
Dragon one (Dragon Ball Super x Male reader)

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What if the events of Dragon Ball Super played out ever so differently than how they originally went in the anime and manga? How would the following arcs progress or regress as a result of a few minor or significant changes? Here's a scenario......Imagine if, from the moment Beerus woke up, to the moment he arrived on KIng Kai's planet, how the circumstances would of went if this happened or that didn't happen or this was included. Sorry for being so vague but, I hope you're just as excited as I am to find out too. I also recommend reading this book when you have a good amount of free time as most chapters are rather long and a bit tedius to get through, though, with the right imagination, I promise it will be worth it. Follow me on Wattpad to get more chaps earlier than here as there is where I mainly post

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Chapter 1Diety of Destruction

The Universe...the stars and suns, the black holes, Nebulas, Pillars of creation and countless other constellations, galaxies, solar systems and asteroids that are known to be present anywhere within this great expanse. No matter which planet you look at, no matter how far you could traverse this space; life exists in each and every corner of it. Bustling with countless cultures, cuisines, people, animals and whatever else may be in between.

Well...maybe not all planets have people per se' but still, most are jam packed with animals of all kinds of sizes and races. Many dream of traversing this vast and deep space, some dream of finding out just how many planets truly occupy this space. Heck, some even dream of conquering those planets and the inhabitants that just so haapen to share them.

However, if said evil were to arise, there would always be someone there to ensure that individuals like those could never have their way and would go to the most exteme lengths to prove it. Of all the planets and galaxies; dwarf or not that share the space within our universe...a certain green and blue planet located to the North had somehow managed to sprout such interesting and fascinating stories about said universe.

To think the reason that all this beauty and stunning sights could still be seen to this day would all be thanks to the ones who share that small dirt, rock and water of a planet.

From the terrifying Sayain named Vegeta, to the heights of men playing god, creating the phenomenon known only as Perfected Cell, an Android artificially created who's sole purpose was to achieve perfection and absolute destruction.

To think that the likes of the ancient Kid Buu had been defeated because of the protectors and guardians that occupied this planet would truly leave those who were into that sort of superstiton, dumb-founded beyond belief.....

....but....what if I told you that none of this was as superstitious as you believed it to be.....

That these events DID in fact happen, and that the reason one can still appreciate all the spectacles and beauties of the universe was due to the fact that the planet know as Earth, secluded in a far away galaxy, were the protectors of the universe, time and time again. From a Saiyan grown and raised on Earth, achieving a form lost to legends, vanquishing a foe that rained terror upon the Universe for a time, to a half-breed Sayian born and raised on Earth as a Earthling tapping into his hidden rage and unlocking a form the first Super Sayain in over 1000 years only caught a glimpse of when he was training the Half-breed in the hopes of defeating the android known as cell.

Upon achieving that form, the fight between Cell and the half-breed could only been described as a slaughter.

Using a trump card of his and killing the half-breed's father before returning to finish the job, the clash between the universe's strongest warriors at the time had finally came to an end, with planet Earth left to lick its wounds and prepare for her next greatest foe.

Years had passed since then; Many years in fact, After the humble space rock once again withstanding another fierce and aincent universe conquering opponent (not without taking major damage herself) The little planet made of rock, stone and water had once again known peace....but for how long could this planet cheat death to it and her inhabitants? What if the numerous guardians and saviours of the universe could never, in their wildest dreams, have ever compared to the sheer might of the new awoken and aincent. What if the guardians of the planet could not stop the diety that would make his presense known throughout the world and the fighters of 'Z'...

The grass swayed ever so peacefully, trees in the background blossoming with life as birds chirp and go about their daily lives without a care in the whole universe of the holy planet they currently had the privillage of knowing as home. The puffy whites of the clouds were seen amongst hundreds and thousands of its kind that were fortunately covering the rays of sunshine that laid juuuuuust to the West of the scenic and colourful landscape.

