
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Chapter 4

After looking over skills Clay decided it was time for the main event. His eyes fell onto his bloodline worrying about what it could possibly be. From his memory an overpowered bloodline meant mostly smooth sailing. While a poor one meant constant near death struggles in hopes it would improve. Of course there is always the chance of a slow start one as well. Taking a deep breathe to calm himself Clay selected his blood line.

[Royal dragon bloodline: As the bloodline closest to the dragon overlord they have a natural affinity for all natural accruing elements. This of course means that regardless of race dragons with this bloodline have that affinity. In addition there is passive boost to physical abilities.]

As he read Clay slowly started to understand the difference between race and bloodline. For a dragon bloodline dictates all possible mana affinities they can have. Race on the other hand affects what skills they can learn. For example Clay with his Royal bloodline can use just about any element ,however the way to use them is entirely up to him. While if he were let's say a fire dragon then he would automatically have knowledge on ways to use his fire.

Basically one offers automatic power boost while other is over time. Either way he could only go up from here. Happy with his gains he looked around to see the temple from before is gone. Only thing left was the two statues and a wrist band. Something in his mind told Clay to wear it so he did. Once it was on his wrist a connection between the two was made. The only things he could tell from the connections was that only he can use it ,and it is called the dragon king's bracer.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by his stomach acting up. He was shocked that until now his hunger had vanished. Sighing he officially left the cave to continue his climb. This time however it was fair easier than before. Thanks to the golden dragon body technique his strength increased further making support his weight a cake walk.

In a mere matter of two hours he at last made it to the bottom. Looking at the vast forest in front of him Clay felt emotional. Not wanting to waste anymore time he quickly went hunting for food. As he moved through the forest his guard remained up the entire time. His efforts were finally rewarded when he came a cross a deer. It seemed to be ignoring its surroundings as it ate some grass.

Clay felt slightly nervous to be facing his first prey in this world. Afterall if there were dragons than it is likely most animals are different from what he knew. Still driven by his hunger he decided to stop being a wuss. Not wasting a second more he leaped at the deer mana filled his claw. Noticing danger the tried to run unfortunately it was too late. Before it could even react its head was sent flying. His hunger overriding his reason Clay started to devour the deer of course after skinning it.

After eating one he was start hungry so new couple of minutes he hunted some more. Not long later he managed to catch and eat four more deers. He had to admit at first he thought it would taste nasty eating them raw. Strangely enough though they actually tasted pretty good which of course confused him.

"Darling you are no longer human so your senses are different" Eve brought up.

She then went on to explain that dragons have a heightened sense for mana ,so when he ate his preys's mana effected it's taste. With that information he felt better knowing that eating won't be a problem. Now that his hunger has been satisfied he moved on to training. First he focus on the golden dragon body technique since it enhance his defenses. Unfortunately he currently cannot turn regular mana into elemental mana.

Still he knew that so long as he kept working at it there will be day he can use it as well as Ladon. Remembering the old dragon made Clay feel a little sad. Both of the former kings gave their everything to him so apart of him viewed them as his parents. Clay has always believed that the only people truly willing to sacrifice everything would be parents. His previous parents for example worked themselves to near death paying his hospital bills. Yet they did not hesitate to bring him when there was even the slightest problem.

Thus he believed that if anyone deserves to be parents it was the two dragons. To show his respect to them he gave himself a last name as a tribute to them. From that ment on he became Clay Aurum-Argentum. Although, it is just the Latin names for gold and silver he felt it appropriate. After that he felt better so he took another look at his status.

[Name: Clay Aurum-Argentum

Race: Dragon/????

Level: 2

Racial level(s): Dragon-2/10. ????-????

bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline

Mana core: rank 1

Health points: 790

mana points: 200





Status points-3

Skill points-3


-Dragon's endurance(max level)

-Golden dragon body technique( Level 1)

-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 1)]

Seeing that his Racial level went made him wonder what was the cause. He thought for a while before coming to a conclusion so he checked with Eve. His assumption was right it increases when his mana does. In other words each rank means an evolution. Excited at what kind of evolutions can have Clay went back to work.

Village at edge of forest

The forest of Grim is know as the most dangerous place on the continet of Gaia due to its high monster population. Of course it did have a benefit in its mostly untouched resources. This is why kingdoms made settlements at the forest's board. Quickly these settlements became places where people go in search of wealth even at the risk of their lives.

In this town most people are adventurers who explore the forest. One such person is a young girl with long black hair in a braided ponytail and emerald green eyes. On her perfectly shaped body was a tight fitting armor making her look like a valkyrie. Every man she walked by would gaze at her with lust.

She soon arrived at a fairly large building made of stone. On it in large letters there was a sign that said adventurers guild. Not pausing for a second she walked through the double doors. Everyone stop what they were doing to look at her in the door. One man was about to get up to mess with her but was stopped by his friend.

"What the hell is wrong with you dumbass don't you know who that is" the friend hissed. Seeing his buddies stupid face he sighed, "she is the Immortal called the bloody valkyrie".

When the drunk heard that his face turned pale as he trembled in his seat. Ignoring them the woman walked up to a receptionists. Not saying anything she placed an envelope on the desk.