

Three months had passed since Dark awakened his gift. During these three months he trained his new gift to the point that he can use it during combat. He has yet to register to a guild even though he already awakened. Since he knew that if he couldn't master his gift it would be difficult for him to go out and take on some missions.

Dark's eyes can change into seven different colors. Each color has a corresponding set of skill. Red for manipulating fire and alchemy. Yellow for strengthening his body and martial skills. Orange for crafting and rendering earth. Green for controlling plants and alike. Blue was for venting wind and creating electricity. Indigo to bend water. Dark however has yet to discover violet's skill. Dark's eyes are also capable of seeing detailed information of objects depending on his knowledge. When a thing is recorded in his mind he will never forget it. The gift of photographic memory.

The mansion was repaired in the three months that have passed and the siblings went back to their house in the residential district. Dark was now in the courtyard. He is now practicing his earth rendering skills. He stomped on the ground making a pillar of earth in front of him. Then he waved his hand to flatten it to the ground. He was only capable of controlling fire, wind, and earth for the moment. He was having a difficult time on manipulating electricity and has little mastery on the other skills.

Dark took his blades out of the sheaths. He focused his energy into both blades. The edge of the first blade started burning while the second blade's edge was enveloped in sharp wind blades. Dark thought that enveloping his weapons with his new elements would increase his power. When he first tried he failed. It took him time to achieve his goal. The effort paid off when he saw the destruction caused when he first slashed his blade to a practice doll. Instead of slicing the doll into two, the doll was charred by flames while cut into two parts.

The sky became dark when he was about to head inside to rest. The thunders roared. The creatures cried. Flocks of different animals flew from one place to another.

"The Second Great Calamity has come. Lilia!" Dark realized what was happening and ran inside the house. He went to his sister.

"Lilia!" He rushed to his sister inside her room.

"Brother what is happening?"

"Earth is experiencing the Second Great Calamity."

"Second Great Calamity?" Lilia was afraid. But she knew that as long she was with her brother she would be fine.

The earth was shaking. The tremor shook the house for a while. Dark immediately hug his sister to cover her incase something happened. When the shaking stopped, the computer suddenly turned on.

Dark and Lilia immediately noticed the screen. It was their parents!

"My children, if you are watching this it must have mean that the Second Great Calamity must have begun. Our calculations told us that this will happen at least twenty years from the day we recorded this video and by now Dark has is already an S Rank Exceed. You should know what the Second Great Calamity is after opening the basement. We have discovered from the ruins that the great calamity was just the beginning and the main wave was to appear when humans have adapted to the environment. Anyway, since the both of you are our children, you guys should be safe and will survive."

Their father informed them but Dark has yet to go inside the basement room. The siblings thought that the video already ended and was about to go outside when the computer started again.

"Hi again! We made this video in a hurry in case our calculations would be wrong, and the calamity happened earlier than expected. You kids remembered the envelope we left there? We left a small note inside. That note is the password to go inside in case you have not reached S rank yet."

The house shook again, Dark took his sister's hand and went outside. But outside was not safer at all. Monsters were already flying around and Exceeds were fighting with them. Their neighbors were panicking. Some followed the police officers to go to the evacuation center while being escorted by other exceeds.

Seeing this scene, Dark and Lilia went back inside their house and head to the basement. "351073" Dark input the numbers but the door rejected!

"Damn it!" Dark was already panicking. He would've been alright if he was by himself. But he needed to protect his sister.

His sister then thought and input the letters.


Beep! Access Granted!

The door opened, and they went inside the room.

"How did you know the password?" He asked his sister.

"Mom told me to make a code when we were young. So, I fiddled with the numbers and letters. The numbers look like letters when inverted. And in order not to make it obvious I disarranged the last letter to form another letter." She responded. "I never thought mom would use it as a password though." She chuckled despite being in danger.

The lights turned on when they were done talking. There was another door in the empty room. The siblings opened the door but couldn't see what was inside. Together, they entered. This place was huge. It contained a smithy and a laboratory. This place was bigger than the house above. The siblings wondered how this place fit in here.

"Welcome young master and young mistress!"

A flying little girl who is no more than a ruler's height greeted the siblings. Dark looked at the girl. She was wearing a maid uniform and has blonde hair. Her eyes were green and the most eye-catching thing about her was a pair of cute little wings attached at her back.

"Cute!" Lilia exclaimed as she was charmed by the flying girl.

"Who are you?" Dark asked.

"This little one's name is Cya a silkie. Cya is also the guardian of this artifact." She pulled the hem of her silk dress then bowed as she introduced herself.

"A silkie?" Lilia asked.

"We silkies are beings who love doing household chores and are the cousins of fairies and pixies." A small broom fit for her size appeared from her hand.

"Young master and young mistress must not be worried. It is completely safe here. Old master and madam left me here to help you. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. They also told me to inform you if you used the password instead of a license in going inside."

Cya then narrated a very long story.

Second chapter for today.


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