
Chapter 4: A Reason To (Not) Die

Chapter 4: A Reason To (Not) Die




Where do we go when we die?

This is an age old question debated for thousands of years.

Atheists argue that we cease to exist. However, this is illogical and incorrect.

Consider this fact: If a place that is said to be haunted receives tourists that feel negative energy there, say a great sadness and pain because the site was once the location of a great battle in a war, then that means that something resides there.

One example would be the American Civil War, specifically Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

What is this energy the tourists feel? This energy is none other the souls of the dead. The soul is made up of energy, and that energy includes emotions and who we were, so that energy must be redirected somewhere when separated from the body, whether naturally or by force.

And right now, fallen angel Raynare was afraid that she'd feel a similar pain that her "boyfriend" might inflict on her.

*Click clack* came the echoing sound of his footsteps in the large, now mostly barren church as he approaches, causing her anxiety to rise.

He put his sword Early Retirement away, but despite being unarmed, she felt like he's holding a gun to her head.

Raynare is a deer caught in the sun, and all she can do is stare at her potential executioner's feet, not daring to look up.

"Why?" His harsh voice questioned. "Why did you do it?"

"Lord Kokabiel ordered me."

"A cadre class fallen." The volume of his voice lowers. "His motive?"

"He didn't say."

"I understand. Still, you attempted to kill me!" He suddenly shouts, making her cower in fear.

"I-I'm sorry!" She considers bowing but knew that would only infuriate him as he'd consider it an act to save her skin, so instead, her gaze finally meets his furious green eyes.

Something akin to surprise and a little respect is sent her way, that she met his challenging look with her own.

"There's only one reason why you won't die. As punishment for your crimes, you serve me and live with me from now on."

Shocked that he let her live, she can only nod. "I accept this punishment, my lord-"

"Just call me Issei. I was never one for formalities among those that are or were supposed to be close to me."

A jab at her betrayal, one she felt.

"... Issei, I accept this punishment, but if we're seen by someone who isn't human, won't they have questions as to why a fallen angel is working for a devil?"

"Maybe, but you're wrong about something." He roughly grabs her by an arm and pulls her onto her feet, making her wince in pain. "I am no longer a devil. I am now a pure-blooded dragon. Ddraig tells me that the process to become one for those who aren't born among his kin is normally painful, but my magic, body, and lifeforce have been made extremely resistant and tough since before I was born. For me, the process of becoming what I was supposed to be was a walk in the park."

Without warning, he grabs Asia's unconscious form and teleports the three of them to their house.

"You will live among my parents and sleep in the same room as me in a futon. If my mother ever needs anything while we're both at home, you are to help her. You and Asia will also attend school with me."

She nods. "Okay. Um..."

"What is it?"

"I've noticed you're no longer trying to intimidate me... Your aura..."

"I have no reason to trust you." Issei glares at her. "However, I also do not believe fear is an effective motivator. When backed into a corner, you'll fight for your life."

"Then why not just get rid of a potential threat and kill me? N-Not that I could ever lay a finger on the Red Dragon Emperor, but from your perspective, I could be an enemy and a risk factor."

"Like I said, I do not trust you at all. However, you didn't do it, you were ordered to."


Turning towards the house, he stands in front of the door. "Before we go in, I must set another rule. You will show your true appearance to them, a mature young woman, but you will not display your wings nor will you be allowed to use your magic around them unless in life or death situations if it means protecting those living under this roof. If you prove yourself worthy, I may begin to train you."

She nods as they enter the house.

"I'm home!" His demeanor changes to his cheerful self, making Raynare wonder how he's able to hide his other side even better than she hid hers.

A middle-aged woman emerges from down the hall, wearing an apron. "Welcome home! I'm making dinner and- WHO IS THIS WITH YOU?! I'M NOT READY TO BE A GRANDM-"

"Mom, it's not like that! Yes, she's my girlfriend, but we decided to save that kind of intimacy until we get married. Isn't that right, darling?"

He attempts to tease Raynare as a reminder who's the dominant one in this relationship, but this only earns a stoic stare towards him.

