
Chapter 104: Reacting To Her Song.


Crystal: Hello, guys. Welcome back to my channel and today I have Nancy and Sana here to help me to react my Solo song All About Me and we'll react to both the English and Korean Version too

Sana: Hi, guys. I hope she doesn't sleep reacting

Crystal and Nancy laughed

Nancy: Hi, I'm Nancy and I'm the youngest of Dreamypinky

Crystal: Why don't we begin now

Sana: Sure

Nancy: Go ahead

Crystal played the music


In the Video, Crystal was in a coffee Shop and saw a couple Kissing then she walked out of the Shop

Voices: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Crystal: So many night I lie alone wishing that you were on the phone so could tell you things I never share with anyone, I've never felt like this before wishing and hoping wanting more so I could tell everyone

Then, Crystal appeared on a dancefloor dancing with a handsome man and at the same time singing

Crystal: You need to know All About Me, Lalalalala. All About Me, Lalalalala You've got to see me through All About Me, Lalalalala. You'll see my future self too

Then, the man left

Crystal: When I was a child the story would somebody would drop off your feet someday that's when I hope that wouldn't happen now but I need somebody else cos this feeling I keep to myself


Crystal: Camera, More light that's action never been alone like this I love you and me which one a lot better saying so but I'm satisfied but I wanna tell you something that I want you a lot better cos I've fallen for you, baby


Crystal was in a blue dress

Crystal: Why do you leave so hurriedly and I wanna be so close to you and I knew that someday I'll be like this cos All I want is you baby

The man appeared again

Crystal: You need to know All About Me, Lalalalala. All About Me, Lalalalala. You've got to see me through All About Me, Lalalalala. You'll see my future self too Woo, All About Me Woo

Crystal posed with the Man and the song ended

The girls Nancy and Sana clapped their hands in awe

Nancy: That was super awesome too

Sana: Yeah, you were pretty good yourself

They also watched the Korean Version and they loved it too