
Family Reunion

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 2670

Finally. I finished the chapters. Man the fight scenes took a long time. But I'm satisfied with how it turned out. But you guys will be the judge of that

Oh and we passed 2M views like 3-4 chapters ago. Forgot to mention that. Too busy.

Enjoy the chapters


We arrive at a nice Villa that we *cough* borrowed permanently from a drug lord.

It was big enough for all of my members. And as any drug lord, he built a torture basement. Under the real basement.

That's where Katarea is currently.

Me, Meredith and Tiamat just spent the better half of three hours Warding this place.

"Valerie, can you wake her up?" I point at the sleeping girl in the bed. We are in one of the unused rooms.

Ingvild Leviathan was sleeping for a 100 years. It's time to wake her up.

In the original Ingvild awakened because of her Longinus Nereid Kyrie.

Valerie only needs to fix the link between her Sacred Gear and her soul. She should wake up naturally after that.

If I'm reading her right she currently has Mid Ultimate Class reserves. She would make a fine addition to this group of monsters.

Valerie nodded

"I'm going to need some blood. I prefer for my reserves to be full when I use my Sacred Gear. Your swords are helping with the side effects, but I'd rather not take any chances." She said quietly

I smile at that " Any time Valerie" I take off my jacket and spread my arms.

Despite doing this a few times before. She still blushes each time. With a red face she took small steps until she was in my embrace.

She stood there for a second. "You smell nice"

I hugged her tighter. resting her body against mine. "You too" I whispered in her ears

Valerie smiled and used one hand to tug on his collar to the right.

As soon as the kiss ended she brought her forehead and put it on mine. She stared directly into my eyes

"I won't lose to Tiamat. I was here before her, and I like you just as much " Valerie confessed. Her words were soft and quiet. But held great conviction

" Are you sure? There will be no going back. If I open my heart to you, I will never let you go"

"Umu" Valerie nods as tears started to gather in her eyes. She was filled with happiness and euphoria.

I leaned and gave her a long and deep kiss. Valerie was basically straddling me but the kiss made her wrap her legs around my waist. Her arms were also around my neck.

We kept going until we were just about to run out of breath.

We separated. Her face was flushed, and judging by the heat on my face. I was too

Valerie was on my lap. Just as we are about to continue

"Mmm" the light purple-haired beauty stirred

I whisper 'Later' to Valerie who just nodded, but didn't move

She slowly opened her eyelids. Showing those pretty orange eyes of hers

"Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty. Did you have a good nap?"Valerie just pouted and snuggled closer to me, putting her head near my neck

Someone is feeling peeved and clingy. Not that I mind. Now that I think about it. Didn't I say something similar to Valerie when she woke up?

"Ummm. Who are you? Where am I? And where are my parents?" Ingvild asks shyly

"Hello, Ingvild. My name is Isaiah. The lovely lady in my arms is Valerie. You are currently at my Villa. It's been 100 years since you fell asleep"

And the jaw drop happened "A 100 years. But that's impossible. Where are my parents? Take me to them!" Ingvild started to panic. Her magic power went out of control


I snap my fingers and her magic Vanished.

"Huh?!" Ingvild froze in place. her face showed true horror. "My power.. it's gone"

"Nope, not gone. Just suppressed. look at your forearms."

She looks down on her arms only to see tattoos on them " Those are seals we placed on you just as a precaution. Calm down we will not harm you. I will tell you everything you need to know"

Ingvild wanted to protest but she was clean on her situation. She took a deep breath, calmed down a bit, and nodded to them.

"Thank you. First of all. In order to save time. I have developed my Sacred Gear to make swords that show Memories. " I form a sword in my hand.

"This sword can show you the Memories I have put in it if you cut yourself on it. The wound will completely heal so don't worry about that. The memories in this sword are the current political situation in the Supernatural world. This is a good place to start explaining things to you"

I pass the sword over to her "You only need a small cut on the palm"

Ingvild takes the sword and looks at it with a wary look. But soon enough she slowly ran her palm on the edge. And her eyes went blank.

A few moments after that clarity returned to her and her first reaction was to rub her forehead. "Uhhhh. Is.. is this all true?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Yes" I answer bluntly making her sigh

"I'm happy that there is finally peace. But also sad that my own aunt would join terrorists. Dad never did like her. That's why I was born and raised in a Seaside city. Dad wanted to get away from all the 'Devil bullshit' as he called it.

