
Dragon Ball Impact

Dragon Ball but with extra steps

LordSanctify · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Tournament Of Power Arc

—Skipping Past The Universe Survivor Arc Entirely—-

....The Second to Final Arc to this Story for now...

Beginning of the Tournament of Power Arc:

As the events of the Life Arc came to a close, Tsukasa returned to Universe 7, filled with newfound confidence and determination. He informed Goku and the others about the potential threat of the Tournament of Power, where all universes would compete against each other, and one universe would be erased. Everyone understood the gravity of the situation and began training intensely to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Tsukasa, along with Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and others, trained under Whis and Beerus to improve their techniques and master their transformations. Meanwhile, Tsukasa continued to keep in touch with Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru, discussing their progress and exchanging battle strategies.

Middle of the Tournament of Power Arc:

As the Tournament of Power commenced, Universe 7 was put to the test. Tsukasa, Goku, and Vegeta led the charge, showcasing their incredible power and teamwork. Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru fought alongside Universe 7, determined to protect their universe.

During the tournament, Tsukasa faced fierce opponents from other universes, using his God techniques and unique fighting style to hold his own. He formed a formidable bond with Caulifia and Kale, and their combined power became a force to be reckoned with. Their teamwork impressed not only their allies but also their rivals.

Tsukasa's feelings for Caulifia and Kale continued to grow, and he found himself drawn to them even more. The three of them fought side by side, each protecting the other, and their connection became evident to everyone around them.

As the battles raged on, Universe 7 faced numerous challenges, and some of their fighters were eliminated. However, the combined efforts of Tsukasa, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and others helped them survive and endure. Tsukasa's influence and leadership played a significant role in their unity and determination to protect their home.

Romantic Development:

During moments of respite in the Tournament of Power, Tsukasa found himself growing closer to Caulifia and Kale. The three Saiyans shared conversations about their pasts, their goals, and their dreams. They laughed together, trained together, and supported each other through the toughest battles.

In these moments, Tsukasa's feelings for Caulifia and Kale became more evident, and he found himself torn between the two. However, their bond remained strong, and they knew they were stronger together as a trio.

As the Tournament of Power progressed, Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale's relationship evolved into something more profound than friendship. They cherished each other's company and found comfort in each other during the challenging times they faced.

During the Tournament Of Power:

As the Tournament of Power raged on, Universe 2's God of Destruction, Helles, observed the intense battles from her position. She was intrigued by the power and teamwork displayed by Universe 7, especially Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale. As she watched, she decided to take a living for Tsukasa, considering his potential threat.

Meanwhile, Ribrianne, the warrior of love, faced off against Gohan and Tien. Ribrianne's relentless attacks kept Gohan and Tien on their toes, but they fought back valiantly, defending each other and working together to counter her moves.

Tien realized that he needed to unlock his hidden potential to stand a chance against Ribrianne. Gohan protected him while he concentrated, tapping into the depths of his power. Suddenly, Tien's body started to glow, and his power surged to new heights as his hidden potential was unleashed.

Feeling the newfound energy within him, Tien charged at Ribrianne with newfound speed and strength. He skillfully dodged her attacks and delivered a powerful kick that sent her crashing into the ground. As she struggled to get up, Tien focused his energy and unleashed his Neo Tri Beam, a technique that combined the power of the Tri-Beam and Kaio-Ken.

The energy blast enveloped Ribrianne, causing a massive explosion. However, Ribrianne's unyielding spirit kept her going, and she managed to emerge from the smoke, albeit exhausted.

Amidst the chaos, Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale noticed Helles' interest in Tsukasa. Caulifia and Kale exchanged a worried glance, realizing the danger their friend was in.

"Tsukasa, we need to be careful. Helles is watching you," Caulifia whispered, her eyes filled with concern.

"I know, but we can't let that distract us from the fight," Tsukasa replied, determination in his eyes.

Caulifia and Kale nodded, focusing on their respective opponents once more. Tsukasa's presence had always been a source of strength for them, and they were determined to give their best in this crucial battle.

As the intense battles continued, Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale showed their incredible skills and power, impressing everyone, including the Gods of Destruction from other universes. The fate of Universe 7 rested on their shoulders, and they were determined to fight with all their might to protect their home and loved ones.

As the battles in the Tournament of Power raged on, Tsukasa noticed that Caulifia and Kale were facing a formidable opponent from another universe. Without hesitation, he grabbed their hands and took off, running at an incredible speed towards their location.

"Stay close and don't let go," Tsukasa said, his voice steady but caring.

Caulifia and Kale blushed at the sudden contact, feeling the warmth of Tsukasa's hand in theirs. They were both amazed at how effortlessly he moved, his power, speed, and determination evident in every step he took.

As they reached the battleground, Tsukasa skillfully maneuvered through the chaos, dodging attacks and obstacles to reach their friends who needed backup. He never let go of Caulifia and Kale's hands, making sure they stayed together and protected throughout the rush.

Caulifia and Kale couldn't help but admire Tsukasa's strength and bravery, and they were grateful for his support. Despite the intensity of the battle, they felt a sense of comfort and reassurance with Tsukasa by their side.