Right as she was about to say something, a man with greying hair and glasses strolls in. "What's all the commotion- ISSEI HAS TWO YOUNG BABES WITH HIM! MY SON WILL FULFILL MY HAREM DREAM IN MY STEAD!!!"

Mr. Hyoudou's victorious shout could be heard throughout the neighborhood.

The noise wakes Asia, who cutely rubs an eye. "Too loud..." She blushes when she realizes Issei is carrying her bridal style, so he sets her down.

Issei clears his throat. "Mom. Dad. I'd like for you to meet Asia,"

"How do you do?" The blonde bows politely.

"-and my girlfriend Raynare."

"I'll be in your care." The fallen angel follows suit.

"From now on, these two will be living here with me. I have my own ways, so don't ask, but I will provide for them."

His parents were momentarily speechless before a stream of questions spewed out.

"How long do they plan to stay here?"


"When is the wedding?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? It's far too early to think about such things."

His mother quickly caught onto the fact that Issei is not actually as close to Raynare as she initially thought or they have a strange way of showing their affection in front of her, but she didn't say anything.

The rest of the night went by smoothly for Issei and Asia, but Raynare still felt awkward.

Issei insisted that Asia use his bed when they sleep while he and his girlfriend use a couple futons.

"Do you have any spare clothes I can use, please?" Raynare asked.

"Why do you need extra clothes? You should be grateful I spared you."

"It's hard to sleep if I'm not at least in a pair of pajamas or shorts."

"Then just sleep in your underwear."

Annoyed, Raynare glares at him. "How rude! Is this how you're going to treat me when we get married?" She teases, earning a blush from him. "Ha! You're such a virgin."

"And you are? You're proud of freely giving it away to multiple guys like a prostitute?"

"Hey, I've never had sex either. I meant you're a virgin in terms of your lack of tact when explaining things with the person who is supposed to be your significant other."


"I'm saying your social skills are trash, especially when talking to girls." Raynare smirks condescendingly, secretly enjoying this back and forth.

"Why you insolent little-"

Asia, who was watching them bicker from her spot on the bed, glared down at the boy and interrupted him. "Issei-san..."

"A-Asia?" He stutters nervously at the disapproving tone in her voice.

"Raynare nee-sama has been nothing but kind to me, and so have you. Right before you came bursting into the lower level of the church, a different fallen angel was about to do the ritual that would've killed me, but Ms. Raynare saved my life. The least you could do is give her a couple spare change of clothes if she has to be your servant."

"H-How did you know-"

"I was pretending to be asleep when you threatened her. While I was tied to that cross, I thought if I closed my eyes, it would all be nothing more than a bad dream, you killing those devils and hurting your own former master."

Immense guilt hit him that he scared the innocent nun. "I'm sorry, Asia."

Standing up, he looks down at Raynare, who is sitting on the floor with her arms crossed, frowning at him.

"I'm... sorry to you, as well, Raynare." He forces himself to apologize. "I'll get you a couple of men's booty shorts since you feel comfortable showing off a little skin."

"Only comfortable doing it here," She mumbles.

Soon, she changes out of her jeans and they all fell asleep.

All except Issei, who'd sometimes glance over at Raynare and ponder over her contradicting actions early on in their relationship and how she behaves now.

'Just following orders.' He scoffed bitterly. 'I need to sleep with an eye open.'

[ 'Maybe so, partner. I'll wake you if she tries anything.' ]

Soon, he also drifted off into his slumber.






The next morning, they all wake up and get ready for school, although Issei is the first to be ready and has to wait for the ladies to come down.

Asia and Raynare come down, and he can't help but think that they look stunning in the Kuoh Academy girls' uniform. His mother said that she had those spares laying around, but why she saved them for this specific situation was beyond him.

Asia still looks like a midget but a cute one, and Raynare has her hair tied in a ponytail and is wearing thigh high socks, the zettai ryouiki being very alluring.

As they silently make their way to class, Issei mentally speaks with Ddraig. 'This is just a theory, Ddraig, but I think the reason why many of my classmates are afraid of me is because before I awakened you through my death, your aura would leak out in small portions, enough to make them wary or hateful.'