As the wind continues its destined course and purposefully pushes and pulls the countless blades of grass that it could manage, a strange man dressed in even stranger clothing was seen walking ever so lightly and carefully on the grass, whilst softly humming a tune that had been stuck in his head for the past decade or so.

Strentching his arms and neck, the man with long white hair was seen walking up to a even older man, presumably his master, to go about starting his day. Thus was the life of a kai....no matter what, a kai must always take whatever role they were given in life with great pride. Fortunately for these two, their role in the vastness of the universe contained much excitement...or horror if you look at it from a certain angle.

Thus was the life of Elder Kai and Kibito Kai the universe's very own supreme kai's. These people play a VERY important role in the universe. 'For what happens after destruction, comes the occurance known as creation' a quote from one of the many books Kibito Kai has read and studied thoroughly in his life time.

As the tall purple man's steps were heard approaching the grand elder, Kibito Kai immediately stopped his melodic humming before moving into a slight bown and sitting beside his elder.

Stretching his neck for what seemed like the hundreath time that very morning, the Kioshin of the universe sat with his legs crossed as he awaited the instructions to be given to him by his elder.

"Good morning Kibito Kai" Elder Kai neutrally greets his only companion

"A very good morning to you as well Elder Kai" Kibito Kai heartily responds with added vigour

"You certainly seem to be in a mood today, finally met a woman?" Elder Kai casually says, not taking his eyes of the prestine and calm skies laid out infront of him

"WHAT?! NO! can't a man simply just be in a good mood for once? If you'd like to know, this is the happiest i've ever been since accidentally fusing again (hmph)" Kibito Kai practically shouts at his Elder before ending with a huff

"Hoho alright, alright, No need to be getting moody about it. How are you Kibito Kai, honestly"

"I have been well sir, we should be resting well at the fact that the universe has been so quiet for so long. Besides a few mishaps here and there with a few planets and one almost destroying itself over food, the universe and I have been quite well" Kibito Kai happily reports with a cheery smile

"Always the workaholic, maybe you should actually take my advice and take a vacation, meet someone for once." Elder Kai slyly replies

" (sigh) Perhaps one day sir, the universe comes first after all..."

"He has awoken" Elder kai calmly retorts

"....I'm sorry, could you repeat that sir, I'm not quite sure I heard you correctly" Kibito Kai asked his elder, confused as to why he would change the subject....was his love life that boring, even for someone like him?

"The universe's Diety of destruction has just awoken after 48 years of rest" Elder Kai bluntly says, not stuttering once in his entire sentence

"Sir...i'm not too sure I quite understand what you're trying to-

you couldn't mean....." Kibito Kai says before the statement that Elder Kai made finally clicked within him

"You know what I mean"

"Honourable Elder Kai! Are you sure about this.....for if the statements you made are true, the universe itself may never know peace ever again...."

"It comes as no suprise to me that you couldn't sense his energy, one of the strange downsides of fusing with potara, but I am certain Kibito. Our simple and humble universe may once again know the true terror of-

Lord Beerus!" a strange skinned man suddenly interupts the duo's chatter. On another far, far away planet. The conversation between Kai and Kai has suddenly shifted to show a grim, cold and somewhat desolate area with magenta coloured rocks and similar coloured diamonds and gems decorating the edges of a cliff. As sole scenery goes, this excuse seemed to be trying to make up for the bleakness of the area the strange man was in.

As his steaps could be heard echoing thoughout the area with his steps progressively getting louder and louder, the man was seen walking to the right of a void housing only pitch blackness with an unknown depth. Leaning back from the black void and observing the room infront of him, the man appeared to be walking diagonally upwards up a somwhat steep stairway (?) that leads into a room, presumably on his way to wake the one known as 'Beerus'.

With a little bit over 10 seconds passing with nothing but the hard steps of boot against rock echoing throughout the cave-like area the man was traversing, the sudden explosion of a solid chunk of landmass with a *huurrnd* sounded out before it had the unfortunate fate of falling into the void. Momentarily pausing to acknowledge that the alarms he set were indeed working, the man continued on his way towards the room.

