
Chapter 2. Luck.

A very unpleasant atmosphere ...

Sitting at a massive long table of dark wood in the center of a huge hall with incredibly high ceilings, marble floors and burgundy walls, on which hung strange lamps in the form of inverted cones, I felt nothing but some strange, oppressive feeling directed towards my side.

An incredibly beautiful girl was sitting at the table with me. She had shoulder-length light brown hair, bright purple sparkling eyes, and incredibly smooth white skin. She wore a white dress with a wide neckline, revealing great dignity. She took a seat at the other end of the table, to the right of the seat of the head of the family, who was not with us at breakfast. Next to her, a little to the right, sat the same girl who burst into my room in the morning. As it turns out, her name is Rias. Rias Gremory, the same Gremory. And I, it turns out, is her older brother.She looked depressed. As if she herself felt all the negative that was in the air. There were maids by the walls, ready to obey any order from the Gremory family. However, one of them stood directly behind my back. The same Emma. My personal maid, apparently she was assigned to me in order to teach etiquette and other things necessary for a nobleman, and she felt somehow differently than others. The smell is different or ... I don't even know. I only felt this way from Rias.

As I understand it, this unpleasant slimy feeling came from Venelana, Rias's mother. I don't know how she manages to pour out so much negativity and disgust on me without even looking in my direction ... It feels like she's disgusted to even sit with me at the same table. Look how far they were sent.

I don't know what this kid did this before my "resurrection", but the child clearly does not deserve to be treated like that. Perhaps I am not her son? Then, that would explain some of the questions. For example, how is it that Rias and I have a rather small age difference? And, as far as I know, it is very difficult for demons to get pregnant. It's good if you manage to close up the child once a decade. And then for such good luck you will have to fulfill your marital duty almost around the clock, seven days a week. It means that I was born to one of Zeoticus's mistresses, Rias's father. I remember in the light novel it was mentioned that he spent time with almost every maid in his castle. Now I understand this attitude towards my person ...

The son of a concubine ... It is not surprising that the main wife from such a gift will be beside herself with "joy." Moreover, as far as I can understand from the "system", the status of the "illegitimate" child does not in any way affect the order of inheritance. That is, I have all the rights of the heir to the family and clan. It turns out that I ousted both Rias and Millikas, the son of Sirzechs, the eldest son of Venelana and the owner of the title Lucifer. And this is not to mention the fact that any woman will be jealous of her husband.

So it turns out that I am like an eyesore. You have to be careful. Who knows how it will turn out in the end. Of course, all these are just my assumptions, and in fact, everything may be different, but ...

The only thing missing was these palace intrigues, as in cheap TV series. How stressful it all is ...

Sighing, I went back to eating.


Gremory Castle was huge. Although, in fact, it was just an incredibly large estate, but I simply could not name it otherwise. Everything is so huge, tall, old and incredibly expensive ... Tapestries on the walls, paintings, antique vases, candlesticks and other luxury items. All of this shone and sparkled in the rays of the sun that made its way through the huge tinted windows.

I was not allowed to walk alone. Emma followed me everywhere, moving as an invisible shadow behind me. Perhaps an ordinary child would not have noticed her presence, but I am not an ordinary child. Perhaps Emma is my mother? Hmm ... it would be weird to ask that.

Although, I am more inclined to assume that a real mother would not be allowed to be near her son, so that she would not influence him and persuade him to do something "strange." Indeed, at this age, children are most prone to trust and suggestion.

I can assume that the mother of this kid, whose body I took, was sent to hell, if at all they were left alive. Demons, who knows ...

In my reflections, I wandered into a dead end. It's strange that the corridor ends up like this at all. As if there should be a door in this place. And on the entire wall hangs a portrait of a man with short-cropped red hair and a goatee. Apparently one of the Gremory ancestors.

Yes, that is right.

Daymond Gremory. This was written on a small gold plaque on the right edge of the frame. The picture hangs strangely. And too big ... Perhaps there is a passage behind it?

-My lord, class time, -Emma's voice distracted me. I am still amazed at how quietly it moves ...

- Yes, I'm already going ..


They taught me writing, reading, history, etiquette and other little things. We studied no more than two hours, sitting at one of the tables in the huge library, filled with many rows of high shelves, each of which was completely filled with books. They were sorted by content, topic and value. In each section, the books were arranged alphabetically and by year of writing. So many books ... This is heaven for an otaku like me. The library itself was located on the back of the corridor where I wandered. I even checked to see if the door was there, but found nothing. Although the impression was created that a whole part of the building remained closed. It was as if part of the library had been cut off from the common room.

It will be necessary to check it somehow ...

Also figured out how one of my skills works. Gluttony

When I picked up the book "Fundamentals of Magic", an eye appeared on the back of my hand, and a mouth full of sharp teeth from the back, from where a long slippery tongue stretched out and entangled the book.

The system window came out:

[Study a book?]


[Attention, when studied, the book will be destroyed forever.]

[With the current understanding of the material, the absorption of knowledge will be 10%.]

I immediately put the book aside and my tongue disappeared, sucked into my palm.

Quite a creepy sight. Fortunately, Emma did not see this, busy with the selection of books for the next lesson.

Hmm ... So the absorbed material will be destroyed. Well, that's logical. And this means that you should not thoughtlessly throw yourself at every artifact or book. You should first study its contents before activating the skill. In order to get more benefits. Besides, I don't think it's worth showing your abilities now. It is not known how they will react to them. And the disappearance of books from the library can raise a lot of questions.

We'll have to endure ...

Well, I'll take a couple of books with me to my room. For studying. In addition, you can then try to absorb the books already studied with Emma. Although, perhaps, the skill can only be activated on "magic" tomes ...

You will need to experiment with this. Still, I got a rather unusual skill. And without any instructions.

In addition, we must not forget about physical development. Of course, I am a demon and with age I will become stronger on my own, but ... Knowing this world, I can say that this will not be enough. He's dangerous. There are a lot of monsters, hostile demons, angels, deadly to our species and other tinsel, dangerous to health. To live without looking back, you need strength.

In a past life, I was proficient in martial arts. Being a member of the Family was an obligation. Yes, and owned a katana at the level. Of course, not a master samurai, but something I can. True, in order not to retrain to fight anew, you need to somehow "legalize" your knowledge. Find a book on Japanese martial arts or something else ...

Intense ...

In the meantime, you just need to tighten up your physical condition. Regular exercise and exercise will do for the moment. Then I'll think of something else. I hope that in order to increase the characteristics, I will not have to practice in the style of Roronoa Zoro later? .. Where can I find such an inventory?

By the way, about the inventory ... I'm a "Gambler", somehow I didn't immediately think about it. Do I have something similar?

"Hmm…" I sighed, thinking about how to bring up the vault window.


Nothing happened. Maybe a bag? Storage? Items? Pocket?

[Skill: Spatial Pocket is unlocked by the team]

[Level 1.]

[Capacity: 10 cubic meters]

[Attention! Not intended for transporting living beings.]

- Oh! .. - I gasped in surprise.

-Has something happened, Milord?- Emma asked softly.

- No, it's okay. I just saw an unusual symbol, - I broke off, pointing with my finger at a page of the book.

- Indeed, unusual, - said the girl. - It's Babylonian. It means good luck
