
Dungeon MultiUniverses

Mark, a young high school student, found himself trapped in a hellish dungeon that brings together all the universes. Characters who are immature but will evolve over time

Wakinooo · SF
2 Chs

Universal change

[October 22, 2025] [in France].

Mark, a young high school student, found himself at the back of his classroom, bored by the class, looking out, nothing unusual, the weather was fine that day.

Suddenly a thud reddened in their ears.

2 minutes later suddenly stopped

[[ Congratulations universe 340711]]

[[You have received the right to integrate the "D.M.U.", a species of this universe has attained the qualifications to be integrated ]]

[[All life will be teleported individually in 20 seconds]]


Everyone in the classroom looked at each other in incomprehension, no one was talking.

Then a blinding light invades the world


[Hello to you, Citizen Mark]

Mark woke up, he was lying on a black floor and looked all around him.

Black, empty, there was nothing left around him ...

Taking his phone and lit up but nothing

[Citizen Mark]


[Now it's time for explanations.]

[You've been teleported into the D.M.U. tutorial.]

['Dungeon multiple universes' to be precise if you've ever played video games you should know what that means I'm right?]

"Uh... Yes"

[Well it will be easier for me, I am your guide, we can speak through our thoughts if you wish, it's possible, I suspect you have many questions but we have to move forward].

[You have several tools at your disposal, status, inventory, and store].

[[A beginner kit has been assigned to you]]

Beginner's Kit ?

[Look in your inventory]

"Uh... Inventory"

A game interface appears just in front of Mark with box, in this box there were gloves and 2 red crystals.

[[Beginner's gloves]]

[Rarity: Rank 1]

[+2 Strengths]

[+1 agility]


[Quick Punch]

(50% faster than normal)

[[Physical crystal]]

[+1 physical free point]

'Physical crystal? What the hell is that?!'

Mark began to panic.

[Citizen calmed down]

"But I don't want to calm down, I don't understand what's going on !!"


"No, I've been calm until now, but now I want to know what's going on!"



[Okay, to begin with, the universe you were in no longer exists, it was integrated into the MISP, in your universe a species has evolved enough to be integrated into the project, of course it's obviously not you earthlings who have succeeded, otherwise you would have a big advantage in the integration.]

"So why integrate a universe? What is this species? "

[[Your authority is insufficient]]

[I can't answer that right now]

[But you don't have much time for these questions, so hurry up or your life will be in danger or your whole species].


[I'd advise you to check your status and then let me know when you're ready to begin]

"... status"

[[Mark's status]

[Species: Earth humanoid]

[Age: 17]

[Good physical and mental condition]

[[Physical status:]]

[Strength: 8]

[Agility: 9]

[Constitutions: 8]

[Charming: 2]

[[Mental status]]

[Intelligence: 9]

[Perception: 3]

[Luck: 4]

(The human physical limit is 10, mental limit is also 10 but there average for perception and luck is 1/2).

Mark looking at his status had a black face ....

'charm 2? I'm so ugly that it's ...'.

[You guessed right, citizen]

With a hint of fun in the voice

"... Inventory"

Mark used it is 2 crystals and attributed them to his constitution.

[Very good choice]

"... I'm ready now, what's the past?"

[You're going back to the second floor, good luck]

Mark had guessed what was going to happen in the past, he was a former gambler and he expected the worst.

[[welcome to the second floor]]

[Main Mission: Kill the big rats 0/10]

[Secondary Mission: ...]

'What is this secondary mission?'

Mark was looking at the display in front of his eyes with a black screwdriver.

'I've got to stop thinking that it's not going to lead to anything here, nothing is going to work here anyway.'

Mark put on his gloves and started walking all of a sudden.


a howl that sounded like a lion's howl

Mark saw the beast that had caused that roar.

"what the hell is this !!!!!!!!!"