
First Special Quest

The waitress came and gave them the menu. She was waiting silently for the gang to finish their orders at a side.

"How was your hunt today?" Dark asked as he sipped his cup.

"I guess it was fine? We encountered three groups of slimes a while ago." Sera answered since her friends were busy ordering some drinks. "You must be taking it cool today. Just sitting here leisurely and not hunting." She teased.

"Brother said that it would be crowded in the forest today. We decided to take a break." Lilia answered as she placed a spoonful of dessert into her mouth.

Tomo and the rest of the party were done ordering and sent the waitress on her way.

"Hey Dark, I'm wondering how you managed to afford to casually treat us here in this shop. Currency is still scarce." Tomo curiously asked him.

"Grandpa has some connections." Dark smiled as he tried to brush the topic off. "Anyway, Sera said that you guys managed to hunt 3 groups of slimes. You must have been lucky."

"Well, more fortunate than the others. The forest is too small for all of us and people are competing for the kills." Fred told Dark. "I suggest that you guys hunt while it is still early. More people will come in the tower later." He suggested to Dark who he did not know was already hunting in deeper areas.

"Thanks for that suggestion. Lilia and I will be fine. Putting that aside, what are your levels so far?" Dark placed his cup down and grabbed his fork to eat a slice of cake.

"All of us are level 2. It is quite high for newcomers like us to gain a level in the first few days." The leader responded to Dark's question.

The waitress came back with their orders and placed the plates and cups on top of their table and left.

"How about you guys?" Amanda asked the siblings as she reached for her parfait and tasted a spoonful.

"Around there." Lilia playfully replied as she ate another helping of dessert.

"Since you are level 2 have you ever thought of going into the deeper areas?" Dark asked the leader of the party, James.

"I have thought about it but the guide that they gave to us said that we need to be at least level 3 before we proceed to hunt the next monsters." James was the kind of person who goes by the book and has carefully studied the guide given by the higher ups.

Dark understood what kind of a person James was just from his response. "I suggest that you head to the next area and hunt some mushspore while people are still hunting slimes. With your party composition, you can definitely safely hunt there." Dark sipped his coffee and continued, "It is better to hunt monsters that are one or two levels higher than you. It gives you more experience and less competition."

Sera's party carefully listened to Dark's suggestion. They understood that this guy had more insider's information than them just by entering the tower with an alias.

"Also, if you have the opportunity go grab some quests in the guild. It is better than aimlessly hunting for monsters." Dark ended their conversation about the tower and talked about themselves.

They talked for about an hour and bid their goodbyes. The party has yet to report to the guild, so they went there. Dark and Lilia called the waitress and asked for their bill. If Sera's party saw the bill their eyes would have jolted out just from seeing the prices of the food that they ate. The store did not place prices in their menu, but it was still possible to ask for the prices from the employees.

"Sera and Tomo would be shocked if they saw the bill." Lilia giggled.

"This bill might be small for us but for them it is quite extravagant." Dark said as he gave his card to the waitress to pay. "Let's go back to our house."

"Yes brother!" Lilia nodded and grabbed her brother's arm and walked with him.

Houses in the tower cost a lot and the prices increase as the floor increases. If Sera's party knew their jaws would drop since no one has yet to own a house due to the high price. The siblings were able to get this house from a quest Lilia got which will be told some other time.


The next day, Dark had just finished his hunt and returned to the guild to report his completion of the quest. But this time, he was wearing the Slime's Hidden Mask item and usual equipment. The receptionist can still recognize him as he is one of the few who know the siblings' secret of coming to the tower earlier than the others.

"You are fast in clearing quests as usual." The man laughed. "Those newbies can't compare to you though. They are really proceeding in a very normal pace, or should I say below average." His happy look turned to a disappointed one when he looked at the other humans lining up to get their quests reported.

"Well, I can't say anything about that." Dark agreed to the receptionist. "Greg, my friends recently came inside the tower. I hope you can take good care of them." Dark told Greg the receptionist.

"Oh? I did not expect this young man here to have friends. Who are they? Are they as strong as you?" He became curious but was quite disappointed when Dark told him that they were just normal. "I'll help them as thanks to your contribution. You have been a very good help of the guild."

"Speaking of friends, they just entered." Dark looked at the entrance where Sera's party entered.

"Oh, so it is them. I understand. Just leave it to me." Greg nodded and asked something that he remembered, "Have you discovered the floor room?"

"Nope, not yet." Dark shook his head sideways. "But I think I can find it within 3 days." He immediately added after giving it some thought.

"Well the other towers got their first-floor rooms discovered at 4 months the earliest with a year being the latest. It really is not a big deal if you have not found it yet." Greg told him as not to rush him. But he thought about something and got an idea. "Well, kid. I got a quest for you." He smiled

"Oh? Is it a special quest?" He became curious.

Greg snapped his fingers and activated a spell that prevents the sound to leak out in a small area, "Yes. I want you to find and clear the floor room tomorrow." Greg said with a serious look in his face. "After you cleared it, come back to me immediately and I'll give you the next part of the quest. Remember don't go inside the 2nd floor yet."

"I understand." Dark nodded.

"Don't underestimate the floor master. Supposedly, you need a lot of people to kill it, but I think you can do it. Just don't let your guard down." Greg snapped his fingers to stop his spell.

"Prepare the reward." Dark grinned and waved his hand as he walked out of the guild.

Got the new net installed the last last week but it got cut last week so I did not get the chance to upload. This will be the first chapter since I'm not using my own laptop. The files are in it but my sister borrowed it.

SaintHeavenscreators' thoughts