"Lord Beerus!" The strange blue man shouts once again after finally arriving at his destination. Walking up to the door that laid just infront of him the sound of another deafening explosion rang out, resulting in the strange blue man sharply dodging to the right.

Looking back at what was once a great door, now reduced to a useless pile of metal laying on the floor, the strange blue man adorned in even stranger clothing simply made his way into the room, invited or not, with a indifferent and unchanging expression; was this a simple Tuesday for him?

As the dust and rubble slowly cleared, the landscape of a room simulating a decaying and poorly kept bedroom of great sizes was seen with colours of bleak brown and orange to somewhat liven up the crumbling place.

As boulders and stones of immense and various sizes were seen floating about effortlessly along with several abnormally large hour glasses littering the massive space, with a simple wave of his arm, the strange man in blue expelled most if not all of the remaining dust, gravel and clutter within the space (Everything in that room was clutter anyways)

"My lord...(sigh) my lord its time to get up. I specifically remeber informing you that this fraction of 'rest' would leave you grumbly after waking up. You only have yourself to blame my lord..." The blue man exclaimed with a tired voice.

"Mhmh....?" The 'Diety of destruction' known as Beerus responded, not even in the mood to argue with his logic

"My lord, it would be a shame if you happened to oversleep into one of the several back up alarms-"




'Right on que' the blue man said to himself. Perhaps he would have to wait another year or two to wake his lord. Why he decided to torture himself with such a short 'nap' was beyond him.

"Fiiine Whis, i'm up. No need to do whatever plan you you thinking of" Beerus grudgily responded, wondering if he should sacrifice it all for just another millenia of sleep.

"My lord, need I remind you once again, that it was you who set these alarms. Like I have stated before, you only have yourself to blame." the blue man known as Whis informed

"I am very much aware of that, thank you Whis"

"Well my lord, if you are indeed aware of that, why haven't you made any motion in waking up?" Whis asks

"If you want, I can perform one of my many well known and wide selections of muscials in order for you to feel jazzed up about the day."

"Infact.....i've been practicing this one in whatever free time I had, (pulls out a already hooked up mic from who knows where) it goes something along these lines...

LaaAAAaaaaLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Whis happily sang his heart to which Beerus didn't....reciprocate well.

"OH, IN ALL THE GODS WHIS, SHUT UP!!!!" Beerus shouted at the top of his lungs, interrupting the song Whis had been working on. It was about to reach the good part too...

Moments after saying this, the large humaniod cat known as Beerus finally got up to greet the world. Taking a step off his bed, Beerus slowly but surely made his way to the bathroom to freshen up and rinse off all the 48 years of gunk that had surely cluttered his body...Or that was what he would of done if there was solid ground beneath the cat. Where was the ground?

Looking around the area with closed eyes, Beerus sharply fell a good 20 meters before landing back first with a small *duff* on a boulder. Brushing off the simple fall like an absolute champ, Beerus simply scooted for 5 seconds before yet again falling another 20 meters, back first, onto a boulder with a soft *duff* yet again. As Whis silently observed the free entertainment laid infront of him, the Guiding ***** couldn't help but crack a small smile with a small sigh as well due to the antics he keeps finding his lord in.

After falling off the final boulder before colliding with the hard ground below, Beerus simply walked up to Whis, eyes still closed, before looking off to the side and releasing a yawn that he had been holding in for a WHILE now. As Beerus decided to itch and lick every place that had began to bug him, the golden earing that stood tall on his left ear twitched along with the rest of his ears when he rubbed them to get rid of the numbness that he felt within the pair.

As the Aincent cat continued to soothe his ears, the rays of sunshine (?) seeping through the various windows within the room slowly caused the golden neck ring he wore on his neck began to show twinkles and twinges of a soft golden colour.

Moving on from soothing his ears to rubbing his tired neck, the rays of sunshine began to concentrate on the twin gauntlets of gold proudly displayed on both pairs of Beerus' wrists, contrasting the deep purple of his skin.

