifa-san! Lilitifa Vepar-san! She's a dependent one of the now extinct House of Vepar, a real mermaid who's a devil!

There was a time when she was living peacefully in the human world sea. She was troubled because of guys resembling a pirate crew but the Gremory peerage, including me, protected her back then.

After that, I did hear she was living in a lake within the Land of Gremory….

Thinking back, I did see a huge lake from the top of the mountain. Maybe that's where Lilitifa-san lives?

Lillitifa-san noticed me.

"Y-You were… thank you very much from back then."

She politely greeted me. Oh, so she does remember me!

"Lilitifa-chan is living in the lake near here."]

Rias's father explained. Oh so it's as I thought.

"It's good that you look well."

I said so. If she is smiling like that, then it looks like she's living peacefully. I am glad.

B-But. Even if her bottom half is a fish, she's still has a bishoujo top half… her body is not too fat, nor too thin, just the right size and my eyes kept looking towards her gorgeous body! So mermaids also have amazing breasts! This is the best!

As I was staring at her breast, she suddenly asked me a question.

"Seikryutei-sama. Japan is a good place right?"

"Yes? Ah yes it is a good place. There isn't any fighting and the cuisine is also great as well but it's not like I've been to different countries much so my words aren't worth much though…"

I came to the underworld many times but thinking carefully, I haven't even travelled to the main Japanese island properly.

All I've been to are the local areas and Tokyo and Kyoto from back when we went on the school trip with a high schooler's budget. That's all we can do. But in the future, I do want to go to Hokaido and Okinawa with Rias, Asia and the rest.

Rias's father explained Lilitifa-san's situation while gutting the fish. But Lord-sama, you're quite skilled. Your cooking seemed natural too.

"Lilitifa-chan wants to study abroad in Japan. So she's studying hard."

Studying abroad in Japan!? Looks like every devil related to us want to come to Japan.

Lilitifa-san smiled brightly and nodded her head.

"Yes. I've began taking an interest in Japan after living on the land thanks to Rias Gremory-san's generosity... actually I want to take the test for permission to study abroad this time."

Ohho, she's even thinking about taking the exam.

"Lilitifa-chan. I'm sorry to ask but could you get us some spices?"

When Rias's father asked, Lilitifa-san replied [Yes] and teleported again.

… So now there is only me and Rias's father. The two of us were left alone.

And only the sounds of cooking were heard.



Neither me nor Rias's father spoke. No actually in all honesty it's so hard to talk right now!

T-That's! I-I'm currently dating Rias! Lord sama also knows that right? Our relationship is quite famous in underworld!

Thinking back I haven't met with Rias's father ever since I began dating Rias! I couldn't even give a proper greeting

This is bad! This can't be one of those?! Things like [I'm dating your daughter] or [Please give your daughter to me!] are one of the most important times in the life of a man?!

Damn, I can't believe that time will come at this kind of situation… we came to the mountain for [Mascot Character] training, but we ended up in a situation between me and my girlfriend's father. This is too much!

What should I do?! What can I say?! Just silence isn't good! If we keep this silence, this will be the worst possible scenario! For a person who normally goes around saying [Oppai], to be this quiet in front of my girlfriend's father isn't good at all! No~no~no~! This is really bad! The worst ever!

My head was going into chaos at all the kind of thoughts I was having!

Just then, Rias's father ended the silence.

"My daughter— Rias is, quite stubborn. That's because since when she was young, I've been spoiling her. Even Sirzech is truly treasuring her since he's more than 100 years her senior… I'm still sorry and apologetic for leaving scolding Rias to Venelana."

"I-Is that so."

That's only thing I could say! I decided to just listen to his story without replying much.

This isn't like me, but this is… having only two of us here is too much!

Rias's father handed me the fish pieces and continued.

"Hahahahahaha. It won't be good to create this mood in a situation like this huh. Could you put these fish on top of the grill please?"

"Ah, yes."

"Ojii-sama. I have just returned."

The apple costume has appeared between us now. Sairaorg-san came back all soaked— eh!

I was shocked at what Sairaorg-san was holding!

He was carrying a huge deer-like creature!

"I caught this while coming back down."

Did you just knock this out while coming down?! In your costume no less?!

"Good job, Sairaorg. We can have that and the fish which Lilitifa caught as tonight's supper."

Looking at Rias's father who just greeted Sairaorg-san like no other day, I felt how brave you need be in order to become the ruler of House of Gremory—

For dinner, the four of us including Lilitifa-san who brought spices, were eating together.