"Thanks for being here, Tsukasa," Caulifia said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"Yeah, we got this," Kale added, a newfound determination in her eyes.

Tsukasa smiled warmly at them, his heart filled with a sense of camaraderie and friendship. He was proud to have Caulifia and Kale as allies and friends, and he would do everything in his power to protect them.

The three fighters joined the fray, showcasing their power and teamwork. With Tsukasa's guidance and Caulifia and Kale's raw strength, they became an unstoppable force, taking on opponents together and winning battles in the most spectacular fashion.

As the Tournament of Power continued, Caulifia, Kale, and Tsukasa fought side by side, their bond strengthening with every moment they spent together. The intense battles brought them closer, and they knew they could rely on each other no matter what.

In the midst of the chaos and challenges, they found comfort in knowing they weren't alone. Together, they faced the fierce competition, and they were ready to fight until the very end to protect their universe and ensure its survival.

As Goku's Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20 proved ineffective against the overwhelming power of Jiren, it seemed like all hope was lost. The spectators held their breath, witnessing their hero pushed to the edge by the formidable foe. Goku, bruised and battered, refused to give up.

With a final surge of determination, Goku summoned the energy of the universe into a massive Spirit Bomb. He put all his energy into this last resort attack, hoping against hope that it would be enough to turn the tide of the battle.

The Spirit Bomb took form, glowing with a brilliant light, and Goku launched it towards Jiren with all his might. But to everyone's shock, the Spirit Bomb started to change direction mid-air, flying back towards Goku. The sudden twist in the attack left the entire arena bewildered.

As the Spirit Bomb rushed back towards him, Goku's body reacted instinctively. His eyes glowed silver, and his hair stood on end as he experienced an intense surge of power. The bright light enveloped him, and his aura exploded with energy. Goku had unknowingly tapped into an extraordinary new state – Ultra Instinct Omen.

Goku's movements became fluid, his attacks precise and effortless. He dodged Jiren's attacks with ease, retaliating with lightning-fast strikes that left the Pride Trooper on the defensive. The power of Ultra Instinct Omen allowed Goku to read Jiren's moves and respond in kind, making him virtually untouchable.

The crowd erupted in cheers as they witnessed Goku's new transformation. Even the mighty Jiren was taken aback by this sudden shift in power. The battle between the two warriors reached an entirely new level, shaking the very foundation of the arena.

Goku fought with everything he had, pushing his limits even further. The power of Ultra Instinct Omen was overwhelming, but he could feel that it wasn't enough. Jiren was still too strong, and Goku needed more power if he hoped to defeat him.

With a final burst of energy, Goku pushed himself even further, tapping into the complete Ultra Instinct state. His hair turned pure silver, and his eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. Ultra Instinct -Sign- had evolved into its perfected form.

In this state, Goku's power surpassed anything he had ever experienced before. His movements were now effortless and unstoppable, and he launched a devastating attack on Jiren, pushing him to the brink.

The intense battle continued, both warriors refusing to back down. The arena shook as they clashed, their power resonating across the entire universe. The fate of their respective universes hung in the balance.

The Tournament of Power had reached its climax, and Goku's newfound strength had become the hope of Universe 7. The world watched in awe as the battle between Goku and Jiren unfolded, unsure of who would emerge victorious in this epic showdown.

In the midst of the chaotic Tournament of Power, Tsukasa found himself surrounded by three members from different universes - Sorrel and Hop from Universe 9 and Cocotte from Universe 11. They all seemed fixated on him, and their intentions were anything but friendly.

As Sorrel and Hop assumed battle stances, their eyes locked onto Tsukasa, and a wicked smile spread across Cocotte's face. Tsukasa could sense their hostile energy, and he knew that he was about to face a formidable challenge.

As Cocotte lunged towards Tsukasa with blinding speed, he managed to dodge her initial attack, but he could tell she wasn't letting up. Sorrel and Hop quickly followed suit, attacking from different angles to overwhelm Tsukasa.

Tsukasa skillfully evaded their strikes, using his quick reflexes to counter their moves. However, their combined efforts made it difficult for him to find an opening to retaliate.

The situation grew more tense as the three opponents closed in, their eyes filled with a mix of determination and, strangely, an unsettling sense of infatuation towards Tsukasa. The intensity of the battle increased, and Tsukasa's nervousness only grew.

Despite being outnumbered, Tsukasa refused to back down. He gathered his strength and unleashed a powerful wave of energy, momentarily pushing back Sorrel, Hop, and Cocotte. However, it was clear that they were not easily deterred.

Tsukasa glanced around, scanning the arena for his allies, hoping for some support. He spotted Caulifia, Kale, and Cabba battling fiercely in other parts of the arena, but they were too far away to come to his aid.

With no other choice, Tsukasa knew he had to face his opponents head-on. He steeled his nerves and focused on his training, seeking to tap into his full potential.

As the battle continued, Tsukasa's determination began to shine through. His skills improved with each passing moment, and he started to hold his own against the trio of attackers.

