


Writing_Student · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Time Skip

- POV Man -

(Time Skip: 3 years)

A lot has changed, It turns out that I can train my body the conventional way, However it seems training is less effective for me than others each stat also required a separate training method.

Str was just weight lifting, Vit was actually weird to train, It seems stamina training was effective, And Dex was flexibility training. Unfortunately Int and Wis seem way harder to train, Int just required me to read books however it needed a monstrous amount, And I couldn't find anyway to raise Wis.



Name: 'Man'

Titles: The Gamer, The one who escapes death > ,

Extra Lives: 3

LV: 1 EXP: 70/100

Age: 15

HP: 370

MP: 180

Str: 33

Vit: 27

Dex: 20

Int: 18

Wis: 10

Melee Damage: 330

Attack Speed: 20 Per Min

MP Regen: 10 Per Min

Stat Points: 0 ]

I was able to get quite a few side quest but I still haven't activated a daily quest, Other quest types seem to be incredible rare I regret using my stat points for physical stats, Doesn't matter now anyway.

I now have the stats to equip the broadsword, I grabbed it out of my inventory

[Equip? {Yes} {No}]

I pressed {Yes}

The broadsword shifted ever so slightly changing the shape of the handle and blade, It felt perfect for his hand and the weight felt just right as well.

Now what to do?

He had a weapon for dungeons but he had no way to control the strength of the monsters in the dungeon, And he had no idea how to level up skills again because of the underwhelming tutorial of the system.

I could go and hunt monsters in a forest but I'm in the capital, I would have to go and live in some remote village to make consistent progress, I suppose I have to leave the orphanage I was old enough to strike out on my own anyway.

I should still tell the caretaker I'm leaving and maybe the other people I helped around the city.

- POV Narrator -

As Man said goodbye to the shopkeepers and people that he helped for quests and then continued to help for atonement, He realized he would miss this city who would've thought that helping people and talking with them daily makes you somewhat attached.

Many were sad to see him go, After all their free labor was leaving to go to some small village, Such a waste.

- POV Man -

It will probably take a week to reach a town that meets my requirements of monsters, Hopefully I actually find a town with a good amount of monsters around it.

I should also probably grab some supplies... meh whatever I'll figure it out on the way there.

- POV Narrator -

Man heads out of the city, Ready to start leveling up.

He looks far and wide for a village that has a large amount of monsters in it's vicinity, Eventually finding Ordan Village the perfect location for him, Supposedly protected by a mountain god, Who has scared away all of the actually scary monsters (Other than itself), Leaving a zone perfect for beginners who aren't super strong.

His perfect 'Starter Village'