
Dramatic Reasons to Hate You

The saviour of the Theater Club of an obscure school came in the form of a talented girl with Mommy Issues. Maybe this time, they can finally win that interschool-competition and scrub it to the face of their arrogant neighbors.

Liliane_Wright · 若者
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Theater Club's Dilemma

"Join the Science Society today"

"Guaranteed to earn you extra points for your science grade!!!"

The announcement was made with a loud cheer of sorts, causing several people in the hallway to laugh at the idea.

After all, everyone knows that you should join a club on the subject you're about to fail, because it's practically guaranteed to earn you extra credit.

The Science Club was a hit, to say the least.

"Aww come on! Are they allowed to that?!" Said by Arlo, the Theater Club's former auditor. He is currently carrying three boxes of decorations, which is surprising, considering he is as tall as the height of the boxes if stacked.

"They've been doing that since you entered this school, you know that. And probably before that too." Rebutted by Marcus, the Theater Club's former Secretary. He was also carrying boxes, but in case they were documents and scripts this time.

"Even so... I just think they shouldn't bribe the students into joining their club, that's all" Arlo just doesn't think it's very fair, since joining a club is supposed to be about your interests. Therefore, you shouldn't bribe the younger years. But Arlo supposes what club they join would be their own business.

It still sucks though, especially that the Theater Club was getting "relocated" because of "renovations".

Yeah, no. The Theater Club was kicked out of their club room because they don't have a lot of members anymore, nevermind that they need the space to practice in for the interschool competitions.

Their clubroom is definitely given to another club or organization who doesn't really need anyway besides as a hangout or a meeting place.

"Don't sulk, there isn't anything we can do to change their minds anyway" Marcus said while fumbling his hands through his backpack, looking fot the Room 109's (aka the storage room) keys.

The boxes they were carrying was to be stored in the storage room because their club is officially homeless.

"The next thing you know they're gonna disband this club" Arlo said quiet enough so that only himself can hear, but Marcus caught it anyway despite the continues rattling of the rusty door. The door doesn't want to open despite Marcus attempts.

"Don't say things like that. Sighh. I wonder what our senior Mona will do about this situation..."

Mona was Marcus' senior and the Theater Club's former President. She already graduated junior high school and is studying her senior high school strand, STEM.

"Curse them to winds, that's what" Arlo snarked towards Marcus, but while doing so, he accidentally dropped the box he was holding and it landed on his toe. He then proceeded to swear like a sailor.

Marcus only sighed. Maybe later or tomorrow will Arlo get over his sulking. Truth be told, he was also annoyed and disappointed to faculty's decision.

Marcus finally got the door open after a good kick and they finally placed the boxes amongst other boxes of the fallen clubs.

"You know Arlo, expressing our concerns with them doesn't really help our case, especially with the Theater Club's recent reputation after the Incident."

Marcus reminded the redheaded boy. Arlo only sighed.

"Well, where are we going to hold the auditions and registration now?" Arlo asks. They are now walking towards the Entrance gate, to hand over the storage room's key to the guard.

They were now weaving through the crowd, which is very big since it's recruitment day.

"I'd look if I can convince them to let the Theater Club to use the Auditorium, if not, Quadrangle it is" Marcus said. Arlo shudders at this, remembering what type of hell the Quadrangle is.

"NO! Not the Quadrangle!" shouted by a girl voice. It belongs to Haley, one of the Theater Club's members. She ran faster than the speed of light to catch up to the two boys. She then proceeded to shake Marcus' shoulders in the hopes his stupid idea will fall out from his brain.

"It's gonna be scorching hot there if it's not raining, and flooding if it's raining. We are DEFINITELY NOT going to hold that in the Quadrangle" Haley said while Arlo nods in the background.

"Err, what is this Quadrangle?" A grade 7 student asks.

"The hell of the hell" Arlo said grimly.

The Quadrangle is an extra plot of the school that is not used. It's too small to build a building in, too big to transform into a covered court. (It's not that big, the school doesn't just want to waste anymore funds to building another gymnasium if they already have one).

It's very dusty, which looks like an impromptu dessert. Students often shoot their movie projects on the Quadrangle when they film their cowboy times movie.

The heat is not to be estimated, several students have fainted on this very place. Most students doesn't pass through this area when it's very sunny even if they have to take a detour just to go to the next bathroom because the one in their building is full.

The Quadrangle however is a entirely different terrain when raining. Due to the poor drainage system, the water fills up in the Quadrangle. It can be an impromptu pool, albeit very muddy and dirty due to the dust it collects everyday. The members of Robotics Club often celebrate when it's raining because it means they can finally test their all terrain robot to see if it can really survive the extreme of the extremes.

"As expected of the Drama Club to be well, dramatic." Said someone in a silky voice. It's from the Mathematics Club Treasurer, Ferdinand. He is slowly clapping his hand which seems to be effective in pissing off the members of the Theater Club.

"Like you can stay in the Quadrangle without cursing it into the winds? Or can you, Ferdinand?" Haley said, really annoyed. The blonde is ready to throw her notebook at that smug face if another slander against her club was said.

"It's not fitting for such a wonderful, intellectual club to stay in such horrendous place, Don't you think so child? Join the Math Club, and you can prosper young one" Ferdinand said while throwing his arms into the air.

("Isn't he only 3 years older?")

"Uhm, I'm not sure... Math is not really my strong subject..." The 13 year old student whispered terrified and awkward.

"The more reason you should join! Why, the Math Club offers extra credit on their Math Subject to it's members" Whispered Ferdinand to the Grade 7 student, pretending it's a secret when it's really not.

It seems effective though, because the young student's face morphed into a serious one, asking how to join the club.

Marcus groaned.

The student was redirected to the Math Club's room, where their registrations was held.

They thought Ferdinand was gonna leave them alone, afterall, he managed to add another student to their ranks, but it seems like he really, really wants to get his face punched.

"Now, now Theater Club, a piece of advice if I may? I would find a new club to join now since it seems like your current one's about to be disbanded"

Haley threw him her notebook (it missed) and he laughed like a deranged maniac.

He finally left after Haley threw another notebook at him (it hit Ferdinand in the face this time).

"ARGHHH, THIS WON'T DO!!!" Haley shouted, earning her a few weirded looks from the students.

"We don't have enough members last year to join the BigSayWit because no new student joined. How can the Theater Club continue existing if there's no new members?!" Haley exclaimed while picking her notebooks in the ground.

"I'm sorry did you say Theater Club?"


The three looked to where the voice came from and saw a short teeny girl with a brown hair. Her features were rather plain, though she had hazel eyes, burning intensely.

"Are you three members of the Theater Club?"

Everyone stared at the short haired female, shocked. Could it be ... she's planning to join their club?!

No way is she serious right?

"Ah yes, I'm Marcus, one of the Theater Club's former officers" Marcus said while putting his hand out to offer a handshake.

The girl shook his hand although she looked confused.

"Former?" The girl asks.

"Well, the election for club officers was after the recruitment week so that even the new members can vote" Arlo explained after recovering from shock. Haley still looked surprised though.

"Ah, I see. I thought it disbanded or something" She said in a quiet voice, relieved.

There's an awkward silence that followed after her statement until someone cleared their throat.

"Um.... So.. Uh... How do I join?"

The girl said shyly.

Haley dropped her notebooks to the ground.

To be edited and cleaned in the future.

Author is only a one-man team, please be patient. Thank you~

Liliane_Wrightcreators' thoughts