
DxD Real Dragon

Issei Hyoudo is an anomaly. Someone who shouldn't exist. Follow his life as he makes several powerful women his own, all while looking down on his enemies and creating a Dragon faction. But what will he do when his lovers find out about his hidden secret? The fact that he is a sadistic bastard, even in a battle... Surely it won't come back to bite him in the ass, right? Read chapters in advance on patre0n.com/Neil247!!!! (replace 0 with o) .... I don't own DxD or any of the characters. This is fanfiction made for entertainment purposes only.

HiroKoya · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs




"We didn't put up a sound barrier..."

"Who cares...they know what we're doing anyways." Valerie turned around and pushed Issei to sit on his hips. Then she nestled into his lap with his cock still stuck inside her. 

She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. 

Issei leaned in and captured her lips while exploring her back and hips with his hands. 

They wrestled with their tongues in Valerie's mouth. When they pulled back for breath, their tongues would refuse to part, and they'd end up licking each other's tips. This kept repeating for a few minutes. 

Even though they were still connected down there, there was no more sex. They just kept kissing, relishing the warmth their partner provided. 

"I love you ~ Issei ~"

"I love you too, Vali." 


Walking back downstairs was awkward to say the least. 

Le Fay was frozen in place with a red face. Arthur had neutral face, but was looking uncomfortable. Bikou and Kuroka looked like they were about to start teasing the duo at any second.

Tiamat was still on the couch, filled with with frustration and anger.

The white dragon flared her aura, "No one...will say...a single word about what just happened." 

Her team nodded while Tiamat just sighed. 

"Alright, there will be no fighting between my wives, so you two better hug and make up." Issei's tone was sharp, and his two partners obeyed.

"I've heard a lot about you. Most people are scared to face you, let alone defeat you." Valerie praised the woman in front of her. "You are a great match for him. And I can sense the mark on you, so I welcome you to Issei's hoard. But if you betray him, I'll kill you" 

"Don't call it that..." The poor boy's cries were unheard. 

"The Red Dragon Emperor conquering his rival and making her his wife...I'll admit that's more impressive than anything. I also accept you as the first wife. As for the betrayal, the same goes for you." 

They laughed together and fell into conversation. A few minutes later, Issei interrupted them.

"So, listen up. I had a reason for coming here."

"I'm hurt. You didn't come here just to see me?" The pouting face was skillfully ignored.

"I'm fighting Riser Phenex in a duel in a few days."

"Phenex?" Arthur perked up. 

"Why are you fighting such a weak opponent, dear?"

"The fight will be held in the Underworld. If he wins, he'll get Tiamat. If I win, I can pick someone from his peerage." 

"You allowed someone to challenge you for one of your-" Before Valerie could rage, Issei explained the situation's true premise. "I see, 3 favors from Sirzechs isn't bad."

"See, it's all according to plan."

"And why did I not know about this Dragon faction..." 

"I only revealed it quite recently. And I already got a lot of land to operate on. I'd like to invite you and Tiamat to be the first ones to join." 

After a quick nod from both of them, Issei continued. "Anyway, I need to go to the Underworld, and I need Tiamat to take me there. But I also want Valerie to come with me."


"I need Tiamat to introduce me to Beelzebub without informing the current Lucifer."

"I'm not friends with Beelzebub as everyone thinks, but I can do what you want. I won't ask why you want to meet with the fly, you probably won't tell me anyways."

He nodded in thanks, "Valerie, you will go sever your ties with the Fallen and officially join the Dragon faction. After that, all three of us will go together to greet Tannin."

"I have no problems. I paid my debt back when I interrupted your fight." Valerie agreed with a blush on her face. She'll finally be at Issei's side 24/7. Which means she can embrace him whenever she wanted.

"I also want to visit the Phenex family while I'm in the Underworld. Once again, without notifying Lucifer. I'm building a new faction, and the supply of Phenex tears will be invaluable. I hope to strike a deal with their family head so my fight with Riser turns into a simple farce."

Arthur was secretly admiring Issei. He always respected the Dragon's strength, hence why he allowed him to date Valerie without a word. But this level of scheming and the determination to create a Dragon faction...

'I wonder if he'll allow me, a human, to join. Or perhaps we can be a sub-faction until Lady Valerie.'

"Um, Issei, there's something I need to tell you." 

Noticing that Valerie was nervous, he asked her to continue with a calm but serious face.

"Ophis invited me to join Khaos Brigade. And I thought about joining them" 

Silence fell upon the room.

Everyone in this room was privy to what that organization was. Joining them would mean being labelled as a criminal in the supernatural world.

"Vali." Issei's aura oppressed everyone at once. "If you join them, I'll kill you." 

Those horrific words left a huge impact. It felt like the voice of the world was repeating his words.

"W-Wait! I was only thinking of joining to spy for you!" Valerie desperately tried to justify herself.

Even Tiamat was shocked that Issei would threaten one of his wives. But she understood why. Ophis was a plague. Joining her and accepting her power would mean forgoing your honor forever.

Issei softened his eyes and ceased his oppression. "I already have a spy in their organization. You're going to stay by my side."

Possessive words work wonders on Dragons.


After a short apology from Issei, everyone went to their rooms to turn in for the night.

Valerie was changing in her room. She was going to wear a special gift for Issei and cuddle with him during the night.

But a knock interrupted her fantasy. 

She looked through the keyhole and saw it was Tiamat, so she opened the door while half naked. 

Tiamat didn't react to the lack of shame. 

"So, what do you need?" 

"I wanted to know how you and Issei met. And how you went from rivals to fucking each other's brains out."

Valerie flinched slightly. She would make sure to erect a sound barrier next time.

"Well, come in. It's a long story."




...(Next FIVE chapters are already out on my Patre0n!!!!)

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy this story!...Visit my Patre0n page for chapters-in-advance and other benefits. (patre0n.com/Neil247)Replace 0 with o...


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