Even though it was just a camping ground, the food looked like it just came from any high-end restaurant. Both the fish and the deer meat were salt and was turned into fantastic meal.

I took a bite.

... I couldn't find any way to express this taste. I couldn't but it was good! The unique taste of meat and the fish are not destroyed. The sauce is bringing out the savouriness of the meat well but most importantly… this sauce has eliminated the fishy and meaty smell!

Were they always this tasty?! Not only that but to make such a meal in middle of nowhere!

"As always your cooking is fantastic Ojii-sama."

Even Sairaorg-san said so.

Rias's father said while tossing wood into the fire.

"The life of a Devil is very long. There was a time where I spend some time in the human world honing my skill in the culinary world."

Oh so you can also have that kind of life! I can learn few things, to walk the path of culinary world! I guess it's only possible because of our long life.

While tending the fire, he then asked Sairaorg-san.

"What do you think Sairaorg? Are there things you've realized about being a [Mascot Character]?"

Putting his plate down, Sairaorg-san's expression stiffened.

"… Ojii-sama. I, who lack the years of experiences, have not understood the [Mascot Character] yet…! I am truly disappointed in myself…!"

… There's no way you'll be able to learn that kind of thing by climbing a waterfall or hunting a deer!

Rias's father smiled.

"Hahaha, you don't need to think like that since even I leave most things about [Mascot Character] to my wife Venelana."

"Obaa-sama you mean. The rumor about obaa-sama is well known even in the House of Bael. We hear that the money from businesses is quite a lot."

Sairaorg-san said so. Hmm, so Rias's mother is famous in the business world.

Rias's father continued.

"Mmm, her connections are very good. She's got a talent in finding a hidden gem that has not yet been properly evaluated at its true price. She has been able to create a huge business out of rare crops that only people who live in countryside knows or crafts that natives makes and she was able to make them popular in the city. The petition from the ordinary people of the land who want help from Venelana is always growing."

That's an amazing thing to hear. No wonder she's being entrusted with works relating to [Mascot Character] and such from the Lord himself.

"Even she has calmed down compared to before."

Rias's father made a bitter smile. And Sairaorg-san continued.

"I have heard Obaa-sams's tales of heroism since I was young."

"... T-Tale of heroism? Was she that great when she was younger?"

When I asked, Sairaorg-san nodded his head.

"It was said that she was the strongest female in the history of the House of Bael."

Rias's father then said while sipping from his cup.

"She was once called [Brown haired Ruin Princess]. Rias's nickname was taken from Venelana. — but compared to Venelana from back then, Rias's just being cute."

I-I-It was that much… [Brown haired Ruin Princess]… her looks might not have changed that much but, I can't even begin to imagine how much of a tomboy she would have been back then.

Rias's father then turned the topic back on track.

"Ah the topic got derailed a bit too much. We were talking about Venelana's talent huh? She's great at finding the less well known treasures. Ah Lilitifa-chan. Aren't there any unique products around here?"

Rias's father asked Lilitifa-san. Then she tilted her head thinking.

"Hmm… there's this village at the end of the river stream in front of us where they have rare and beautiful patterned fabric."

Lilitifa-san pointed at somewhere far away. Fabrics, looks like Rias's father took an interest. He nodded his head.

"Ohho, sounds interesting. Let's go and see them tomorrow."

Right then Lilitifa-san had a worried look on her face.

"… actually bandits have arrived around here… that village is often getting attacked."

Bandits are attacking the village. This isn't good.

"Bandits are in every other territories."

Sairaorg-san also sighed heavily.

Lilitifa-san then made an awkward expression.

"I think they are targeting me too… they kept saying that mermaids are rare and multiple times they have—."

"They attacked you?!"

I raised my voice unconsciously. This lady is always becoming a target for these kinds of people!

Hearing me, she shook her head.

"No I've been confessed to. But for a bandit I'm a bit…"

Ah so she's just been confessed to. But I still can't forgive them! Such a bandit to confess to this precious mermaid?! I will not forgive them! I'm going to protect this precious bishoujo!

Rias's father then spoke while putting his hand on his chin.

"I wonder if our mountain security is not enough. Hmm as the Lord, I can't just sit still with bandits around this area— then let's go beat some bandits."

Rias's father stood up, and following him, Sairaorg-san stood up too.

"Oh, it's expected you Ojii-sama. For a Lord to personally defeat such people… you are a shining example of any High-Class Devil. I can't stop admiring. I might be imprudent but, I, Sairaorg, will also help."

"I do appreciate. What about you Ise-kun?"

Rias's father asked me.