My parents.. they are dead aren't they?" Ingvild says in a sad tone.

"Sadly, yes. I still don't know how. But I assume they were taken care of, so that Katarea can lead the Leviathan house"

Valerie jumps from my lap, walks to the younger girl, and takes her hand to comfort her. Valerie squeezed her hand a wordless 'Everything is going to be fine' was sent through that action.

"Thank you" Ingvild thanked her " So who are you guys? I saw your memories of the meeting. You must be some big shot if you can sit on the table with the 3 Faction Leaders"


I grin at her. As I pass her another sword. This time she didn't even hesitate.

"What did you show her this time" Valerie asked

"Everything about our group and goals."

"Umu" Valerie nodded. Enough said.

Ingvild came back and her jaw dropped and she pointed at me in shock

"You blackmailed Satan Lucifer and The Governor of the Fallen Angles !?!"

Oh yeah. That did happen. She thought that was the most impressive thing from my memories

"Really that's what stood out to you? I think remaking Excalibur is much more impressive"

"That's because you are a guy and you love your toys. That's just a sword. We are talking about blackmailing 2 of the 3 leaders from the Biblical Faction. And you threatened the final one, Michael, that if they came for the Swords you would kill them. Are you insane?"

"Excalibur is not a toy" That's heresy. Excalibur is one of the strongest swords in existence. She is calling my powers a toy.

"It's a sword. It cuts things. Big deal." She waved her hand off (Emotional Damage!)

"You beat Tiamat the Chaos Dragon King and you are focused on a sword. You are a guy you wouldn't get it" Ingvild sighed out. And Valerie nodded along "She is right you know"


Women. I just can't understand them at all

All of her previous sass vanishes as she fully realizes her choices.

"You are going to offer me to join your team aren't you"

"Yep. It's your choice. Honestly your best one. Your lineage and Sacred Gear make you a target. A lot of people want to get their hands on you"

Tears started streaming down her cheeks "All I ever wanted to do was sing. I really love singing. It made my parents happy. When I sing all I see are people smiling and having fun. Is that too much to ask?"

Valerie directly hugs her. Trying to console the crying girl.

"Because that's not how this world works. Me and my group just want to have fun, some of us got to get revenge on some people before they can move on. But the goal to live a carefree and happy life. We know that requires us to be extremely strong. Strong enough so that nobody would ever bother us."

That means having lots of power. I need to talk to the magician we captured later. Time to do some recruiting for my 'faction'.

"You have very few choices. You could either join the New Satan Faction. Since you are strong and carry the Leviathan bloodline. You would be probably given Evil Peaces. But since the Leviathan house is nearly extinct. The Elders would require you to sire children as soon as possible. And they would force you to marry either them or their sons. The Satans actually can't get involved in house affairs. That's how I was able to blackmail Sirzechs. He had to agree to my demands to free his sister."

Ingvild shivered in disqust "Yeah big pass. I don't want to be a breeding mare"

"The other option is to look for some other faction. But nearly everyone will try to make you have kids with one of their own. Sea Serpent of the End is a very powerful bloodline. It's natural that people will be greedy about it" I shrug my shoulder. Its just the way the world works

"What about you?" Ingvild looked directly in my eyes. "What do you want from me?"

"Join my team. And I'll help you get revenge on anyone that had anything to do with your parents' deaths. Coincidently we also lack a musician in our group. Music is a big part of relaxing. What I want for you is to get as strong as you can. I need many strong loyal people with me. Just so that we can defend ourselves when the attacks start"

Ingvild tilted her head "Attacks?"

"The 3 Factions just declared peace. Some people won't like that. Underground alliances are being made as we speak to counter their newly combined influence. There is also the Terrorist group Khaos Brigade.

We are a group of strong individuals with rare powers. Powers that other people want. Alone they would pick us off. But together we stand a chance. That's one of the main reasons for why I'm gathering people.

Safety in numbers. Even I'm not strong enough to fight dozens of gods, dragons and whatever the hell else they have. "

Ingvild looked downwards "This sucks"

"Yes, it does. The current peace is just an illusion. War is about to start at any time now" And we are not even close enough to be at the level needed to be completely safe.

" I think joining you is the best option. I'd much rather be left alone. But that isn't possible. And I want to know what happened to my parents. So I accept your offer"

I stand up and walk to her. I raise my hand "Welcome to the team"

"Welcome" Valerie smiled as she hugged Ingvild

"Thanks" Ingvild shook my hand "So what now?"

