
Yes, Ill like that.

Susan stood surprised in shock for a couple of seconds before she snapped out of it. She didn't know if he has been serious or if he was playing around he was very popular in school and she wasn't, she likes to keep to herself but then she wanted to tell him, yes she just didn't know how to tell him, she stood quietly looking at him, she was trying so hard to speak but the words didn't come out but if she wanted to know she had to ask so finally, she had the courage to ask,

"Like... on a Date?"

"yes, on a date"

reassuring her that he has been serious the hall time. Susan smiled and nodded her head, yes, and she also said,

"Yes, I'll like that"

she had a big smile and you can clearly see how her cheeks start to turn red. Tj also started to smile but he was trying to keep his cool. He didn't want to embarrass himself. They were both standing awkwardly for a couple of minutes.

Susan was thinking since her parents weren't home she was wondering if he wanted to come inside but she didn't want to him thinking she was easy either but she wanted to keep talking for a bit more so she asked him,

"Do you want to come inside for a bit?"

Tj got surprised he didn't see this coming he thought that once he did ask her she wouldn't wanna keep talking he got so shy in that moment but he couldn't show her that he was been shy, she would make fun of him, but then again he wanted to see her house it was so pretty, but he also had to start heading to work, he worked night shifts in a 24 fast food restaurant since he couldnt work in the mornings thats all he could find for now and it was good pay he was one of the main cooks..... so then he said,

"Sure, for a bit"

She smiled and said to come in.

As they are walking inside he started to look around he was so mesmerized and he complimented her house.

"your house is really beautiful"

"Thank you," she told him with a big smile.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"water, if you don't mind"

as he was waiting he started to look around the living room it was his first time been there Stuart never invited him over, and he thought, right Stuart! he told him to basically stay away from his sister. So when he saw her come in with a water bottle in hand, he looked at Susan and asked her,

"Where is Stuart?"

"Stuart doesn't live here, he has is own place..."


"So.. who do live with?"

"My parents, my younger sister, and my little brother"

"Hmm... that's nice..."


Doorbell rings*

Susan looked shocked she wasn't expecting anybody and anyone that went over they always called her ahead of time. She rushed to the door to check who it was.

It was her sister Candace she had forgotten her keys and her phone was off. Susan opens the door and Candace looks at her and she smiles and said,

"I'm so happy your home, I forgot my keys again"

when she walked in she saw a handsome boy standing in the living room confused and shocked like he got caught doing something bad. Then with a worried look she asked Susan,

"whos that?"

Candace didn't even let her sister talk when she was already heading tours him, she new Susan very well and she wouldn't invite anyone to the house so she was curious, Candace new that her sister wasn't going to tell her so, she went over and asked him herself and she also introduced herself,

"Hi, I'm Candance, Whats your name?"

"Hi, Candace, I'm Tj, nice to meet you,"

then Tj looked at his watch and he saw that he had to leave already, he had to go to work.

"Well Susan thank you for the water but I have to go I have other things I have to do,"

"Ok, thank you too for walking me home see you in school,"

Tj looked at Susan and then she looked at Candace and waved at her and said

" nice to meet you again, goodbye"

when he walked out he was in total confusion he couldn't believe he was inside her house he was so happy but know he had to figure out how he was going to bring it up to Stuart. He wanted to date his sister after all.

hey guys sorry I haven't posted anything I just wasn't confident in this story but if you like it ill keep it up. thank you...let me know if the story telling is ok its my first time making one and I want to a good job. thank you

Ahopeless_romanticcreators' thoughts