
Dragoness Diary

KamciaPv88 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

After visit

Miriam and Robert went home after visiting aunt Greta. Everything seemed... for the lack of a better term: fine.

Aunt Greta welcomed them with a big smile on her face, offered a glass of gin even thou it was only 1PM.

- That was just like her, so why... - Miriam murmured to noone in particular while her husband was shutting the door.

- hm? - Robert looked at her with a questioning gaze.

- nothing hun'.. I was just wondering why I feel so weird after meeting up with aunty -

Miriam put her keys in the drawer and went upstairs. Robert followed her, he wanted to change his clothes and lay down to watch some TV in the living room. Tomorrow's his day off, and he wanted to watch his favorite series whole night.

- Well, I know you know her much longer than I do, but for me she seemed ok - Robert took off his shirt and put it next to the loundry basket.

- I mean... she seemed "ok" as for her unusual, peculiar self - Miriam looked coldly at him, pointing at the shirt on the floor.

- Maybe you're just tired? - he added, while picking up his shirt and placing it in the basket.

- nah, something was off, but I just cannot place it... it's so frustrating - Miriam threw her bra on the bed angrily.

- was it the gin at 1 pm?- Robert shouted from the bathroom.

- nah.. - Miriam answered back through the bathroom door, loud enough that Robert could hear it.

- maybe that she shut all curtains at home? - the sound of his voice echoed a little. Miriam waited a little, as the sound of flushing water filled the air.

- That's not it either... my mother also does that when she has a migrene..- Miriam layed down on the bed and tried to get rid of irritation that raised inside her chest, by hugging her plushie - a light brown teddy bear named Cyryl.

Robert came out from the bathroom and sat on the bed next to his wife.

- so... maybe that there were no green hard candies in the glass jar on the kitchen table? -

he asked.

- What? you checked that? - Miriam raised an eyebrow and looked at Robert with a slight disbelief. That was probably one of his jokes anyway.

- Of course I checked! Why would you assume otherwise? - the tone of his voice suggested that he definitely didn't check.

Miriam chuckled a little and pulled him closer for a quick kiss on the cheek.

- thanks hun', you're the greatest - Miriam handed him Cyryl and got up from the bed. It was his typical behavoiur, trying to make her feel better.

She went to the bathroom and closed the door.

- I'm going downstairs! - Robert shouted through the door.

- ok! if you're gonna play some games please remember to put your headphones on! - Miriam shouted back while preparing the bath for herself.

She filled the bathtub with cold water, added a lavender-scented bathbomb and waited a moment for the foam to settle.

"That was a really weird day" she thought to herself entering the tub.

That was one of the best moments of her day: to wash down all of her worries and troubles; just let the world to turn around without her for a moment.

The sensation of freezing water covered her whole body always made her shiver with pleasure. The temperature of her bath would be enough for a regular person to got a frost bite, as her husband used to say.

Well, that's not unexpected.

It was completly normal as she was in fact The Glacial Dragoness.


Robert came down to the living room and throw himself on the leather couch that Miriam insisted to put annoyingly slightly off center in relation to the axis of the room.

She said that it has to do something with the "feng shoi" or however the heck you call it.. or other types of energy-related mumbo-jumbo that she is so good at.

Lackbof symwtry in his livingroom bothered him only for the first three months after they moved in, now he was cool with that.

As well as with other quirks of her.

But now it wasn't important; now it was his time to catch up remaining episodes of his favorite show. It was a sci-fi-adjuston soap-opera where the main character travels through time and space.

A real piece of art in his humble opinion.

Robert took at he remote controller and set up the program. While the first notes of opening gig filled the room, he mindlessly reached out to the drawer placed next to the couch, where he usually put his headphones.

But there were no headphones.

Robert looked at the drawer with puzzled expresion and got up from the couch to take a better look around the room.

He stopped the program and started to look for the missed item.

After checking the nearest area, it means under the cauch and between the pillows he started to doubting his senses.

- Where have I put those? - he murmured to himself while taking a few steps back, he wanted to check the "bigger picture" - maybe the headphones hides in plain sight, so he will not be able to find them, concentrating on details of the room.

Everything seemed ok, the cauch, the drawer next to it, a modern style coffee table a little bit to the front. On the right hand side of his, there was RTV cabinet where his collection of dvds, proudly announced the whole world of how nerdy this man could be.

125" screen hanging on the wall to the right, and in front of him was a wall made of glass, with the beautiful view of the bay. He got closer to the terrace door and stepped out for a moment.

"maby I left if outside? " he asked himself.

Robert looked around on the terrace, the last time that he remember he wore the headphones was yesterday, while he was working, sitting comfortably in the rattan armchair that now lost all of its pillows, while he franticly started to looking through them.

Unfortunately with no success.

With a heavy sigh, he stepped back to the apartment and looked at the coffee.

He stood frozen in the entrance from the terrace.

- What the...??- Robert took few quick steps inside the room and stood next to cauch.

The headphones appeared on the coffee table. Unfortunately, Robert could not wear them. Half of them was bitten off.