
DxD: I Like Orange

When God created the world, He didn't plan for anything to be really Orange besides the Fruit... But hey! Even my God can't create everything so perfect, right? Paint everything orange....... Starting with the nobility of a certain Redhead... . . . . . . . . . . . Traslation

William777 · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

Chapter 041

- Ara ara... Nothing less than expected. The brunette said with a smile, as she looked at Naruto sulking.

-I demand a recount! Naruto shouted, arms - crossed.

No recount! Rias replied with a smile. - An agreement has been made, so... Stick to it, Naruto-kun! Or would you prefer to serve as a chair?

Naruto rolled his eyes.

Do I have a choice? He asked. -So... Akeno- c...!-He stopped himself from calling her "Akeno-chan", as he was used to now. - What do you want? She is the big winner after all...

Rias frowned.

"He agreed too easily! Damn it! It's exactly as I imagined, these two bastards are having a hidden affair!" She bit the tip of her finger, watching them talk not so animatedly. "Even though he lied about the result in the hope that he would revolt and start a real fight, all he did was agree..."

A bitter feeling began to grow inside Rias... She felt confused... It was a mixture of complex emotions!

She was frustrated, since she was the one Naruto was closest to. The only one who really got close to him and understood him... But she felt like she was losing her position!

She was angry that they kept whatever it was hidden from her! Your king! This was unacceptable!

She was jealous of them having something and she couldn't have anything with anyone! Plus... They now had something she'd always had a real interest in and could never truly have!

And she was also afraid... Afraid that Akeno would lose her virginity first and win their bet!

"Damn... Why did this have to happen?" - She squinted her eyes. "My plan was simple: Get rid of Riser then try something with Naruto! How could it have gone wrong?"

No, no... It wasn't that Rias was in love with Naruto, it's just that she wanted to have experiences and knowledge so that when she married the one she loved, she could be sure that she had experienced life...

"Although I still dream that I would marry someone who had my virginity..." sighing softly. She thought,

When she realized her thoughts had reached a worrying place, she composed herself, forcing a calm look on her face.

- Well, well... No matter what they decided at the time, everything is resolved now. - Rias said calmly. - Everyone is free... Except you, Naruto. Today you will help me with something important.

The blonde only raised one eyebrow, but didn't care, shrugging.

Akeno on the other hand... Had a bad feeling about this.

So, sunny day... Few clouds in the sky.... Peaceful weather... - Naruto said calmly to the redhead beside him. And I have to be locked in a room helping you with the paperwork Rias? Do you know how many people I could be pranking people with? He cut himself quickly.

The redhead hummed quietly.

- Well, it was you and Akeno's joke that gave me the most trouble~! She replied, still smiling. And I 1 have to deliver all of this to my family tomorrow morning.

Why don't you spend the night doing that?

-But we will! The redhead smiled, making him blink. The rest of the papers are in the other room.

Naruto stared at her, with a blank look.

-You're kidding me, aren't you?

- I am. -She didn't even move her eyes to him, but she imagined the face he made.

Well... Much better. Naruto shrugged.

There was a peaceful silence between them, neither Naruto nor Rias felt bad about it. That silence was simply... Comfortable.

"Funny... Despite everything... Naruto-kun is actually the only one who treats me like a girl..." - She thought, looking at him quickly from the corner of her eyes. "That's supposed to be a bad thing, right?"

Even though she asked herself this question, she knew the answer was "no". She always looked for someone who would treat her like Rias, not like Rias Gremory.

"Maybe that's why he attracts me so much..."- She thought. "He intrigues me..."

- Tell me, Naruto-kun/Rias... They both said at - the same time, making them laugh. You can speak first. She asked.

Well... I was just going to ask what kind of family is yours...? The blonde looked at her quickly, before putting aside another stack of papers. And man... You really look pretty with glasses...

The redhead laughed.

Do you really think so? I always found it strange. She said touching her glasses. But they - help a lot to concentrate on just one thing. - She blinked. - Oh, really... What kind of family is mine...?

You don't need to say it if it bothers you. - Naruto spoke quickly.

Rias smiled.

- Does not bother. She answered. Well, my - father is the Leader of the Family, so to speak... Zeonotycus Gremory. If I were to describe him, I would say he is a very easy-going man... My mother is the opposite. So maybe I think they are the perfect couple. - Rias laughed at the memory, while Naruto smiled. - Although I say that he is the leader of the family, it is only officially... Because the one who is certainly in charge at home is my mother, Venelana Gremory... She is certainly my inspiration.

Why? Beauty or power? Or domination? That makes Rias look on her face. - Naruto commented.

- I think everything. - Rias answered honestly. - She is simply incredible... She would certainly put you in line.

Naruto smiled.

- Give up, Rias-chan~! I'm a goner. My father and mother tried, my brothers tried, and no one succeeded. - He smiled. Don't be sad about it... Just accept it.

Rias shrugged, but she knew Naruto didn't know his mother to say that.

Well, continuing then there is my older brother and his wife... Sirzechs Lucifer, the current Maou, and his Queen, Grayfia-nee-chan. She smiled affectionately. They are both very powerful, yet they keep trying their best to make me happy... Well, I mean... Almost always... A complex look crossed her face. Besides them, there's my nephew, 10 years old now... Millicas Gremory. He is very innocent and cute, you have to meet him! I'm sure they would get along great! -She laughed, clinging to Naruto in a one-armed hug as she leaned on him.









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