
DragonBall Xenoverse Rebirth (Hiatus)

"What happens when a college student is accidentally reincarnated 3000 years after the story of dragon ball... FInd out on the series dragon ball Xenoverse Rebirth" A/N: ive been trying to find a good xenoverse fanfic for a long time, and most of them were last updated in the year 2017 and i couldnt find any good db xenoverse fanfics in webnovel, the best one i read was "Dragon ball: It's about time by flameclawxx" and it's last update was 2021. So Imma try and do a well enough fanfic. Also i didnt play xenoverse, i only watched the playthroughs cause i gots no console and my pc cant run games like that. So this is most definitely an au to not get people pissed at me messing up with the continuity and all that jazz. Enjoy.

Lagzalot · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

The Weaklings vs The Strong

3rd Person POV:

As the dark aura surrounds Fennel, he readies his guard, but it looks nothing like his regular stance. The stance has his right arm below his waist, and his left arm is level with his chest.

(A/N: Similar to this)

(Listen to Goku Black's theme for more epicness.)

Seeing him ready for action, Roken quickly powers up to kaioken times 3 and rushes towards Fennel. "Haa_" But before he could even realize what was going on, he was gut-checked and Fennel spin-kicked him away. But he seemingly landed on the arena still,

"Stop this! You already won kid." Arugula shouted but he ignored him and continued to walk towards Roken slowly.

Arugula landed in front of Fennel. He readied his guard. but he got caught off-guard when suddenly Fennel grabbed him in the face and slammed him hard to the ground. Seemingly knocking Arugula out. And before Red and Blue were able to announce something, he shot both of them with ki blasts, effectively destroying the hologram.

"Now that the pests are gone, shall we continue our previous bout?" He said standing still in the center of the now-destroyed stage. broken stands up, barely being able to lift himself off the ground. "Fine! Im going to show you who the real God is bastard!" Roken retorted.

smiling Fennel? replied"Hooo, you sure talk big for a weakling. Now, let me show you what being a REAL God of justice is." He said powering up to an insane degree. As the entire school seemed to shake on the power.


Inside the time nest

We can see a giant tree, and a house near it, inside the messy-looking house. A sleeping supreme kai was suddenly awoken by an ominous feeling, She suddenly jumped in surprise "What the hell?! Are the demons attacking!?" She asked herself and quickly ran outside her home. Upon going outside, she spots trunks, seemingly tense at what he was feeling. "Supreme kai sama! Is it just me, or I felt something evil just now?" He asks her.

"No, your feeling is right. Someone or something is at the school, let's go call the rest of the team and see what's happening.' And quickly trunks tapped something on his communicator, and together with Chronoa, they set out for the academy.

Back at the academy stadium

Fennel was still fighting Roken, without even breaking a sweat, and Roken was going all out to just narrowly miss him each time. "Aww, you were so close "God". So close to tasting the sweet, sweet taste of hitting me." He said. "Grr, just you wait you fake! I will be sure to end you here." He said as he began barraging Fennel? With attacks. "Hmm, you seem to love this strategy don't you?" He said as just slaps away the barrage. Not even recognizing them as a threat. And before he could realize it, he received a punch powered by ki directly at his gut.

But without wasting any time he grabs the fist tightly pulls it up, lifting Roken and punching him in the gut as well. "Guagh!" As Roken spits out blood before finally being knocked unconscious, he drops the body outside the arena and takes center stage once again. "And down goes the "God", Fuhuahahahhahah!" He laughed maniacally at the sky,

"Gasp! What did you do Fennel?" Annoyed he looks at Usagi, looking horrified at the mayhem that was littered across the arena. Her sensei was out cold underneath the rubble, the two annoying but entertaining robots destroyed in the seats they occupied, and the state of Roken was on the ground, with severe injuries that makes her injuries look like mere scratches.

But before she could even look at him, the other students rushed out and tried to cover her. With 21 leading the charge. Usagi looks at the Majin and asks "What happened?", "He got hit by Roken's beam attack, and they clashed but the sudden power-up of Roken going times 5 overwhelmed Fennel, but after, what seemingly killed him, he came out like that." Pointing at Fennel. "That's not Fennel.' Usagi stated, "Huh? How do you know Usagi?" Pauli asks. "Well, Fennel-kun doesn't seem like the type to hurt incessantly for no reason." She replied.

