
Chapter 126: The War has Begun...

Narration POV...

Hannah and her friends finally start the war... It wasn't easy for them since their enemy was a shadow, monsters, and demons. 

Hannah and the others sometimes get hit by the enemy there are also times they can hit their enemy. Most of it there are bunches of their colleagues who got hurt and killed and also to the grim reapers allies. But more of the teams killed were from Hannah's colleagues. If you look at it they were almost about to lose in the battle.

Some creatures and fairies got wounds, there are also killed. There are bunches of enemies that hit them hard causing them to die easily.

In the grim reapers, reinforcements were also killed by Hannah's colleagues. Until the grim reapers colleagues were gradually depleting Hannah and the others thought they were about to win against them but they were wrong... Because... The real reason was the grim reaper had so many reinforcements.