Stretching his body in various poses and positions, Beerus finally stretched his back before once again falling straight back on the floor; just looking up at his ceiling, all the while Whis just took in the show that was displayed before him. With another sigh threatening to leak from his lips, Whis just as easily held it to himself before brushing off all that just transpired moments ago.

"My lord, now that you have finally awoken, please use the bath I have prepared before it gets too cold." Whis asked, almost leaving the room.

"You already know my answer to that Whis (sigh) do I really have to?" Beerus inquired of Whis, shifting into a more cat like position.

"My lord, you are covered in soot and dirt from all those explosions a moment ago. Do I need to spell it out for you like the last time?

"No need Whis (scratches ear with his back leg) I hear you loud and clear." Beerus unfortunately acknowledged, slowly willed himself to the bathroom debating to himself wheather or not he really should sleep for another millenia again.

"You seriously smell raw my lord, do ensure that you scrub 3 times at the very least. We wouldn't want the inahbitants of the worlds you destroy final thoughts to be that their extinction was caused by someone who was unable to ensure that they groomed themselves properly."

"OKAY WHIS, I get it, You dont need to be going off in my ears about how one should properly clean themselves. I know how to do it!" Beerus snaped and retorted, now not in the mood to even touch his bed again.

Arriving at his personal bath, the diety of destruction immediately ridded himself of his hole ruined gown before IMMEDIATELY splashing into his bath, causing waves of the beautiful blue water to overflow and leak onto the sides. Submerging himself down to the very depths of his pool-esque bath as far as he could've reached, Beerus finally emerged back on the surface, all the while Whis watched on with yet another amused smile on his face.

Floating back over to the area where Whis was currently standing, the diety of Destruction began to recall to his only compainion the reason as to why he decided in waking up so soon.

"Whis my friend, do you know the reason I have awoken at such a inconvenient time?" Beerus suddenly asked

"Hmm...I'm not quite sure I can recall a conversation in which we discussed this...do tell" Whis happily responds

"Well Whis, I had a premonition believe or not. That on this day, 48 years ago, would be the day that I would face off against my strongest rival...Doesn't that sound neat?" Beerus says, soaking his ears with soap before wiping them off.

"A premonition my lord...may I ask for more details about this supposed premonition of yours. We both know the last time you had a 'premonition' " Whis asked, somewhat interested in where the coverstation was going.

"I can't recall the exact details about the dream, but I know for CERTAIN. That this would be the day I find my greatest rival. The Oracle even confirmed it"

"The Seer of all people.....well, I can see why you would be excited about today at the very least."

"...Say, Whis, did that spoiled brat Frieza destroy planet Vegeta like I asked of him?" Beerus inquired to his Guardian *****.

"Yes my lord, what remains of planet Vegeta has been scattered here and there around the galaxy by now. Though, I do have some news that may come as a shock to you"

"Shock? To think that you of all people would be wearing of re-telling such news....lay it on me" Beerus demanded.

"Frieza was defeated not too long ago my lord, by a Sayain of all beings..." Whis calmy says, already having an idea as to how Beerus would of reacted to the news.

"FRIEZA WAS WHAT??????" Beerus suddenly jumped up to Whis's position, wondering whether or not he heard what he just heard correctly.

"My lord please! Get back in the bath" Whis asked of Beerus, closing his eyes and looking away from the sight infront of him

"Oh, right, right (steps back in the bath) Anyways, about what you said....someone was able to eclipse Frieza's strength by so much that they were able to defeat him?"

"Yes, however, the one who actually defeated Frieza is currently unavailable; it is the one who caused significant damage to him that should be of importance."

As Whis says this, the blue man suddenly summoned a long blue and golden staff with a floating orb encompassed by a vertical halo at its peak. Wrapping his fingers around the middle of the staff, Whis softly tapped the base of the staff against the bathroom's floor before several translucent, green shaped diamonds of various sizes appeared around the room.

Completing its assigned task in less that a second, the diamonds almost went entirely translucent before projecting a image of Frieza looking downwards off a cliff, looking on in absolute horror at what he was seeing.

As flashes of what appeared to be a man screaming out with all the absolute anger and sorrow within his heart before his body erupted into a golden shower shower with hair of matching colour, the man seemed to finally 'calm down' before rushing to frieza and connecting a solid fist into Frieza's head, rocketing Frieza deep within the pavement.

As the series of events unfolded infront of the two, showing frieza clearly on the losing side and by a large margin too, Frieza suddenly sent a glowing purple disk flying at the one in orange and blue. Flying around the area in the hopes of the disk losing track of him, the golden warrior suddenly went directly in Frieza's direction before blitzing behind him, leaving a swollen and scared Frieza to quickly whip his head around to track him.

Observing the landscape behind him, it appeared to the universal conquestor that the foe he was engaging a suicide match against was fortunately nowhere in sight. Unfortunately for Frieza (you read that right), the disk of destruction that he threw moments ago came right back around, aimed directly at Frieza's torso before spliting the manlet into a clean, colliding with the rocky floor with two distinct thuds.

As more and more series of events unfolded, it appeared that the one in orange and blue was now showing the murderer of undecillions....


As vein after vein appeared on Frieza's face after the fact that he was being spared clicked within his mind, the upper flying torso of Frieza sent a massive ki beam, infusing all his hate and anger into the beam at the mortal infront of him.

Sensing that something was coming his way, the man littered with serious wounds and ripped clothing appeared to shout in anger before sending a MUCH more powerful ki beam of his own. As the beams appeared to clash with each other, the energy beam from the golden warrior immediately overpowered the beam of Frieza before instantly colliding and sending Frieza to his supposed death.

"The one currently before you is known by two names. He answers to both Goku and kakarot" Whis calmly says

"...(shifts his position in his bath) When you said Planet Vegeta was now only reduced to space debre, I assume that meant all Sayains went extinct." Beerus passively wondered.

"While that is true my lord, any Sayian that happened to be off world at the time were spared from their grim fate, including, I should mention, the Heir of the planet, Prince Vegeta my lord" Whis revealed to Beerus

"I see.....I have to admit, a sayain of all beings slaying Frieza. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever of imagined such an outcome...perhaps that exact midset was what led Friza to be locked up in the lower department...

"Say...Isn't Sayain hair supposed to be black? Specifically charcoal black if I remember correctly, care to explain why this one's bright yellow." Beerus pondered as his ******* attendant came up with a suitable response.

"Well my lord, all the remaining sayains now adopt this unique habit of transforming into what they call a 'Super Sayain' to reveal more stores of their hidden strength. Of all 8 sayains currently alive as of this moment, 4 of them can transform into the Super Sayain state." Whis informs.

"Super Sayain? i've heard that before.....super sayain....supeeeer sayain...super sayain...god. That's it Whis, Super Sayain God. In my dream, my Greatest and strongest rival was a Super Sayain GOD!" Beerus practially jumps at the remeberance of his greatest foe.

"My lord....please, either control yourself or put on a towel." Whis asks as the green diamonds around the background fade out of existance as if they were never there.

"You know what this is Whis! A premonition. A PREMONITION (is it now?)" Beerus shouted with joy once again as Whis looked on at his lord with an unamused expression.

"....I have the slightest of clues that you don't really believe me." Beerus deadpans.

"What gave you that idea my lord..." Whis asked in a passive voice, looking off to the slight movements of waves within the water.

"You're mocking me" Beerus bluntly says

"Come with me" Beerus told, reaching for a towel to his side before heading off for a change of clothes.


As the sight of lush, beautiful blue grass was seen laying peacefully on a flat plane as trees with magenta and royal blue leaves with shades of dark purple seen for bark on the trees, the diety of destruction and his Guiding ***** were seen walking peacefully around the landscape. As the smooth and gentle wind whistled around the area and rattled the nearby leaves, the two silently observed the land around them; a comfortable silence passing between the two.