Then, Fennel started to move towards them, making the class tense as they felt their death approaching them. "Go all out all of you!" They hear Dedgiri shout as he powers up to his max giant form, and so does every namekian, and the Acrosians going to their full power right at the start. And some others use kaioken to multiply their power severalfold.

"Hmph, even if you gather together, a bunch of ants is still a bunch of ants," he said casually, readying his stance as multiple people started rushing towards him, expecting this. He jumps up in the air to evade the incoming attack. And countering by firing ki barrages at them, at the same time, Dedgiri, Pauli, Wintry, and Licee, all charged and fired their attacks at him. "Special beam cannon!" "Ultimate Cannon!" "Death ball!" "Calamity Blaster!" They shouted, as multiple beams spiral into one attack, and proceeds to travel toward him quickly.

Noticing the energy dashing towards him, he turns around, but it was too late as the energy beam hit him, but he was able to block it with his bare hands. "Rrrngh! What an unexpected surprise, it seems you ants do collectively pack a mean bite!" he said as he forms an energy blade in his right hand, jumping away from the beam far away enough to reposition himself. "Hah!" He cuts the beam into 2 and the energy dissipates. But once he calmed down, he realized that there was another energy only just recognized. As the giant death ball comes closer to him he seemed to slightly panic as he tries to escape from it.

(Cut the BGM.)

But it was too late as the death ball dropped towards him, but before he could even touch it, it explodes in his face and created a mushroom cloud. Seemingly dead Wintry rejoiced, as it seems that she has finally put him down. "Hah! Serves you right loser." She said, completely exhausted after creating the Death Ball.

The rest of the students cheered as they defeated the foe, "Woohoo, hurray for Wintry!" The crowd cheered. "Yes, yes. I would like to take my award for being the first to kill a monster." She said mockingly taking an invisible award. usagi, Pauli and Dedgiri looked at Wintry disgusted at what she just said. They suddenly hear claps, from the rubble. The crowd went silent, as they hear slow claps slowly becoming louder as seconds pass by, until they see the one clapping.

"Ohh my, you should've invited me in this quaint celebration here." He said." Mocking the students who just cheered for his death. Looking at Wintry, he smirks "And it seems you have yet to reward her for her 'valiant actions'." He said, "H-How are you still alive?!" She asks, but before she could finish, he rushed for wintry and put his hand in front of her face. "Rejoice! as I shall give you the most important thing a god could give to any mere mortal! Death by the hands of God!"

But before he could fire any attack at her, he was suddenly tackled to the ground. Surprised at the sudden notion, he saw Usagi on the floor, crying "Please Fennel, come back! Don't let that thing control you!" She said. "Usagi!" 21 rushed towards her. But before she could, she got tackled by Pauli. "What the hell are you doing woman!" 21 shouts. "don't you see! he might kill you and Usagi if another pops out and runs over to him right now. Even if your un over there, what can you do?! You'll just die and waste what Usagi did." She said. "Which gives us time to retreat and recuperate," Pauli said as she began to run around and heal the others before retreating. Dedgiri did the same, as he first healed Roken. "Oi! I know you want to fight Fennel, but first, you gotta help with the injured." Dedgiri said. as he began to speed towards his sensi for possible help. "Tch!" Roken mumbled and began to pick other's up. And grumbling to himself.


Usagi and Fennel

"Unhand me woman!" he shouted, "No!" She replied hugging him tightly with a bear hug. 'Damnit! I can't seem to gather my strength when I try to hurt her. It seems this body's control isn't partially mine yet. But soon." he thought as he struggled letting himself loose. He saw the others healing and he struggled harder, as hard as his body can go. But before he could fully release himself from her, a fist rocketed toward him and proceeded to knock him out. "Fennel!" Usagi shouted, but she was blown away at the force of the impact.

Someone caught her, and she looked toward the person who caught her but was surprised to see that it was-.


Ello! its a me Lagz. Sorry for the late chapter this time. I was trying to finish this but, it was too late for me, and I had to go to classes tomorrow. But there will be an update tomorrow. And also, someone pointed out that it was kinda stupid to give him Rose without all the shenanigans so, I put "Zamasu's soul inside of him, technically his wish is for complete control over his character creation, but just put in the power was the exact copy of Goku Black, in that sense, Goku black's soul is also in his body, albeit a small one, just enough to gain rose. Imma be real, I have no idea how soul shenanigans work, I'm just a random dude who likes to write stuff. But, if you guys are wondering when/what soul did he get? Then it's Goku Black's soul (zamasu) right as he switches bodies with Goku.