
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Chapter 11

After that little scene the female dragons one by one road Clay their names. First was Emma a woman with ash white hair that was cut just above her shoulders. Next was Lisa who had light brown hair ties in a ponytail giving her an energetic vibe. The last one was of course Alyssa with her long flowing hair. As it turns out they were not only dragons but also members of the royal guard sent by the dragon queen.

Unsurprisingly Maria reported that Clay was found as well as his desire to get strong before returning. Luckily the dragon queen respected his decision and only sent three guards. She was even kind enough to order them to only observe unless absolutely necessary. On top of the extra protection she also added a few additional helpful thinngs. Clay had to admit that her actions slightly moved him. He was especially curious about the rolled up scroll they handed him.

"Your highness, her Majesty the quen said this is something all royal dragons receive when ever they leave the kingdom" Maria explained.

Hearing that Clay decided to check out what this scroll is all about. Once it was open the scroll let out a blinding light. The light did not last long so it soon faded. When it vanished the siblings looked at Clay with their jaws dropped to the floor. In place of a gold and silver dragon there was a young boy. The boy looked to be around ten years old with a pair of black horns. His face had a cuteness to it that would ignite any woman's maternal instincts. Most interestingly was his eyes that were off colored reptilian eyes.

"What the heck did you give him" Freya couldn't help but yelling.

"It is called an inherentence scroll it is used to pass down skills to the next generation. The skill her Majesty sent was the humanizing skill" Alyssa answered.

As she was talking Clay received a few messages from the system.

[Host has used a skill inherentence scroll you will now learn engraved skill]

[Congratulations host has learned the skill humanizing]

[Due to skill humanizing you have now gained access to the [job] function]

[Host can now select a job from those that are currently available]

Clay became more and more stunned as he read through the notices. The possible of being able to become human did occur to him ,but he never expected to get a job function to go with it. Excited he quickly scrolled through he choices. It was not long before he came across one that caught his eye. It was the martial artist job. The reason he was interested in it was because it came with skill the made using weapons easier. Considering he was an earth dragon that could make weapons and control other elements it seemed to fit. Besides a martial artist that can turn into a dragon just sounds so epic.

[Ding you have selected martial artist as your job the appropriate skills have been learned]

[Name: Clay Aurum-Argentum

Race: Dragon(human)/????

Job:Martial artist

Level: 10

Racial level(s): Young Earth Dragon lvl 11/20. ????-????

bloodline: Royal dragon bloodline

Mana core: rank 2

Health points: 2130

mana points: 2000





Status points-12

Skill points-3


-Dragon's endurance(max level)

-Golden dragon body technique( Level 2)

-Silver dragon manipulation technique(level 2)

-Earth magic(level 1)

-Earth Dragon's Armor(Level 3)

-Earth Dragon's breath(level 1)

-Fly(level 5)

-Martial Path(level 1)]

Martial Path(level 1): As one who chases the absolute principle of death you gain an understanding of all cold weapons.]

Although the skill description was short and to the point Clay understood how deep it really was. He already received a decent understanding of not only swords and stuff but also hand-to-hand. He even already notice the perfect synergy between the golden dragon body and martial path. As Clay was musing over his new skills the ladies in the room were blushing.

Even Zeke had to admit that although he was still young Clay's human from is still quite good-looking. Of course he was not surprised since in the dragon race none of them are ugly.

"Clay how are you feeling and what's up with those clothes" Zeke asked earning him a glare.

" It will probably take a while for me to get used to the body but besides that fine.As for the clothes they are made from my scales" Clay replied.

His bodyguards when went on to give him a letter saying it was from the queen. They also told him about a few other things he would need to know. After a brief explanation of the items he received they left following Freya to her room. Zeke had long left so Clay was alone as he talked to Eve.

"So my darling wife can you help me understand what exactly is going on" Clay teased

"Alright darling no need to act so sweet of course I will tell you. First of all the reason you could only get a job now is that you gained a human form. The God of this world created a system for every being in it to have a chance to grow strong. Aura/magic beasts have the ability to evolve as well as racial/inherent skills. Humans on the other hand gain jobs that boost their abilities while allow them to learn a certain skill set" she paused, "demi-humans ,those with beast and human blood, actually get access to both paths. Dragons being the very embodiment pride refused to be inferior to mixed bloods came up with a brilliant idea. They created a skill that gave them a human form. This confused the system in place into thinking they are demi-humans."

The entire explanation cleared alot of his confusion while make new ones. For example who created this world and why did they make it that way. Also why did they allow dragons to cheat their system. No matter how he thought about it no answers came through. Shrugging his shoulders Clay put it to the back of his mind.

With nothing better to do Clay decided to go hunting to get some levels. Of course he had to bring his bodyguards with him. Not wanting to waste time he headed back to the forest of Grim again. Of course he didn't forget to inform the dragon ladies lest they rampage because he was missing. Back in the forest he was born Clay wondered around looking for prey. Luck was on his side since it didn't take long before he came across a goblin.

Clay signaled his guards to stand back while working toward the goblin. For this fight he chose to go with using hand to hand for this fight. Besides he wanted to see how well the golden dragon body worked in human form. Once he was a certain distance from the goblin he bolted forward. At first he took it slow by reinforcing his legs and fists. A faint gold color appeared on his hand as he punch toward the goblin. Seeing the attack the goblin barely managed to block with his sword. Too bad this punch was empowered by golden aura.

The moment his fist and the sword made contact a shattering sound filled the air. Before the goblin could understand what just happened Clay threw another punch. Just as quickly as it started the fight was over however Clay wasn't worried. After all there has to be a colony near by or a stronger monster.