With a little over a minute and a half of the duo just taking in the lush scenery around them, it would be Beerus who would of been the first to break the silence between them.

"Seer! The hell are you?!" Beerus shouted out for the one named seer.

As a small twinkle of light seen shining brigntly behind the duo, before something, or better yet, someone was seen spinning and dribbling out of control before suddenly colliding with the floor, leaving the two somewhat confused.


As the being slowly slowly floated up with a fin (?) on it head while trying to get a good grip on it self, the blue fish thing slowly came out of its bowl.

"I was on a nice stroll y'know. What is it." The blue fish thing said

"Seer, did you not, 48 years ago prophesize that on this day, i would fight my greatest opponent?" Beerus asked

"....I really said that?"

"Yes you did Oracle..." Beerus sweatdropped with a unamused expression.

"Hmm.....I guess I did" The seer just gives up before responding.

"See Whis, I told you. An arch rival of mine will soon emerge....and he shall be a SUPER SAYAIN GOD!!" Beerus confidently says

"Hmph, this whole 'super sayain god' shebang sounds so far fetched my lord. Even if one somehow manages to match or even surpass your level of battle prowess, how are we even sure that they exist?. Need I remind you of the last time you got your hopes up for a good fight?

"Half of system blue was destroyed out of sheer frustation" Whis skeptecises as Beerus slowly hopped up a decently tall tree.

"Even if the Oracle fish did somewhat exaggerate the strength of this foe, make no mistake! A great warrior is still due to emerge, and he shall be know as the SUPER SAYAIN GOD. So that's why I woke up so prematurely....."

"I see.....(suddenly appeared beside the purple cat) I do take all this excitement of finally having a rival means that you're going to pay these Sayains a visit my lord?"

"Do you even have to ask Whis? How else are we going to track down this 'Super Sayain God' " Beerus cheerily replies whilst propping his chin up with his knee.

"Super sayain god.....super sayain god....Such a grandiose, over the top name isn't it? Such a mouthful too..." Whis comments

While Whis says this though, he wastes no time in the search of the handful of remaining sayains left. Peering deep within his staff, it took no less than 5 seconds to locate the planet that everyone knows and loves. "My lord, it appears that of all the surviving Sayains, by my count 6 of the 8 are currently on the green and blue planet known as Earth, also known as 42307 green, planet 877, while the remaining two are off on an entirely different world, I doubt they would be who we were looking for my lord. "

"That so, I can't say that i've ventured to that planet before, though I do know that the miserable rock had those big annoying creatures.....what were their names again...."

"Do you mean the 'dinosaurs' my lord?"

"Ah yes, that's the one....I did recall wanting to stop by the place sometime ago. The best thing the planet had going for it was its scenery I suppose."

"Well that's strange...(mhm?) for some reason the Sayain, specifically the one to did significant damage to Frieza, is currently on the North Kai's world for some reason....." Whis informs

"Well...A sayain on a Kai's planet.....Isn't that strange...." Beerus says outloud to himself.

"(sigh) Tell me Whis, how long would it be from here to the North Kai's world?"

"Roughly 30 minutes my lord" Whis humbly answers

"I see...(sigh) I HATE LONG FLIGHTS"

"hohoho my lord, I never thought that I'd have to remind you but, do remeber you haven't eaten breakfast yet. We both know how you get if you start going hungry at an inconvienient time" Whis suddenly said, causing the Diety of Destruction infront of him to halt whichever movement he would of made during that time. Standing up attention, Beerus simply sighed under his breath before making haste back to his home.

"I thought so my lord, everything has already been made, do enjoy your meal." Whis said with small smile etched on his face.

Returning beck in the interior of his home, Beerus wasted not a single second and headed STRAIGHT to the dining room. How could he have forgotten about breakfast, was he truly that excited to face off against his biggest foe? HOW COULD HE HAVE SERIOUSLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT HIS FIRST MEAL OF THE DAY?!

