
DxD: The Uchiha Family

Defeated by Naruto in their final battle, Sasuke found himself trapped in a new world teeming with angels, fallen angels, devils, yokais, and gods. Within this unfamiliar realm, he was confronted by his haunting past, prompting him to embark on a quest to find a way back to the Shinobi World. However, as Sasuke delved into this new reality, he grappled with a profound dilemma. Did he truly desire to return to the Shinobi World, where he had been branded a rogue shinobi, and the village that had inflicted immense suffering upon him? These questions sparked a fierce determination within Sasuke to seek true happiness, no matter the cost. Yet, as he pursued his quest, a lingering doubt plagued Sasuke's mind. Did he believe he deserved happiness after all the choices he had made? Could he truly find the contentment he sought and, more importantly, bring his beloved family back to life? Only one person held the key to unlocking Sasuke's path to happiness, but whether he would ultimately achieve it remained uncertain. - - - - - - - - This novel takes place before canon. Therefore Cannon will be loosely followed as the Uchiha family is the protagonist of this world. Also Sasuke will not be only the only one with harem. Obviosuly the Uchiha needs to repopulate somehow. Though the harems will be less or max 4 people. The word count for chapters vary from 950 - 1100 words. Release of chapters will be one chapter everyday from Monday to Friday. So expect five chapter a week, However, I may release one or two extra chapters for some weeks if the novel is well liked. If you like my stories you can show support through reviews, comments and powerstones. Also if you like my stories check out my other story "Naruto: Yukari Otsutsuki Adventure." Note: I do not own the cover art or DxD and Naruto. This novel is purely fanfiction.

NovaCloud · アニメ·コミックス
64 Chs

Chapter 45: Revived Family

The next day arrived, and early in the morning, all the reanimated figures were gathered in an empty room. Also present in the room were Sasuke, Yasaka, Amaterasu, Karin, and Orochimaru. In the room, Kushina had used various fuinjutsu to seal the room off from the outside world.

They were all preparing for the revival of the Uchiha family and others. Sasuke, conveniently situated between Yasaka and Karin, initiated a conversation, asking, "How do you like the new world, Karin?" Karin's eyes lit up as she replied, "It's sooooo much better than the old world! Did you know they have something called manga here? Suigetsu introduced me to it, and now I can't stop myself from reading it."

Sasuke glanced at Yasaka, who was giggling at Karin's excitement. He found Karin's enthusiasm endearing and was beginning to warm up to the idea of having a harem.

Sasuke then approached Orochimaru, who was studying the magic circle on the ground. He asked, "So, is this world interesting enough?" Sensing Sasuke's presence, Orochimaru responded, "Hmm, it's very interesting. I've already started gathering scientific books and conducting research. It has already led to some breakthroughs."

Sasuke nodded and said, "I see. In the future, I'll find a devil's peerage chess set for you." Orochimaru's lips curled up in excitement as he replied, "Ah, I see. The devil known as Ajuka is quite a genius for designing such a wicked creation. I can't wait to decipher it."

Sasuke looked at Amaterasu, who was finishing the last touch on the magic circle. The circle had seven spots for each reanimated person at the edges. Sasuke, behind Amaterasu, leaned behind her neck and asked, "Are you getting through?"

Amaterasu feeling Sasuke's warm breath against her neck, felt a shiver, but she still replied, "Yes, I am actually done now." Amaterasu turned around and gave Sasuke a confident smile, knowing that the technique would definitely work.

Sasuke seeing her smile, found it rather beautiful. He was lost for second but said, "I see, I believe in you abilities." Amaterasu replied, "Thanks, let us gather everyone then." He nodded and gathered everyone,

Amaterasu spoke, "Could everyone, move to their designated spots. Izumi please make sure your spot is correct as it is vital to age your body."

Everyone nodded and went to their designated spot, they were slightly nervous, though. Sasuke, was not nervous, he was confident in Amaterasu, as she spent a while devising this method to heal their bodies.

Amaterasu looked at Sasuke, who nodded back to start. She spoke to everyone, "I will be starting now, do not leave your spot."

Amaterasu moved to the center of the magic circle and brought her hands together, clapping them firmly. Suddenly, her body began to glow with a radiant white light that seemed to envelop her entirely. It was a manifestation of her divine power. With focused intent, she directed her divine energy into the magic circle.

From the center of the circle, the energy began to diverge into seven separate channels, each leading towards the designated spot where each person stood. As Amaterasu's divinity reached each spot, it emanated a brilliant glow.

The seven spots started emitting a powerful white light that gradually ascended in a cylindrical form, encompassing all the reanimated bodies. Amaterasu continued to shine brightly, channeling her divinity with unwavering focus.

The entire room was filled with a blinding, luminous light, and the figures within the encasement were barely visible, their silhouettes illuminated. The light persisted for about a minute before gradually fading away, revealing that the once cracked and lifeless bodies had been restored.

Now, everyone appeared fully alive, their skin exhibiting a healthy complexion, as if blood were once again flowing through their veins.

Sasuke observed the diminishing light and smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude as his family stood before him, alive and well.

Glancing at Amaterasu, he noticed her drained and weary state. It was evident that she had expended a significant amount of her divinity in the process of healing and creating new bodies. Sensing her impending collapse, Sasuke quickly moved to catch her before she fell. Though her vision was blurry, Amaterasu could make out the figure of Sasuke looking down at her and was touched by his gratitude. Sasuke then expressed his thanks, saying, "Thank you so much, Amaterasu."

Drawing his face closer, Sasuke gently planted a kiss on her forehead. Though Amaterasu's mind was hazy, she could feel the wetness on her forehead and found solace in the knowledge that everything had gone well. Overwhelmed, she lost consciousness. Sasuke, aware of her fragile state, cradled her in a princess carry.

Glancing back at his family and a now aged Izumi, Mikoto approached and asked, "Is she okay?" Sasuke's smile widened at the sight of his mother restored to life. He reassured them, saying, "Yes, she simply used up a significant amount of her divinity. She will regain consciousness in a few hours." A collective sigh of relief echoed through the room upon hearing the news of their benefactor's well-being.

Sasuke then added, "I will take her to one of the spare bedrooms. I will meet all of you in the living room." Yasaka stepped forward and offered her assistance, saying, "I will help. Take care of Amaterasu for me."

Sasuke nodded and walked away, making his way to the spare bedroom. He gently laid Amaterasu on the bed and took a seat beside her. Similar feelings from when Yasaka was unconscious welled up within him. He realized he had developed feelings for Amaterasu as well and felt content in that realization.

Gently brushing a strand of her black hair away from her eyes, Sasuke admired her beauty. Sensing someone behind him, he realized it was Yasaka enveloping him in a hug. Wanting to comfort her, he reassured her, saying, "She will be okay, Yasaka." Yasaka tightened her embrace, responding, "I know, and I see that you accept Amaterasu's affection for you."

Sasuke nodded, acknowledging Yasaka's observation. He spoke, "Yes, she has been of great help to me. It would be foolish to deny her. I am grateful to have met both of you when I arrived."

A/N: I will be putting Roseweisse in Sasuke harem. Also, Karin will be really irrelevant in the story as it mostly focuses on DxD characters. You can recheck the harem chapter, as I have changed it.