
Dual Cultivator with a cultivation system

A man who died and reincarnated in the world of Cultivation with a system The system awards him points for every woman he Dual Cultiavtes with which he uses to buy things from the system shop to get stronger

Bloodsniper · 東方
241 Chs

Ch-99: Shocked Elders

"Alright, with that done, we can now commence the examination," announced Fan Mo, the head examiner

As soon as his words fell, the elders who had been holding the orbs to measure the Cultivators' levels quickly set up multiple wooden buildings using their mystical powers

" Everyone please line up and stand in front of one of the wooden buildings " Fan Mo announced as all the Cultivators lined up in front of the buildings 

Wang Ming was listening intently when he felt a tug on his clothes. He looked down to see Bai Lingxi urging him impatiently. "Hey, let's go line up quickly," she said.

They hurried over to the least crowded line and waited for their turn

After some time had passed it was finally Bai Lingxi's turn, she was excited to show off " Finally, it's my turn" Bai Lingxi said