"Of course! If the Lord and Sairaorg-san are going, then I can't just sit around doing nothing!"

How can I refuse! If the current head of the house and Sairaorg-san are going, there's no way that I can just sit here and wait for them!

"Hmm as expected of Seikryuutei. Then let's all go defeat these bandits."

Leaving Lilitifa-san, we then headed towards the mountain where the bandits are said to appear.

Two figures—the apple shaped character suit and the camel shaped character suit were climbing up the rough mountain road. If someone else saw this scene, it would be unimaginable.

… Since even I am in a [Gomorin] suit.

I asked Rias's father while climbing up the mountain.

"W-Why did we wear this thing…?"

"Ise-kun's amour is known all over the underworld. If they see you then they might run away, so that's why I suggested you that character suit. The bandits will also be less wary if you show up in a character suit. I prepared an extra-large one so you'll be able to wear your armor underneath the suit."

That's being too careful! Did you already prepare the suit that I will wear?!

"Also don't forget to say [Gomo Gomo] while wearing that suit. You should never forget the mentality of [Mascot Character] since we are here to train and become better at [Mascot Character]. Isn't that right Sairaorg?"

"Yes that is correct. — since we are no more than a mere [Mascot Characters]!"

Why are you being so pumped up?! Sairaorg-san. Aren't you little bit too excited?! You are excited about defeating bandits, right?!

When we walked 30 minutes further into the mountain, a group of people rushed out.

"Oioi, stop there."

They were men wearing clothes made out of fur like a stereotypical bandits.

They were shouting at us with an annoying gaze.

"This ain't no theme park. Why are there two camels and an apple monster walking around here."

I can't even talk back! The bandits then shouted!

"This is the Land of bandits— the Land of House of Bilba! If you don't wanna drop dead then hand us all you've got!"

"Hmm, the only things I've got on me right now are these character suits. Will you take these then?"

Sairaorg-san said whilst in his costume.

Because of that, the bandits became louder and got angry at us.

"Stop jabbering nonsense and if you don't wanna die then take those damn clown suits…."

Just then Bapple-kun disappeared from the sight and in that exact same moment, the bandit who was talking got punched to the backline!


Screaming loudly, he was thrown into a rock nearby.

Sairaorg-san had an aura concentrated on the suit's cute hands.

From the looks of it, he punched the hell out of that bandit just now. Sairaorg-san— no [Bapple-kun] then shouted.

"If you want my character suit then come and take them by force! However this suit is not some cheap thing that I can just let you guys have!"

There's no way that there exist a bandit who can stop this apple character full of aura around his body.

We then walked along the road while completely destroying the bandits that came at us.

After a few minutes a huge camp located in the middle of the mountain appeared and quite a few bandits were grouped at that base.

One of those bandits then said to someone who looked bigger and was probably the most violent guy out of all of them.

Bapple and Gomorin.jpg

"B-Boss! It's them! They are the camels and the apple that I've mentioned!"

The person who looks like the boss of these bandits came forward and narrowed his eyes.

"… I thought they were just humorless jokes by my underlings but it's actually a real apple and camel. What the hell is going on here… it's not like you idiots mistook this mountain as an event location!"

Seriously I wonder what happened?! For an apple and camels to visit the bandit's lair!

Sairaorg-san— [Bapple-kun] then took a step forward.

"Oi. Are you the boss?"

The boss then smiled after hearing that.

"What are you gonna do if I say yes?"

"I heard that you guys are attacking the nearby village? We cannot leave such villains go unpunished. I, as the Land of Bael's [Mascot Character], [Bapple-kun] will show you justice!"

When [Bapple-kun] said that, the bandits all burst into laughter.

The boss then grabbed a huge axe and sighed.

"Oi you idiots, did you hear? This [Mascot Character]-sama is going to show us justice. Haaa, is that what you shout around after coming into a mountain in that clown suit? I got no clue why you guys are here but looks like you guys are confident in your skills. — But you see, some mediocre skill shortens your life! Oi you idiots, get 'em!"


As soon as their boss shouted at them, the bandits all screamed and ran towards us!

Ahhhh, in the end this is what it comes down to!

Sairaorg-san threw his body towards them!

"Look like we won't be able to talk our way through. Let's go Hyoudou Issei! No, [Gomorin] second!"

"Ah yes! Ah no, Gomo~!"

I activated the Balance Breaker inside the costume and followed Sairaorg-san. Looks like this costume is specially made so I can fit inside here with my Balance Breaker activated. Seriously, the people in the House of Gremory love to spend their money on this kind of stuff!