[ 'Perhaps, but what about the fact that many of your female peers find you attractive?']

'Girls have looked at me in disgust for no reason too, not just guys.'

['To this very day, human behavior still confuses me.' ]


The three soon enter his classroom, shocking most that he's with two beautiful girls.

"What's Hyoudou doing with those two new students?" The girls pondered.

"DIE!" The boys Bakugou'd.

"H-Hello," Asia nervously began before the teacher could put them in the spotlight, surprising Issei that the timid girl would do such a thing. "My name is Asia Argento."

"I'm Raynare... Raynare Cadere. Asia and I are living with Issei for now. His parents took us in after we recently arrived in Japan."

Issei shoots her an even more surprised look. 'Cadere means "Fall" in latin. She just came up with that on the spot? Plus, she didn't reveal herself as my supposed girlfriend. Maybe she isn't as stupid as I...' He shakes his head. 'Scratch that, she still has yet to prove herself.'

The boys shouted more obscenities at Issei for "entrapping two hot babes," or at least the Perverted Duo did.

"Issei, how could you betray us like this?!" The bald freak shouted.

"My name isn't Issei to you. My last name is Off. First name is Fuck. We are not friends, got that?"

Raynare tried and failed to stifle a grin while Asia looked uneasy.

Gossip soon began, and Raynare became the fourth girl to be added to the beauties of Kuoh Academy alongside Rias, Akeno, and the kaichou. Unlike the other three, Raynare has a "don't talk to me unless you're Issei or Asia" vibe.






After school...

"Issei Hyoudou, you are summoned to the Student Council room immediately. Bring those two new students with you," A female voice announced over the intercom right as school ended as everyone turned to stare at the brunet.

Sighing and ignoring the looks sent his way, he got up and left the classroom with Raynare and Asia following. 'My guess is the Student Council is a front for another devil king and her peerage. Even in the human world, they love to flaunt their power. Now, kaichou is going to try to interrogate me on why I brought a fallen angel and a girl with a sacred gear with me and why I came home without my king, the Gremory bitch.'

Arriving at his destination, he detected multiple devils behind the closed door, but he isn't scared of anything in the supernatural at the moment, so he didn't hesitate slamming the door open, startling all the StuCo.

A girl with long black hair plus glasses and a blond boy stood up and stared the three down, as if he and Raynare were threats.

"What is up, kaichou?"

Sona Sitri, much like the now deceased Akeno Himejima, the missing Rias Gremory, and the newest addition of Raynare, is one of the now four beauties of Kuoh Academy. Much like the other three, the Student Council President has an air of mystery. She's strict, but still approachable (among the female students).

However, she can also unleash a rare calculating look meant to make the person under her scrutiny squirm. Now, the dragon in front of her is experiencing this look.

"Hyoudou... What did you do?"

Squirm, he does not. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I recently had a discussion with the four maou. They tell me all three members of Rias' peerage were murdered in cold blood and that Rias isn't herself anymore after what happened."

"Cold blood?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Issei cackles, putting them all on edge. "Haaaaa... That's funny. Now is the part where you and your underlings attack me while calling for reinforcements from the maou, and when they arrive here, you tell them what I did, is that right?"

"An admission of guilt. Unexpected."

"What guilt? Do I look like I have any fucking remorse?"

The blond shouts, "Hey! Watch your mouth when talking to kaichou!"

He was ignored as Sona and Issei continue.

"You know what I meant by 'guilt', so stop trying to make a fool out of me."

"Semantics," He shrugs.

"You were responsible."


"And I'd like to thank you." Sona eases her expression and grins.

"This is surprising. What have I done to earn your favor, my lady?"

Ignoring the growling blond, Sona sighs in reminiscence. "Rias was someone I had to pretend to be friends with so that her family and my family could remain close together, but quite frankly, she brought more trouble than she was worth. She was, at most, an ally, albeit a very useless one. Now that she's gone, less attention will be drawn to me from other high class devils and devil politicians. I can now freely pursue my goal."

'This is an unexpected development. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.'

"Which is?"

"To create a school in the underworld not governed by the devil society of old. There, I can create a system that is a true meritocracy for devils where those with potential, regardless of their social standing, can make actual progress without being held back by the elite."

