
Ch1: Where it all begins

(MC pov)

You know, waking up as a kid after taking a nap wasn't exactly how I imagined my day to go. Oh sure, I didn't have much of a plan either way, just attend classes, study a little, read tons and tons of novels or fanfics and chat with some friends about how wacky the world is.

So you can imagine my surprise when I found out that I'm in the body of a kid, from the memories I got, it seems my name in this life is the same as the previous one, Samuel and I'm a 6 years old kid.

I realised that I'm not in a simple drama or normal world or even my original one. Want to know how I came to that conclusion? Well it's simple really, I manged to figure out from the fact the we have Vasco fucking Strada visit us from time to time, and we are often told by the sisters of all his stories and the supernatural in general.

So yeah, I can safely conclude that I am in DxD, and I'm in the Vatican currently being raised and trained to become one of the church's next generation of guard dogs.

Now I'm not going to lie, I didn't take being thrown from my old life to this seemingly crazy hentai hiding as a Shounen world. Oh sure, it's everyone's wet dream to get this chance and we all fantasize about it, but considering all the danger, all the efforts, all the modern luxuries, friends, relationships and the like that I will be sacrificing it just didn't seem ideal. I am not an ambitious person, in fact I am quite lazy, always procrastinating my work, doing the bare minimum in most things, ignoring my flaws and people I general until it comes and bites me in the ass.

So I spent close to a month just acting mechanically after my reincarnation, just broading, thinking of just ending it all together, no need to try, cause honestly I was already suicidal before so it didn't seem that much of a bad idea.

But in the end, I just thought to give it a chance, this is a supernatural world, there is magic, crazy swords and guns, super humans walking around, so it will be a waste if I atleast didn't try to see and do it all.

So I resolved myself to become strong, not to protect anyone, not to serve anyone, just out of simple honest curiosity and desperation for power and a goal for my new life.

That's how I started my journey to get true strength. So I begin training my young body and meditating regularly. For the physical training, I just run around in the training ground of the facility we are living in, doing all kind of stretches, squats, push ups, sit ups,etc... Yep, we aren't actually living in a normal orphanage, it seems this is the famous Sigurd Institution of the church.

Apparently, besides trying to create and mass produce clones of the legendary hero, it also functions as a training and raising facility for promising individuals, which I apparently qualify as such.

Now for the meditation part, what I am trying with this is 3 things. First, to try and feel my magic reserve or core. From what I found in the library, which is a thing in this institution apparently, every living being has a magical core. It's a spiritual organ that stores and channels mana if the user can activate it and I'm trying to sense it with all my mediation.

Second, I'm trying to delve into myself, my consciousness and my soul to try and achieve Touki and Senjutsu easier. Oh sure, it's hard for every other being besides Yokai to even do it, and there is the world's evil that can corrupt you. But I'm not exactly going to focus on Senjetsu, my main goal is actually Touki itself.

To unlock it, you either can have a Senjetsu master do it, be a Yokai with talent and affinity, or train your body to the absolute limits possible. Meditation to be able to twist and manipulate your own Ki, life force, Touki, whatever you may call it, is just to make the process easier and leave some foundation to learn Senjetsu if possible in the future.

This is how I spend my everyday life after my reincarnation. Waking up, cleaning my room, eating, training, meditation and studying in the library. As mentioned before, I was surprised by its actual presence and contents, apparently from what the sisters told me, the library was just a regular library that is more focused on the religious, supernatural and normal studies, until a group of veteran and retired exorcists, who now work here as the teachers and trainers, decided to add books about magic, history and the like for any possible magical talent they could find here.

So I of course start reading them with gusto, that is when I noticed that I seem to be fluent in Italian, which I totally wasn't before, and reminded me that there is a language barrier that I need to overcome in the future. But back to the books, from what I found, similar to the Original canon, the great war is still the same, the devil civil war happened around 500-600 years ago, the new Satans appeared, how human magic works by calculations and equations.

There wasn't that much of magic books in the library, not that surprising since, from what I remember it's still debated if it is heretical or not. What I found most interesting however is rune magic, apparently the magic itself doesn't need calculating, just writing or materialising a sequence of runes, with the corresponding mana, intent and comprehension, and the runes will do the rest.

So I started writing, copying and memorising the runes and their meanings as best as I can while formating sequences to try in the future, which isn't that hard with all the free time that I have and there are only like 24 runes, based on the Norse magic system. Although I didn't interact much with the kids in here, choosing to not really dump my intelligence and waste time with conversations, since I myself wasn't that much of a social person, even in my last life, so I quickly got Isolated, kids are like that, the innocent monsters that they are. But beyond that they didn't do anything so I didn't bother.

