
Chapter 35 Resolve

Note: Now the date chapter may or may not come later depending on what people want. Most likely it will be a flash back chapter later in the novel. I hope you're all fine with this. By the way time skip incoming so all of you waiting for that dbz well that will be soon.

After recollecting himself Yuudai replied "Ya sure why not." Yuudai and Luna soon left the room and went on their date. Hours later they both came back both looking a bit shy as Yuudai bid Luna farewell and went back to his house. (btw before y'all get the wrong impression they've only kissed during the date(although it's not a chapter it probably will be so you'll all know more then.)

Now Yuudai was back in his room as he stared at the ceiling. "This has all become too confusing. For now I must become strong enough to kill Majin Buu I can get my answers once Battle Of The Gods begins." Yuudai said to himself resolutely as he clutched his fists.

He now finally had something to protect. Although he loved Master Roshi as his grandfather he knew that Roshi would do what had to be done and that he couldn't stay on Earth to protect him from King Piccolo.

Yuudai wasn't even sure if he would ever be able to beat the likes of Frieza and Cell but now he was thinking about Majin Buu. If his past self heard him he'd slap him on the head and call him crazy. "Well for now I must train. Everything will naturally begin." Yuudai said to himself resolutely.

And with that sentence his grulling training began. Day by day night by night Yuudai made milimeters of progress. This was enough though Yuudai had nothing but time. He still had 7 years left till he had to act but that didn't mean he was going to waste his time.

Currently Yuudai was trying to expand his ki while also having it recede. He couldn't accomplish it though as his ki would immediately become static or start going to far one way or another.

11 Months Later

Throughout the months Yuudai continually trained. He barely took breaks so much so the they even called him a mad man. Every month though without fail he would go on a date with Luna.

Now though he had finally made progress. He managed to have his ki simultaneously expand and recede. 'By keeping the ki in layers and in a conveyor belt like system I have managed to achieve my goal. This also helps me with ki drain as I wont be wasting much ki while utilizing this technique.' Yuudai thought as he was celebrating internally.

This worked as when a fighter used all of their power generally their ki would begin to flare creating an aura while simultaneously losing a lot of ki, but with this technique Yuudai's flared aura could also be contained and brought back to his body.

Yuudai only had 1 final step left. It was the hardest of them all though. He had to combine both aspects of his training throughout the last year.

His task now was to solidify his ki while having it expand and recede. The hard part was that his solidified ki would normally crumble after a while with just expanding it but now he had to have it recede simultaneously too. He was in for a lot of work

So first Yuudai decided to tackle the fact that the solidified ki crumbled to quickly. He didn't have much success though until a few months later.

2 Months Later

Yuudai expanded his ki as it solidified. This time it didn't crumble till a few minutes later. "Mission accomplished." Yuudai said as he panted on the ground. This task had taken a lot out of him and he was very proud of his accomplishments.

He was far from done though as he began his second mission. His task was to expand his ki and then solidify it, after this he'd have it recede. This was much easier then having it simultaneously expand and recede so Yuudai decided to try this method to get himself familiar with having his ki recede into his body into a solid form.

3 Months Later

Solidified ki had entered Yuudai's body. This had never happened before so Yuudai went to inspect this ki. In it he saw a white glowing substance but it soon dispersed. 'Essence Of Time!' Yuudai thought excitedly as he had completed his second task and had acquire Essence Of Time although it had dispersed.

Unbeknownst to Yuudai though at that 1 moment time within his immediate vicinity had been distorted for a nano second.

'Well now I have my final goal. What I've been trying to achieve all along.' Yuudai said with vigour and resolve as he continued to meditate.

7 Months Later

Yuudai had finally achieved his goal his ki had solidified as it receded and expanded. But something peculiar had happened.

Hehehe a cliff. You all fell (not). I am not the best at cliffs and you can probably all already tell what's about to happen but what ever. Here you got a bonus chapter. Now don't flame me please.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts