
DXD:Secrets of the Void: Dimension Journey

In a world where the concept of family was merely a distant dream, Aiden Drake lived a life filled with solitude and longing. At the age of sixteen, his life is tragically cut short, but his story does not end there. Encountering the enigmatic deity Rob, Aiden is granted a chance for reincarnation with four wishes that will reshape his destiny. 1.High school Dxd Donate to me on Patreon here is the link: https://patreon.com/Marshall303?utm_medium

Void_6766 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Plan "The chapter has been modified"

Chapter 15 "plan"

POV: Rizevim

Silence reigned in Rizevim's office after Philip's departure, leaving behind a trace of hidden anxiety and tension in the atmosphere. Rizevim sat back in his large chair, his eyes fixed on the window that overlooked a dark scene, in harmony with the innocent movements of his granddaughter, playing carelessly. Despite the world around her undergoing significant changes, she was oblivious to everything being plotted in secret.

Rizevim's thoughts flowed like an unquenchable storm, oscillating between the allure of Philip's proposed plan and the hidden fear of the consequences it might bring. He knew that every wrong step could cost him dearly, possibly trapping him in a complex game from which he could not escape.

With quiet doubt weighing heavily on him, Rizevim opened his desk drawer and pulled out an ancient scroll surrounded by an aura of mysterious and dark energy. This scroll held an ancient power, a spell capable of surpassing the limits of traditional demons and granting its bearer immense powers, but the price was always high. With a slightly trembling hand, Rizevim studied the ancient seal adorning the scroll. He sighed deeply and returned the scroll to its place, realizing that he would have to decide whether to tread this dangerous path or not.

"I can't put my future in the hands of Philip's promises alone, or even the serum he claims to possess," he whispered to himself as he mulled over his thoughts, aware that he would need to build his own strength if he wanted to outmaneuver his potential enemies and survive the traps that might be set for him.

Rizevim summoned one of his loyal servants with a complex spell. Within seconds, a tall figure appeared before him, clad in gleaming black armor, with glowing red eyes beneath his metallic helmet.

"Watch Philip's movements closely. Don't trust a word he says, and provide me with a detailed report on every move he makes. And if he gets close to Aiden Gremory in any way... stop him by any means necessary," Rizevim ordered, his voice firm and full of authority. The shadowy figure bowed respectfully and disappeared into the shadows, leaving the room once again engulfed in eerie silence.

Rizevim rose from his seat and headed towards a hidden vault in the corner of the room. He opened it carefully, revealing a collection of rare and powerful magical artifacts, some of which were treasures possessed by only a few. He reached for a black necklace that glowed faintly and placed it around his neck. He felt a strange energy coursing through his body, granting him new strength, but it came with its own risks.

"I won't leave my fate in the hands of others. If Philip wants to play with fire, I'll be ready."

POV: Philip

Elsewhere, far from Rizevim's office, Philip's spy, planted nearby, reached his master's chamber. He knelt on one knee before Philip and said in a low voice, "Master, Rizevim refused to cooperate."

Rizevim believed that this man was unwavering in his loyalty, but little did he know that Philip had been monitoring him through this spy all along.

Philip sat on his grand throne, slowly adjusting his glasses as he looked down at the kneeling soldier with an amused smile, as if he had expected this scenario all along. He said in a deadly calm tone, "Of course, I was expecting that."

The soldier raised his head slightly, confusion evident on his face, and asked hesitantly, "Then why did you make a deal with him, knowing he would betray you?"

Philip had no need for loyalty or agreements. He knew that betrayal would come from all sides. He was waiting for it. To him, betrayal wasn't a problem but an opportunity to exploit others' weaknesses. He knew that Rizevim was an ambitious man, one who knew nothing but control and exploitation. Although their cooperation seemed like an alliance on the surface, Philip knew it wouldn't last. But that was exactly what he wanted.

Philip smiled deeply and said, "I know exactly what kind of person Rizevim is. He's ambitious, placing control above all else, and sees people as tools to be exploited for his own ends. His history attests to that... Didn't you see how his father, Lucifer, stabbed him in the back after being worn down by the wars? To him, his father was an obstacle to his ambitions, and he didn't hesitate to get rid of him."

The soldier took a step back, his confusion growing. "If you know all this, why do you continue to cooperate with him?"

Philip didn't respond immediately. Instead, he gazed deeply outside, toward the full moon looming in the dark sky. Then he spoke slowly, revealing a part of his plan: "Rizevim is nothing more than a pawn in my greater game. I'll let him think he's in control, but in reality... every step he takes brings me closer to my goal. Knowing his nature is what allows me to control him."

Philip wasn't just aiming to control Aiden Gremory physically; he wanted something deeper: to destroy him mentally and spiritually. He wanted Aiden to feel betrayed by everyone around him, to see the world he knew descend into chaos. Philip sought to plant doubts in Aiden's heart about everyone, even those closest to him. Philip's goal went beyond physical control: he wanted to take over Aiden's will.

"When he finds himself alone, when everyone he's trusted betrays him... only then will he come to me willingly," Philip said with a cold smile.

"And that's the most thrilling part... being chosen by the person you've been destroying all along."

At that moment, Philip was fully prepared to see his plan succeed. He wasn't in a hurry. He knew things would fall into place. He slowly raised his glass of wine to the moonlight, as if the cold scene was part of his early celebration of victory.

"Enjoy your last moments, Aiden Gremory... because soon, your life will become hell," Philip said as he drank from the glass and then smashed it onto the ground with force, the resounding crash signaling the beginning of Aiden's downfall.


POV: Aiden

After Aiden woke up and met Rob, several months filled with challenges and busy tasks passed. After waking up, he apologized to his family for causing them worry, and he was surrounded by great care, especially from Rias, who had become so attached to him that at times her overprotection and concern felt suffocating.

During those months, Aiden's teacher and Ajuka worked tirelessly to complete the ring project, which was supposed to be finished within a short period, but the project stalled in its final phase due to an issue with stabilizing space inside the ring. This left Aiden and Ajuka feeling helpless. Despite spending long days trying to find a solution, the problem remained unsolvable, prompting Latia, who saw them working frantically, to join them in an attempt to lighten the burden. Even with her assistance, they couldn't solve the issue, leaving the project stuck until they found the right solution to stabilize the space.

During that period, Aiden's days were busy and filled with continuous work as he struggled to find solutions to the project's challenges while also dealing with his family's pressures and their intense concern for him.

At one point, Aiden looked in the bathroom mirror, shirtless, and focused on the black gem in the center of his chest. He tapped on it, thinking that Rob had given him a broken device. He imagined Rob laughing at him with Gintoki's silly smile, waving the peace sign at him, saying, "I knew you'd blame me? Are you happy now?"

This made him angry, so he grabbed a bar of soap and threw it forcefully at the ground, causing him to slip and fall on his back, groaning in pain.

After recovering, he sat down, contemplating the original work. Rias had told Issei to prepare to awaken his Sacred Gear and that he needed to imagine something powerful. Issei responded with a perverted smile, imagining women's breasts, and succeeded in awakening the Boosted Gear.

Aiden realized that motivation was the key, so he started imagining powerful characters like Uchiha Madara, Aizen, and Whitebeard, but to no avail.

Frustrated, Aiden decided to try Issei's method, imagining Rias's chest when she grows up, then suddenly slapped himself, feeling guilty as he wondered, "Have I sunk this low, Aiden? You're having fantasies about your five-year-old aunt!"

He returned to seriousness, thinking about the nature of the being within the Sacred Gear. He thought, "What does Ophis like?" The idea of biscuits came to mind, and he laughed at himself. "Do you think biscuits are like Dragon Balls that can summon the strongest being in the world?" This made him question his credibility as a time traveler.

He said that perhaps under the pressure of life and death, he might awaken it, as the Gear is connected to the host, and they share emotions. Perhaps a near-death experience could awaken a being of her caliber.

Aiden stood up again, looking in the mirror, focusing on his red hair filled with purple strands. He never imagined in his wildest dreams that his hair would be like a loading bar for games. He bought dye to color his hair red because he didn't want anyone to notice the difference.

He also imagined that his observant mother would discover the strands sooner or later, while imagining the scene:

Grayfia: Why does your hair have purple strands?

Aiden: Because I have a daughter's body.

Aiden would rather die than tell everyone that his other body is a female's body. He would rather die a social death at least, and he would die with dignity and chivalry as a man.

The scene seemed quite funny, while Aiden remained hesitant.


Do you think that after all these wishes, Rob will make the MC a female? The Void has no gender, and the man can choose his gender, but I made the joke to make the situation with Aiden later funny. And well, the shell is like a second body in the future. If you keep reading, you will discover why he has two bodies and not just one. Some people think the restrictions I've put are nonsense, but what's the point if I made the protagonist extremely powerful? I want him to grow through challenges and hardships. Do you remember the first chapter, part one? There was a boy running in the forest with purple hair and purple eyes, and he was 8 years old. Well, his second body was male from the start, but everyone thought otherwise. I made it logical.😂