
Dungeons & Dragons: Strixhaven A Curriculum Of Chaos

Jeong Yung loves Dungeons & Dragons. But when he dies on his way to a D&D tournament he finds himself waking up as the character he made for the game! His first campaign? Strixhaven, a school for magic and knowledge. But deep beneath the beautiful exterior is a threat waiting to shroud the school in darkness. Can our poor Jeong stop it? I am the Dungeon Master and I say he can't. Oh well.

CaramelCam26 · その他
10 Chs

Mimic Me

The Biblioplex Cafe was on the right side of the giant hall. It was small and almost not noticeable. Already people were crowded in that area but none of them have seemed to figured out the clue yet. "Thiss iss ridiculousss." Lart muttered. I smiled. I could hear a small reptilian accent on the S's. Maybe he was more snakelike than human. Speaking of...

"Hey Lart?" 

The gorgon tilted his head in my direction listening. "Mm?" 

I cleared my throat wondering if he would turn me to stone for this. [He might. Gorgons are known to be extremely sensitive about their looks and personalities. They tend to get irritated easily.

Ah. Thanks, Choal. Hope I don't get turned to stone, you useless system.

"Do you...have a snake tongue?" I asked quickly. Lart frowned and for a second I thought he would smack me or something but then he suddenly began to grin before laughing hysterically. Miri turned to stare at us in confusion.

"Ya'll good?" She asked but I was too busy wondering why Lart was laughing to answer.

"Of courssse." He said before opening his mouth and exposing his long snake like tongue. "Holy shit..." I muttered. I was more concerned about the fangs though.

They were kinda hot.


"So let's speak too one of the waiters or someone at the counter and see if they have a clue for us." Miri suggested pointing to a short stout woman serving a tray of drinks all of which were actually on fire.


"Interesting drink choice." I muttered. 

"Split up. Me and Per go ask whoever's behind the counter and Miri you ask the waiters." Lart said. Miri nodded and approached a nearby waiter while Lart grabbed my arm and dragged me away.

"Um, hello?" I called. 

"Yeah?" Someone answered but I saw no one behind the counter.

"Look down dummy." The voice said. Me and Lart peeked over the counter to see a very short woman glaring up at us. 

"Oh. Hello. We're new students. And we have this..." I handed her the list and she glanced at it before giving it back. 

"Ok. I'll give ya'll the item but I need one of you to stay and help me with something. The name's Aisla Fitzbottom by the way." The woman said smiling.

"It's nice to meet you Aisla. Lart you stay." I said turning to the gorgon. Lart gasped and turned to me pouting. "But I wanna stay with you and Miri..." 

Oh my god....He was like a puppy. A big puppy with snake hair. "Fine. I gues I could stay. You better win though." He said before abruptly pressing his forehead to mine his snakes caressing my cheeks. "Oh..." I said weakly as he pulled away. Lart laughed. "Sorry. It's a gorgon thing." 

Aisla shook her head and handed me a pair of rose tinted glasses. "Thanks Aisla."

"Of course. Plus I like your ambition. Come on gorgon boy." The gnome said, pulling Lart into one of the storage rooms behind the counter.

"hey! I got nothing. What about you?" Miri said as I turned to her. 

"I got the object." I said wiggling the glasses before putting them in my pocket.

"huh? Where's Lart?" Miri asked as she glanced around. I pointed behind me where there was a loud bang and the sound of Lart yelping. 

"Ooooooh. Ok. Next clue. 'These leafy beds aren't what they seem. Give them a pat and see what you glean.' What does that mean?" Miri read frowning. 

"Leafy beds could refer to plants." I suggested. She nodded.

"Aren't there book gardens somewhere in here?" I asked. I had seen a map but couldn't quite remember. Miri nodded. "Yeah. Over there." She pointed to a little area that looked like a fountain on the far side of the building. But instead of water flowing from it it looked like plants were coming out of it instead.

"Awesome. We'll be back Lart!" I shouted. There was a shout of agreement and another crash before we headed over to the shrubbery. "Ok, you're the plant expert here." I said turning to the dryad. Miri glared at me before patting one of the shrubs. It shivered before partiing to reveal a cute stuffed animal. It was shaped like a fiery deer.

"Awww. A Witherbloom cuddly mascot." Miri said grabbing the stuffed animal and placing it in her bag. "ok. the next clue is 'some stars are ancient, enduring, and bright. But others-maybe you-are born on opening night.'" At this both me and Miri turned to each other before saying, "The amphitheater!"

We quickly made our way to the large stage at the back of the Biblioplex. "Ok what do we do?" Miri wondered.

I frowned before stepping onto the stage. I hummed a little tune and waited. Nothing happened until one of the stage lights turned on. Miri walked over to it and looked inside. 

"Aha! A hooded lantern." She exclaimed. "We have all the things we need." I pumped my fist. 

"Ok lets-!" I was interrupted by screams coming from the book stacks. "What the hell?" I muttered.

"Come on!" Miri shouted before grabbing my arm and pulling me along. "Wait what are you doing?" I asked as we ran. "Helping." Miri said grinning back at me.

"Ah, shit." I muttered. I was not in the mood for another fight. I just got here. I want a break.

[You get a break when you complete the quest: Defeat The Mimic. Good luck.]

Choal, you bitch!