"Now? Now we interrogate your crazy aunt to see what she knows about your parents. Want to be there?"

A sharp glint appeared in her eyes "Yes please"

~ Dungeon/ Prison Cells

Far back in one of the smaller cells that could only hold one person sat Katarea. She had her powers sealed and her arms cut off. Her legs and neck were still shackled and chained. Her entire appearance was a mess.

I slowly walk to the cell. Ingvild was behind me. But I gave her a sword that would turn her invisible

"Hello, Katarea are you enjoying your stay?"

She looks up at me with hatred in her eyes "How dare you do this to a descendent of the Original Satan Leviathan. My Faction will make you pay!"

Yeah right. Her faction wrote her off as dead

" Looks like getting defeated has made you even more delusional. You are dead to them. And if you don't want to die you will answer my questions."

"Why should I answer to low-class reincarnated scum like you

Did I mention that I made a new torture sword?

"Guilty Thorn'

I started to make the sword. The entire blade was deep red in color and was about a meter in length, with an approximately thirty-centimeter-long handle. The main feature of the blade was the rows of short, sharp barbs that made it look like thorns on a flower stem.

I put the tip of the sword on her shoulder and gently push a single millimeter

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Katarea started to trash around, pulling out the sword from her.

The inspiration for this beauty was the Crucio Spell from Harry Potter. Gotta love a nerve attack.

"The deeper the blade goes the more it will hurt. Next time I will push it halfway through your shoulder so you can't pull it out. Prolonged exposure can break your mind and turn you brain dead. So think carefully"

Katarea gasped for breath. Fear was oozing out of her. She was deathly scared of the sword.

"What do you want to know?" She asked with a shaky breath

"Why does Ophis support you" I already know why. But some confirmation would be nice

"Ophis is a naive child. We promised it to support on the battle it was about to wage on Great Red. We were never going to keep our promise. There are plants to betray and use Ophis's strenght for ourselves later on, but I don't know much about them"

I ask a few more questions about Khaos Brigade before I move on.

"What happened to your brother?"

"Ha? Why do you want to know about that trash? He was weaker than me yet first in line for the Family Seat. Which would have been fine, but he was a naive fool who didn't agree with our views. So we just got rid of him" Katarea scoffed, she obviously looked down and hater her brother. "Everybody knows this, even if it was a Leviathan internal matter."

"I didn't know" Ingvild spoke in a cold tone. She was furious. She turned off the invisibility and appeared next to my side

"You.. I know you. You are that half-blood bitch that my brother had with a human woman. He brought you to the Underworld once you got the sleeping-disease. But you were killed. How are still alive? How are you AWAKE!"

Katarea trashed, as she struggled with the shackles

"Who else was involved with my parents' deaths? " Ingvild stares down on her. Her Mid-Ultimate Class Power pressing down on Katarea.

But Katarea gritted her teeth and didn't answer.

Weird. She answered me but she doesn't want to answer Ingvild who is weaker than me.

Interesting. What is stopping her from answering even at the cost of getting tortured?

"Wait. I have a better Idea. I'm going to have a look inside her memories" I made a sword and stabbed Katarea before she could even react.

I ran through her memories and quickly found out why. She didn't want Ingvild to inherit the Leviathan line. She is hoping that if she stays alive long enough someone will rescue her. I also saw who was involved with the deaths of Ingvild's parents.

Ingvild who has the Clan Ability. Would become the first in line and would inherit the Leviathan name, lands, and all their businesses. Everything. So Katarea kept her mouth shut

I come back to reality and show those memories to Ingvild "You can kill her if you want. She has no use to me anymore"

I turned around and started to leave. Ingvild was left alone with Katara.

I felt Ingvild use her power to make something,



"Mother. Father. Katarea was the first one. The rest will follow one by one. Until you have been avenged"

~~~ A/N

I found this website. Milanote. It's so freaking sick. I have seen a few like it but all of them were a pain to use. But this one is pretty solid and easy. Is a board where I can put up notes and images. Little Folders and all that.

I'm using it to manage my fics. Write Plot lines and Character Development. It's a lot easier now that I can see it like it was Stuck to the Wall. Visually it's better and I can keep better track of my ideas.

I was honestly considering sticking Sticky Notes to my wall to do this xD

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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