"Hyaa! [Bapple-kun Chop]" [Bapple-kun Kick!]"

There's no way there exist any bandits who can block a bare fist attack from [Bapple-kun].



One by one, the bandits were thrown away after getting beaten up! Even in the character suit, he annihilated the bandits with amazing speed and destructive power!

To be fair I thought it would be fine to leave all this to Sairaorg-san but I didn't like to just stand around so…

"Gomo! Gomo!"

— Shouting that, I defeated a few bandits. Well I can't leave the people who are targeting Lilitifa-san!

Rias's father stood there in awe seeing us fight.

"Hmm, certainly, as expected of Issei-kun and Sairaorg-gomo. Even during the battle, they've got enough space to become [Mascot character]-gomo. If only we had a camera here, then we could capture this amazing battle scene-gomo."

You're more incredible by not forgetting to add [gomo] at the end of every sentence!

"W-What the hell is wrong with these two? They're super stroooong!"

Looks like they've noticed our powers too since they are hesitating.

Even during all this, Rias's father, who dodged bandit's sword and axe effortlessly said this.

"Hmm, it's been what, tens, no maybe hundreds of thousands of years since a real battle. Hahahaha, it's quite entertaining. Ah gomo gomo."

He's enjoying the battle with bandits so much that he's forgetting to say [Gomo]! Ara, not only is he enjoying this but his movement is also mesmerising! Every move was smooth and his effortless movement wasted no energy! As expected of a High-class devil and the current head of the House of Gremory!

In the middle of sorting out the bandits effortlessly, we heard a voice of a woman…

"Dear husband. What is going on here?"

— Venelana-san, Rias's mother has appeared!

As if she is possessed by anger itself, a pitch dark aura is seeping out of her entire body!

And behind her, Rias was also there! She was shaking her head in a disappointing fashion.

As soon as she has appeared, [Gomorin] first froze from his steps.

"............... My name is [Gomorin] gomo. Hello."

[Gomorin] first said in such a stiff robotic voice. Hearing that, Rias's mother narrowed her eyes and exerted an overwhelming force.

"Is that… something a lord of the land should be doing and throwing his body into? Not only that but to bring your nephew Sairaorg into this… dear husband, would you like to be scolded now or later?"

Rias's mother spoke in low and freezing cold voice.

Although I'm not the one who's getting scolded here but I'm getting chills! When I turned around, even Sairaorg-san stopped his fists and didn't know what to do!

[Gomorin] first — he then took his helmet off and immediately got on his knees.

"I'm so sorry, but Venelana there is an unavoidable reason for all this."

He apologized! The Lord of the land apologized to his wife! Not only that but it hasn't even been a minute since Rias's mother appeared here! Every male of the Gremory house are seriously weak against their wives!

Looking at this scenery, the boss of the bandit shouted at us.

"H-Hey you people! Why the hell are you guys stopping after crashing into our base?! W-We don't wanna fight you monsters anyway! You bitches over there! Just hurry the damn up and take these camels and apple away!"

As soon as he shouted at Rias's mother—

"—- Shut up."

Venelana-san directed her cold gaze toward them. Her hands exerted an enormous power and covered the bandits and the surrounding area in a black aura!


All the bandits screamed and were flung away! The boss also was flung away into a great distance!

It was then told that the bandits here were not only surprised attacked by a group of unidentified characters in suits but also had been flown away by a single attack of a single female devil—.

In the end I, Sairaorg-san and Rias's father was escorted by Rias and her mother.

After coming back to the castle, we were scolded by her mother for at least half a day.

"I'll be the one who'll be directing the [Mascot Character] so there won't be any reason to go to the mountain or for the lord of the land to wear the character suits."

— And thus Rias's mother became the producer of [Gomorin] and [Bapple-kun].

It also looks like she's going to turn our victory against the bandits into [Mascot Characters] defeating the bandits in the news instead.

If that's the case, then [Bapple-kun] and [Gomorin] would be known all over the underworld.

Well, I can't help but feel like I've got the worst deal out of this unfairly…


Around the time when the lecture was finished, Rias called me… Man I'm so tired, I wanna heal by Rias's side.

Thinking that, I walked towards Rias.

"I-I hate camels!"

Rias pushed me away in tears! I forgot that I was still wearing this!

Looks like I first need to help Rias get over her fears of camels…

As a side note, the fabric that Lilitifa-san introduced us got into Venelana-san's attention and also became famous all over the House of Grrmory.

Lilitifa-san also became the model for those fabrics and thus, became a celebrity around the land of the House of Gremory.