( Time Skip)

It's been a year since my reincarnation in this world, nothing special happened beyond my regular routine, it seems that until we are 10 years old atleast, we aren't allowed to go outside of perimeter of the facility to the town. Well nothing new happened until today.

So while i was meditating as usual after pushing myself a little bit too hard this time. I was so exhausted that I honestly expected to fall asleep like a dozen of times in the past, but when I closed my eyes and resumed mediating, I had this feeling of sinking, my breathing begun to slow down and so too did my thoughts, I felt a little sluggish but tried to concentrate around me, or to be more accurate in me, and I felt it, in the centre of where my heart should be, that little ball? pool? gaz? was there just sitting.

And so, I focused all my attention on it and started trying to spin it in itself and try to move it, it worked a little bit easily for just spinning it in its place but when I tried to get it out, it all literally spilled out and started going in every part of the pathways in my body. I snapped me out of my mediation cause of the static pain I felt afterwards.

When I opened my eyes, there wasn't any pain, but I could feel it. My magic core and pathways were fully awakened and opened.

(3rd pov)

When Samuel was about to jump in the air and start screaming, he heard a *ding* noise and saw a screen open in front of his face.

[Congratulations on awakening your magical core and taking your first step into the supernatural]

[The Multiverse Wandering System has been successfully activated]

Samuel just looked blankly at those screens before taking a deep breath and thought in his mind.

'System? Why weren't you active before this? Also are you the one responsible for this or another entity?'. As he said that aloud in his mind he heard a mechanical voice in his mind, it didn't sound male or female.

[To answer the host: The system was going to activate only when you step into the supernatural and no, the system isn't responsible for your circumstances or your reincarnation]

When Samuel heard that, he thought it about it a bit and then asked in his mind:

'Then do you know who is responsible for this? Also do you mind telling me your origins? And a summery of your functions too'.

[The system and your new life are a gift from a powerful entity that called itself R.O.B., after your death from a sudden cardiac arrest caused by your poor care of your body and extreme indulgence in food]

Hearing this, Samuel wasn't that surprised. While he wasn't fat by any means, he never did any kind of training and was a glutinous lazy person who believed he can never be fat cause despite how much he ate he never really became fat.

Oh, he wasn't an idiot, he searched and knew that even without being fat, people still have heart diseases from consuming too much. But he just ignored it, as he ignored every other thing in his life.

'Heh, I guess that's what I deserve in the end. You can't continue running forever, sooner or later you'll have to face the consequences of your action, so either think carefully before doing them or be ready for the consequences' he mused in his head.

Seeing that Samuel is listening once again the system continued:

[ This system have 3 functions, mainly:

--Status: Gives you a general analysis about your level of power and some other informations.

--Missions: A set of objectives that can be accepted, refused or ignored. They will be generated in due time, and depending on the situation there can be generous rewards.

--World Jump: Allows travel to another world. To leave your current world, and each one you will enter in the future, you have to complete a certain number of missions that will be generated, the time can be stopped or let flow in the world you left depending your choice]

Hearing this, he wasn't really that exited about this. Although every little bit of power helps, this system doesn't really seem that useful, except the jump option.

'I suppose I'll have to make do, while I want to ask why would this R.O.B.want to give this to me, I doubt the system will have an answer but it doesn't cost me anything to ask' He mused then said:

'System do you know the reason for this R.O.B. to reincarnate me? Also show me the status page please'. Hearing the command, the system answered:

[ The system isn't aware of the reason behind the action of the creator. As for the status:

Name: Samuel Willis

Age: 07

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Physical body: Slightly above average of a 9 years old kid since they are going to be raised as soldiers for the church.

Mana pool: Above average of 10 year old kids, but nothing that special or eye catching.

Power: None at the moment

Skills: Acting( Intermediate), stealth( Beginner), Mana manipulation( Beginner) ]

Seeing this, he wasn't really that disappointed, at the end of the day, he is still a normal kid with no special lineage whatsoever. So as long as he remains a human, the best he can even hope to rival is a middle class devil physically even if said devil never trained while he trained this whole time. It's sad but its the current reality, that's why he is doing everything to unlock his Touki, with it he can actually an incredible boost in his capabilities physically and spiritually.

"Welp, guess its finally time to try magic" as he murmured this, he got up and took his notes heading to the training yard to start experimenting with his new found source of power.