Quickening his haste, Beerus practically dashed into the dining hall before coming to a complete stop. As his eyes laid upon golden rows upon rows of treats, desserts and feasts, Beerus had to stop himself from passing out. He didn't even touch the food yet, he can't pass out now. Somehow finding it within himself to practice restrain, Beerus simply walked up to his seat before sitting down and bring a plate infront of him.

Right on que, the hand of the Guiding ***** known as Whis, laid a smoked and bone-free fish on his plate. There's a joke there that he wasn't getting, but he knew now was not the time to be worrying about such trivial things. Watching his lord help himself to the fair share of smoked fish he prepared, Whis simply moved to the right of his lord to simply meditate or wait on anymore instructions/tasks to complete. Spinning his staff within his right palm, it seemed that the staff of unknown limits would be needed once again.

"Whis my friend, before we depart to the North kai's world, how many Saiyans did you say currently existed?" Beerus asked, sipping on a room temperature beverage before slowing down on his eats.

"There are currently 8 remaining Saiyans my lord. Two of which are on a completely isolated, and desolate planet my lord, they won't be of much use." Whis simply says.

"Anyways, seeing as we have at least 10 minutes of free time to kill, is it possible for a quick debrief on each Saiyan currently alive...besides the isloated two?" Beerus asked

"It would be my pleasure my lord. -ehem- "

With a quick tap of his staff on the floor, the green translucent diamonds from earlier reappeared, surrounding the entire space of the dining hall within an instant. Displaying an image, the blue man known as Whis would begin his quick and brief overview of all relevant Saiyans currently alive...minus the other two ofc.

"Son Goku, know by his earth name and 'Kakarot' know by his Saiyan name, the man before us has seen his fair share of battles and hardships after being sent to the planet know as Earth when he was just an infant. The boy luckily escpaed the destruction of Planet Vegeta at the right moment just to see it and his parents go up in flames.

Hitting his head when he was still a growing child, it seemed that Kakarot would of lost all his Sayain memories, subsequentally growing up to be a much kinder and more compationate than what he would of been, had he not lost his memories. Growing up and saving the Earth more times that he could of counted, the boy now turned man would only grow to show even greater feats of strength and compassion"

"After defeating his Saiyan brother under the notion of saving his infant son, 'Gohan' Goku would soon die due to blood loss after his bout.

Reaching the end of snake way after being given the chance to train under the North Kai by King Yemma after his death, the overseer of the deceased on earth, Goku would spend a good while training in order to defeat the incoming Sayains that his dead brother 'Raditz' called in as reinforcements.

Fighting and defeating the prince of all Saiyans in a desperate beam struggle, it seemed that the Earth would once again be saved and protected by its strongest guardian from another planet, Son Goku." Whis summarizes to the best of his ability whilst Beerus slowly licked a jar of milk, waiting on Whis to continue with his summary.

"Prince Vegeta the 4th. As a result of being off world at the time of his planet's unexpected demise, Prince Vegeta would spend most of his teenage and early adult life being raised single handedly by another Saiyan known as Nappa. As the distress signal from Raditz's scouter went off and recieving news that he had somehow died at the hand of an off guard attack, the pair would curse at Raditz for being so weak before blasting off in order to finish the nuisance themselves. As the duo headed straight towards the planet that somehow gained the title of 1-0 on the Sayain race, the pair finally arrived after a short while only to discover that the planet had no sign of the one he knew as kakarot.

As Vegeta began to cause a riot in the hopes of drawing out Earth's strongest protector, his riot eventually led him to a beautiful green plain in which several of Earth's srtongest warriors were waiting battling him. To Vegeta though, he only saw that there were some random fodder there trying to 'defeat him.' Sending his closest and only friend Nappa out to deal with the 'trash', Nappa Would swftly get his spine shattered by a red blur as he finally laid his eyes on the entire reason he came to the planet, not sparing even a glance at his most trusted and loyal companion, crippled waist down on the floor by his feet."