"A noble goal, but a difficult one."

"Indeed. I do appreciate a good challenge." Sona's grin disappears as she sends unsavory looks towards his two companions. "I don't know what you are, Hyoudou, but you have some balls bringing a human with a sacred gear and a fallen angel into my territory, ESPECIALLY a fallen angel. Word travels fast, Raynare Cadere, if that's even your real name."

Raynare answers cryptically, "It is and it isn't."

"I see. That much is understandable. The exposure of our world to the humans would be catastrophic. Now, the question is how can I trust that you being here won't reignite the Great War?"

"I won't, but the person who sent me to kill Issei certainly could."

"Oh? And who would that be?" Sona questions, as if not believing the fallen.

"Lord Kokabiel."

"The war monger..." Sona's disbelief vanishes instantly. "That actually makes sense."

"It does?" Issei asks. This wasn't something Ddraig filled him in on, therefore a piece of information even Ddraig didn't know. All Ddraig knew was that Kokabiel is a cadre class fallen.

Sona nods. "Yes. For thousands of years, Kokabiel is still remembered for his bloodlust, sadistically murdering countless angels and devils during the war. Why Azazel keeps him around is beyond me."

Raynare scowls. "Azazel is incompetent. I'm not sure if there's anyone with as much wasted power as him. He could be doing so much to stop these little skirmishes that could restart the war from happening in the first place."

Issei gives her another surprised look. "Are you a mind reader?"

"You were thinking the same thing?" Raynare asks.

He nods.

Sona places a hand on her head in stress. "My apologies, fallen angel Raynare, for accusing you. You were just a pawn in someone else's game. You fallen would also not be the only ones to blame should this horrible conflict return. Sometimes, angels and devils attack each other in isolated incidents where an angel is trying to protect a human or person of interest while the devil is attempting to seduce said person in some kind of way. The same can be said with angels and fallen angels as well as devils and fallen."

Issei sighs. "A never ending three-way pissing contest. What a shit show."

Raynare nods. "It makes no sense of them to get involved in any kind of way, the angels and fallen. Both have the fewest numbers of the three factions while the devils fuck like donkeys in the streets."

Sona replies, "Us devils are having trouble repopulating after the Great War and the Devil Civil War, hence the creation of the evil pieces system."

A comfortable silence befell the occupants of the room, each lost in their own thoughts with the exception of Sona's queen, Tsubaki, who is still on guard-mode in front of the fallen and her master.

Issei coughed. "I obviously don't know how your society works, kaichou, although I have an idea. The question is why hasn't a peace treaty between the three factions been signed? Is it because of these minor incidents you mentioned?"

"That, and the fact that Kokabiel or some arrogant older devil would send a team to attack a meeting between the leaders whenever they'd attempt to sue for peace."

Pausing, she narrowed her eyes, hesitating to speak. "There's one more thing, Hyoudou and Raynare. Nasty rumors are stirring of an enemy forming with members of all three factions joining them."


"A terrorist group. We call them Khaos Brigade. At first, the information about them made them seem insignificant. Now, we have reason to believe that they are allies of members of the Old Satans and that they are a fully organized group that is just biding their time, waiting to strike."

"I'm curious who their leader is. They must be very patient, and someone that smart can only mean trouble. Do keep us posted on any news about this, kaichou. A group dangerous enough to be acknowledged by and gained a foothold among the members of the three factions as a threat should not be taken lightly.

"One more thing. Raynare is my servant, and Asia stays with the two of us at all times. However, even though I distrust devils, you're alright in my book. Just promise me you'll keep my existence a secret."

Sona nods. "Don't worry, I will."

The three leave, knowing they'll need to get even stronger to protect themselves.

Asia, the sister figure of Issei that has healing powers.

Fallen angel Raynare, the one he sees as a tool to be used for protecting those he cares most about, mainly his parents and Asia when he can't be there himself.

And a being with such immense power that can kill gods.

The other two are not as smart as Issei, but all three of them know they need to become stronger.




To Be Continued

Chapter length- 3,400+ words
