
Chapter005 Kuroka


Word Count: 1246

As I started studying the scroll, I had a sense of excitment, I knew a magic like this was Unique and never seen before, as I already viewed the history of the world.

To use the spells, you have to shift the mana in your body in a certain way, to accelerate yourself to high speeds without straining your body.

But since I don't have much control of mana in my body, I can only currently learn, Flicker Step Technique.

The Technique is quite simple, channel mana to your feet and propel your self slightly above the ground, the next time you reach the ground, you have a split second to attack before you have to propel yourself again.

You can constantly move around the enemy and attack them at the same time, it's quite a powerful Technique, and that's only the first stage of the Technique, if I get my hands on the Mid-Tier scroll in the future I'll be able to finish it.

I was about to get up and test the Technique, but Illuminati's Confession noticed Kuroka trying to get up.

"Woah, careful, although you're all patched up on the outside, who knows how many internal wounds you have." I said to Kuroka, stopping her from injuring herself further.

"Why, why did you save me, is it because I'm pretty, Nya?" Kuroka said, trying to tease me.


"It's because I want you to join the Chaos Insurgency, Kuroka." I said calmly, even though I was still angry over the death of my comrades.

"What if I say no, Nya?" Kuroka said with a questioning gaze.

"I'll let you walk away, there is nothing I can do to stop you." I responded.

Kuroka started thinking for a second before chuckling

"Kuhuhu. Very well, I'll join this Chaos Insurgency you speak of, Nya" Kuroka said without giving it a second thought.

I looked at her very confused not expecting this answer

'I knew she was simple-minded, but this is too much, she decided in like 10 seconds?!'

"U-uh, very well, but would you like to know more about the Chaos Insurgency?" I asked, still surprised she accepted so fast, but I was also happy.

"Sure, enlighten me, Nya."

"My name is Archimedes S. Sinatra, leader of the Chaos Insurgency, there were nine other recently recruited members, but due to the last battle, they all lost their lives." I said, introducing my self.

Kuroka upon hearing this felt slightly guilty, it was indeed her fault, but she might of not live if she didn't.

"The Chaos Insurgency's main goal, at the moment, is containing Anomalies known as SCP's, they're highly dangerous, and more powerful than scared gears."

Kuroka looked at me with even more curious eyes, seemingly not believing my statement.

I pulled out SCP-268 and showed her.

"This is the 'Cap Of Neglect', or known as SCP-268, putting the hat on, anyone observing you will suddenly forget you are there, and you will become unnoticeable until you, speak, take that the hat off, or if you have psychical interaction with someone." I explained to Kuroka as her eyes glowed in amazement.

"So that's how you suddenly appeared out of nowhere and caught me with that weird magic, Nya?" Kuroka asked curiously.


After I said that, I noticed the system popped up in front of me.


Forceful Ejection out of 'The Shop'

3 Minutes, 21 Seconds,


'Well at least Kuroka is healed' I thought to myself before realizing

Oh shit, I forgot to give her the other half of the potion!

Quickly looking up, I took the half full healing potion out of my inventory and handed it to Kuroka.

"Drink this, it's a healing potion, it will heal with your internal damage."

Kuroka, gulped the potion down before she started clawing at her tongue.

"It's taste so fucking bad, Nya!" Kuroka exclaimed, trying to wipe the disgusting taste out of her mouth.

I chuckled, thinking of when I drank the Mana Enhancement Potion.

"Are you ready to leave this place?" I asked Kuroka who looked more energetic than before, nodded in response.

Grabbing her shoulder, I opened the system, and hit the return button, in a swirl of space, we both appeared back where we originally were.

Looking over, I saw the bloody mess of my team, I couldn't help but look away in sadness and start walking the other way as Kuroka followed.


We've been traveling for a few hours now, we are currently headed to Kyoto to hide for a while, since it's Youkai territory, Demon's have to tread carefully, and even if they do look for Kuroka here, she will be unfindable with SCP-268 on.

But during our hours of travel, I forgot something about her personality.

She loves to tease people…

"Archie-kun, what's with that look, are you annoyed by me, Nya?" Kuroka said in a "Sad" tone.


Ignoring her most of the way, we finally reached Kyoto, I had a happy smile on my face, after hours of walking we're finally here.

On the other hand, Kuroka was pouting, as I ignored her almost the entire time.

"Kuroka, stay here, I'll be back, I'll rent us a hotel room, and I'll sneak you in." I explained.

"Fine, but don't take too long, Nya!" Kuroka said, still angry I ignored her the entire way.

Putting on SCP-268, I wandered in to the town.

The city was really amazing, in my past life I never went outside the U.S., so seeing the very interesting architecture, and culture in the city amazed me.

But, I quickly snapped out of it, Kuroka might just kill me if I take too long.

So I initiated the start of my plan, pick pocketing people!

On the way here, I realized I have no money, but with SCP-268, I can walk up to anyone as long as I don't bump into someone, they won't notice me, and I'm free to grab money all I want, which solves my money problem temporarily.

Walking around I snatched a few wallets, took the money out and placed them back, they wouldn't even have noticed except for the fact their cash is missing.

In total, I had pick pocketed 77k yen, which is around 650 USD, which is enough to be able to pay for a hotel for a night or two.

After walking around for a bit longer, I settled on the first hotel I found, since I was already tired, I took off SCP-268 before entering and booked a room.

It was honestly quite embarrassing as I was dressed up in my Chaos Insurgency Uniform, as it was my only clothes at the moment, so the entire time the receptionist gave me a weird look.

Returning, Kuroka has already fallen asleep, and was leaning against a tree.

"Kuroka, I got us a room to wake up," I said, hoping she would only be in a light sleep.

But she didn't respond

'She must be exhausted due to the long walk, and being able to sleep carefree for the first time in ages'

Picking her up, I decided to give her a piggyback ride to the hotel, nobody should notice as long as I have SCP-268 on.

As I walked back to the hotel, I couldn't help but be happy that I gained a powerful ally and member of the Chaos Insurgency today, I'm sure we will be able to grow close.

But on the inside, I was still mourning for the Death of my first teammates, I silently wished that instead of being sad I buried their bodies instead.

.End Chapter


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