
Why do you pursue strength?

5 years later

Within a cave on a frozen mountain lit by a bonfire sat the duo of the elder and soon to be teenager.

In the last 5 years the old man kept his word about turning me into a shinigami. After hours of being a punching bag the old man found that I am apparently not completely invincible. While my body could fight for long periods of time the old man decided to teach me a lesson by winning through beating me for days and showed me that despite my body not being tired, my mind was so I actually had to rest.

On the bright side he told me that with more experience my mind would get used to those drawn out fights. Instead of training with my sword first he started with pure CQC. And I have to say the old man really packs a punch, he literally punched me through a mountain! After one of us tires out he would start teaching me kido, I honestly wondered if there was any point in me learning considering I could just use the flames from my zanpakuto. He just smacked me over the head and told me not to question his training.

Over the years I have learned that this old man really takes tea ceremonies seriously.I was never able to understand all that but apparently he was head of the tea ceremony club or something back in soul society. He even stopped training and made me make a wooden bowl and cups for it. Maybe it's an old person thing but I honestly don't get it.

After being a punching bag and frying my brain trying to learn kido spells we finally got to my zanpakuto. Since we have the same spirit he was able to give me some insight on what to expect when communicating with Ryuujin Jakka. Ryuujin Jakka looked like a colossal torrent of fire, like some kind of flame elemental. Strangely enough it's only request for me was to not use it like a kitchen tool like the old man. I got the strange feeling that it was actually pleading with me not to do it. I agreed feeling that it was something important for being on good terms with it.

"Tell me why do you pursue strength?"

His face didn't show anything but his tone seemed solemn yet curious

"To be honest I never really thought of it"

Rubbing the back of his neck with a wry smile

"To pursue strength without a purpose can be dangerous at times, your reason for power can often define the course of your life"

The silence didn't last long as he sat that with a thoughtful face

"Well I guess it partly has to do with dying once and not wanting to die again like me last life"

The old man simply hummed

"So you pursue strength for self preservation?"

staring at the flickering embers of the bonfire he responded

"Well I guess if I had to add more then maybe get a wife or three?"

That made the old man open a slit of one of his eyes

"hoho quite ambitious but tell me if you are aiming for a harem then why not more?"

Shiro simply gave himself a self depreciating laugh

"Well in my last life I sorta never had a girlfriend and was hoping to make up for it, honestly even just 1 girl would be fine aswell"

he paused for a moment

"And honestly I'm not sure I could handle more than three considering I don't even have experience with one, this is just me being greedy hehe"

The head captain simply grinned

"So you pursue power for love and self preservation, perhaps you simply wish for a family, not a bad reason for now I suppose"

Shiro showed a wry smile

"I... Just want to enjoy my life, my memories of my last life are getting blurry but I know for a fact that I felt empty inside"

The old man suddenly had a glint in his eye

"Hoho so does this mean I will be expecting grandchildren in the future?"

Shiro just started coughing

"The hell do you mean grandchildren, I'm basically your grandkid at this point"

The grin never left the old man's face

"For me everyone is like a grandchild!"

[Name: Shiro Aversis]


[Race: Human, Shinigami]

[Soul: Indestructable]

[Soul Bound Items:

Zanpakuto(Ryuujin Jakka)

Mythical Parasol Tree]

[Body: Eternal Ancient Imperishable body]

[Reiryoku: ∞]

[Mana: : ∞]


Hado Arts 1-88

Bakudo Arts 1-81]


Blood Sea(level 10)


Zanjutsu techniques(beginner)

Hakuda techniques(expert)

Reiatsu control(novice)

Immense spiritual pressure]

System Review:

Third True magician, Lieutenant level shinigami, still a punching bag