"Sending his only living parent figure into orbit and ending him off with a simple energy beam, the clash between the Sayain invader and Earth's mightiest guardian finally began. As the clash between Kakarot and Vegeta last nearly an hour, with multiple close instances of death and near complete defeat on either side, Vegeta would ultimately end up with the loss, near dead on the floor via 4 on 1 assault before being spared and being let go by kakarot." Whis finishes looking at Beerus to see if he had any comments to make

"To think that he would be alive and kicking too. That Nappa fool, should've know that would of happen. He had no one but himself to blame in that situation" Beerus remarks while chewing on a strange, blue looking meat.

"Son Gohan, the first and oldest son of Goku. A half breed between the sayain and the Earthling Chi-Chi, his mother, and Son Goku's wife. From a very young age Gohan had been forcefully introduced into the world of fighting. Mere moments of his kidnapping by his uncle and the death of his father, a namkeian known as Piccolo would once again kidnap Gohan before flying him out to the mountain peaks to train Gohan's power so that he could of defended himself and others against the Sayain invaders arriving in a few months time.

After competeing in the fight for the Survival of Earth with his father against Vegeta, Gohan would luckily come out alive after being saved by his father. Do note that both he and Vegeta are well and Easily capable of transforming into the Super Sayain state"

"Goten and Trunks, the second and first born sons of both Goku and now rival Vegeta, do note that these boys cannot go Super Saiyan, but are able to access a sub type of the form known as 'False Super or False Super Saiyan' This transformation takes the usual properties of the Super Saiyan with the key difference being the boys hair remainig the same colour as their base state, only with a slight golden tint to them. However, their metamorian fusion 'Gotenks' can access all stages of the legendary transformation with no issues."

"And finally, Last but not least, Y/n. Upon Prince Vegeta's and Son Goku's arrival on Planet Namek, Y/n was the last and strongest Saiyan warrior Frieza had by his side.

As each foreign party that was on Planet Namek on the time began their own search for the dragon balls, Y/n was stationed in various places around Frieza's ship doing miscellaneous tasks here and there.

After being ordered to find and locate two of the seven dragon balls required to summon the planet's wish dragon Porunga, Y/n would encounter and susequentally fight against Prince Vegeta, who's power level at the time was somewhat similar to Y/n's though weaker by a good deal. As both individuals fought on equal ground with both trading blow after blow and neither dominating the other, the fight between the two Saiyans would momentarily come to an end by the arrival of Frieza's strongest hit group, known back then as the Ginyu Force.

Silently agreeing to fight the greater threat infront of them alongside Goku's allies who were near the area, the group would go up against their deadliest enemy known as Recoome who showed that the power difference between the group was too vast for either of them to gain the upper hand, despite their best attempts at 'teamwork'. Since Planet Namek's destruction, Y/n has been living a decent and peaceful life on Earth with his friend Launch.

Currently, Y/n is the strongest Saiyan on Planet Earth due to both Goku and Vegeta being decently busy with their personal lives; with Goku taking on a job as a farmer via the request of his wife and Vegeta being a cook due to his wife throwing the responsibilities onto him. Due to these reasons, they were unable to close the decent gap Y/n had unknowingly caused between the three in a while.

"The strongest currently on Earth.....I'm sure that he could play a crucial factor later down the line; but let's jump that bridge when we get there. Let's not waste any more time Whis, take us to the North Kai's world at once."

"As you wish my lord" Whis, Beerus's angelic attendant responded.

Right, been plotting this fic for a SOLID while now, just kinda happy that a chapter for this even exists. Before you go, what I'm about to say next will be of utmost importance and WILL affect you you generally see this fic as a whole. Right, now that I have your attention...

Please read scenes of charcters and the environment as if they were made with 'Z' animation. It comes as no shock when I say that most of the time, DBS can look really choppy on the eyes. So the fact that I'm purposefully using art of Super that's in Z style isn't just because the art is good.

Now that all that's out of the way. Fuck atta here

Oh, and before you actually leave, Y/n basically means 'your name.' Could be your real name or it could be something that you make up, whatever it may be, it's yours.

-loli out



  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定
