
Chapter 5

When Altair saw the hand that was extended towards her, he didn't give it much thought as he returned the handshake with a relaxed smile on his face. He was looking at the hand that was extended towards her.

Sona asked her friend as she sat back down in her chair and turned her attention to the enormous pile of paperwork that was sitting on her desk, "So, what can I help you with?"

Altair, like the other girl who was standing next to Sona, gave a slight bow to Sona in order to greet Altair. Although Altair also gave a slight bow to Sona in order to show his respect for her, he found this to be a bit unusual because he was not very accustomed to the culture of Japan.

As he went on, Altair made a statement of authority by saying, "Actually, I came here to enrol in the School."

"Hello, my name is Altair Lockheart, I am going into my second year of school, and I am seventeen years old." My transcript is where you can get the remainder of my material, so please refer to it. Following that, Altair gave Sona a few papers to look over.

And this was a little strange since apparently along with the letter that was in his flat there were also other documents concerning him. This prevented him from making up some narrative about how he had lost his documents and other similar things because the documents were already there.

Since Altair probably shouldn't exist in this universe, he was only worried that they would find some type of error in his history and expose it.

"Altair Lockheart... You must be from another country, don't you?" The question came from the other female wearing spectacles.

''Yes...'' Altair responded as he recalled the name of the girl in front of him, and if his memory wasn't too bad, her name was Tsubaki Shinra. If his memory was too bad, her name was Tsubaki Shinra.

After all, they aren't supposed to know one other, so it would be odd for Altair to talk to her as if he's been friends with her for a long time if he's just pretending he doesn't know her. Altair acted as if he didn't know her and produced a face that suggested he was suspicious.

Aside from that, the entire foreigner thing is very peculiar. Of course, if you consider someone to be foreign if they originated in a different universe, then the answer is that Altair was a foreigner.

When Tsubaki realised his error, he wasted no time in introducing himself.

"Hello, my name is Shinra Tsubaki, and I am currently in the third grade..." She presented herself in a way that was fairly straightforward and a little dispassionate, which caused Altair's heart to break a little bit since, after all, he was a bit of a sap when it came to attractive women.

"It is an honour to have the opportunity to meet you, senpais." Altair said this with a touch of irony in his tone while holding back laughter, as he found the Japanese honorifics he was employing to be very amusing and, of course, he was not accustomed to using them. He said this while holding himself back from laughing.

Anyway, when Altair had handed over the appropriate documents and signed some papers, Tsubaki hurriedly handed him the school uniform. Altair would only wear the outfit the following day because he was too sluggish to change clothes at school.

[The quest to enter the school has successfully been finished!]

[You have earned a total of one hundred points!]

["Skill Manual (Eye of God)" has been acquired!] ["Skill Manual" has been acquired!]

The item has been transferred into the Inventory.

When Altair saw the awards he had earned from the system, notably the random skill handbook that turned out to be the Eye of God, he almost did a happy jump of excitement.

After that, he thanked the two women for their assistance and promptly exited the room, anxious to put his newfound knowledge to the test, but not before searching for an appropriate environment in which to do so.


After some time spent wandering, Altair arrived at the classroom to which he had been allocated. He was in the same class as Issei and his group, so he was at a loss for words when he saw them.

And despite the fact that he loathed Issei and thought he was a pitiful protagonist, he was aware that he couldn't complain to anybody about it; so, he simply sighed and knocked on the classroom door so that he could enter and introduce himself.

After only a few seconds of banging on the door, a teacher opened it, and without looking at Altair too closely, he left him space to enter the classroom and introduce himself. This is something that happens very frequently in Japanese classrooms whenever a new student enters the room. Altair didn't have to wait very long.

After entering the classroom, Altair made a hasty introduction of himself and then proceeded to seat down in a chair that was chosen at random. This was necessary because the protagonist's chair was already occupied by a person who Altair knew very well.

The most interesting part was that the chair he was sitting in was next to a girl wearing glasses. When she looked at him, she had a twisted expression on her face, which caused him to experience goosebumps on a consistent basis.

Altair made an effort to tune out the individuals who were observing him and started focusing his attention on the lesson at hand.

"I hope that today is a day filled with peace." Altair heaved a sigh as he sat back on his chair at his desk and prepared to take a brief nap. In the end, he didn't feel like he should be studying right now because he found it to be incredibly dull.



He was attempting to get some rest when he became aware that he was being observed, but it wasn't another student in his class who was watching him; rather, it was someone who was not a part of his class who was watching him. This made him a bit more alert and a little frustrated because all he wanted to do at this point was to take a nap so that the time would go by more quickly.

As Altair slouched in his chair, he swiftly swept his sight over the room, and with no effort, he was able to identify the individual who was watching him either hidden or, more accurately, not so hidden.

A young girl with white hair was standing in the background, observing his acts and motions from a distance. She attempted to conceal herself by hiding under a tree, but due to the colour of her clothing and hair, it was quite difficult to do so. After all, the surrounding foliage was green, whereas her clothing and hair were not.

Altair had the impression that the someone would have to be really dimwitted in order to be unable to detect her, and as he was thinking of someone dimwitted, he cast a brief glance in the direction of Issei, who was dozing off in his wallet while wearing a sly expression.

''Perhaps if it were this individual who was being observed, he probably wouldn't discover it.''

As Altair focused his attention on the young girl with the snow-white hair, he started to reflect on her and eventually recalled that her name was Koneko Toujou, and that she was the [Rock] of Rias Gremory. And Altair believed it was a terrible experience to be observed by someone like her.

"Even though her camouflage abilities are terrible, her sensory abilities are among the very best in this world." Altair was aware that he would need to use extreme caution in order to avoid giving any suspicious information to the woman who was following him.

[A unique skill came into being as a result of a recent event!]

''Hm?'' When the system decided to bestow a new ability upon Altair, he was once more taken aback by the timing of the event.


- Level 01
