
When in rome do as the romans do

Ok! Now that I was cleaned and all, it was time to see what happened after my core formation. I sat down, crossed my legs, closed my eyes and concentrated all my attention in the feeling of ki, the movement inside my body. After about 10 minutes, in my mind appeared some sort of mental map of my body. I got really, really scared. Honestly I thought some death mission system appeared inside my head. After some time, having calmed myself, I came to the conclusion that probably my ki was transferring information inside my head, just like the eyes. I decided to call it mind eye for now.

I cod see my body just like these images of the chakra pathways in naruto, with my core as the center and the ki flowing inside predetermined pathways. There were some points that seemed clogged. Were these meridans? There were 8 of these meridians. Maybe my next stage was the cleansing of my body, so that I could get it closer to that of an immortal. I decided to try it afterwards.

All I wanted in that moment was trying what I could do with the ki gathered in my dantian.

So I tried moving it into my hands and, although slowly, it began concentrating into my hands. After about 2 or 3 minutes I managed to gather some in my hands.

To avoid destroying my room, I went in the garden outside to try it.

I repeated the process and tried punching lightly a tree. Just as if I was punching tofu, my punch left an imprint on the trunk. In that moment I was glad that I had not tried it inside my room.

The properties of the ki inside my body reminds me of the chakra and nen I watched in my previous life. I thought it would be better start training using the techniques of some of my predecessor. They do say "when in rome do as the romans do", so in an anime world I'll just use anime techniques.

My training plan consisted in unclogging my meridians slowly while doing some chakra/ki manipulation techniques.

I remembered the most basic chakra manipulation technique was about attaching to yourself leaves, so I tried doing it and just like I expected, I failed. As someone who kept doing taichi everywhere and amassed so much dark history that even a chuunibyou would cringe, I would not give up.

I'll keep doing it until I can do it. Einstein did say "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result", but he wasn't reborn in a world of devils, boob dragons, angels and fallen angels.

And so here I was, a ten year old boy, getting constantly scolded by his mother. I kept coming back home with leave attached everywhere every day. It took me about 5 years to master the first step in energy manipulation. I was starting to think that my talent was lacking.

Chakra leaves training was really good for manipulation, my ki was flowing more smoothly now, just like a river. It took only 10 seconds to concentrate the ki in my fist. I even succeded into unclogging 3 of my meridians! It seems like every meridians unclogged helped my body's ki flow faster and become even more denser. Every time it seemed like the dimension of my dantian kept getting bigger. After some thoughts, I decided my next move. I thought it was time trying some martial arts and begin the next chakra training: "tree climbing".