Sorrel, Hop, and Cocotte became increasingly impressed by Tsukasa's prowess, but their infatuation only seemed to intensify. It was clear that they were underestimating his abilities, assuming they could conquer him easily.

With a newfound sense of confidence, Tsukasa took the offensive, unleashing a flurry of powerful attacks. He managed to catch Sorrel and Hop off guard, knocking them back and gaining some ground in the battle.

Cocotte, on the other hand, was undeterred. She continued to press forward, seemingly enthralled by Tsukasa's strength and charm.

The arena buzzed with excitement as the battle raged on, and Tsukasa's determination only grew stronger. He knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down, and he fought with everything he had to protect himself and his universe.

As the clash of powers echoed throughout the arena, Tsukasa's battle against Sorrel, Hop, and Cocotte became a symbol of his unwavering resolve in the Tournament of Power. The fight was far from over, but Tsukasa was determined to give it his all and prove himself as a powerful and formidable warrior.

With a final surge of power, Tsukasa mustered all his strength and unleashed a devastating attack towards Cocotte, Hop, and Sorrel. The energy wave roared towards them, and they tried their best to defend themselves, but Tsukasa's determination and skill were too much for them to handle.

The blast engulfed them, and for a moment, the arena was filled with blinding light. As the dust settled, Tsukasa stood unscathed, his energy still burning brightly. He had managed to eliminate Cocotte, Hop, and Sorrel from the tournament.

The crowd gasped in awe at Tsukasa's display of power, and even the other fighters in the arena couldn't help but be impressed. Tsukasa had proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with, and his determination to protect his universe and his friends was evident in every move he made.

As the three Universe 9 fighters found themselves teleported to the stands, they looked on with a mixture of surprise and admiration. They realized that Tsukasa was not just a formidable opponent, but also a warrior of honor and integrity.

Tsukasa turned to them with a small smile, "You fought well, but this is where our paths diverge for now. We'll meet again someday, I'm sure of it."

Cocotte, Hop, and Sorrel nodded in understanding, acknowledging Tsukasa's strength and resolve. Despite being eliminated from the tournament, they felt a sense of respect for the Saiyan warrior from Universe 7.

With a swift wave of his hand, Tsukasa bid them farewell, and they vanished from the arena, sent back to their universe. The Tournament of Power continued, and Tsukasa's actions had only served to solidify his reputation as a powerful and honorable fighter.

As he returned to the battlefield, Tsukasa's mind was clear and focused. He knew that there were still many challenges ahead, and he was determined to give his all for the sake of his universe and its survival.

The battle raged on, and Tsukasa continued to fight with unwavering determination, drawing on the strength of his friends and allies. The arena trembled with the clashes of power, and Tsukasa's resolve remained unshaken.

As the Tournament of Power reached its climax, Tsukasa stood tall and proud, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He had proven himself as a powerful and honorable warrior, and he was determined to make sure that his universe emerged victorious in this ultimate battle for survival.

As the Tournament of Power continued, Tsukasa fought with all his might alongside his fellow fighters from Universe 7. The battle was intense, and the warriors from different universes clashed in epic and dramatic confrontations.

Throughout the tournament, Tsukasa showcased his incredible power and mastery over his Saiyan abilities. He continued to push his limits, tapping into new transformations and techniques to face the ever-growing challenges posed by the opponents from other universes.

During one critical moment, Tsukasa found himself facing an incredibly powerful foe from Universe 11 - Jiren, the Pride Trooper. The two clashed with unimaginable strength, and Tsukasa managed to access Ultra Instinct Omen once more, pushing himself to new heights in the battle against Jiren.

As the tournament approached its climax, Universe 7 faced intense pressure, with many of its fighters eliminated. However, Tsukasa's determination to protect his friends, family, and the universe was unwavering. He fought with all his heart, knowing that the survival of not only Universe 7 but all the erased universes was at stake.

With teamwork and strategy, Universe 7 managed to outlast the other remaining universes, including Universe 11. The final minutes of the tournament were filled with nail-biting tension as the number of fighters dwindled, but Tsukasa never lost faith.

In a spectacular display of power, Tsukasa fought alongside Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza as the last four warriors standing from Universe 7. They faced off against Universe 11's Jiren, who proved to be a formidable and determined opponent.

In a climactic final battle, Tsukasa and the others gave it their all. They pushed their limits to the very edge, with Tsukasa even breaking through to the complete Ultra Instinct form. The battle was fierce and earth-shattering, with the fate of the universes hanging in the balance.

In the end, Tsukasa, Goku, and Frieza combined their efforts to defeat Jiren and secure the victory for Universe 7. Tsukasa's indomitable spirit and unwavering determination played a crucial role in their triumph.

With the tournament concluded and the erased universes brought back, Tsukasa's wish was fulfilled. The joyous celebration filled the arena, and Tsukasa's friends and allies congratulated him on his incredible performance.

As the dust settled, Tsukasa was left with a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. He had grown immensely during the Tournament of Power, not only in strength but also in understanding the value of his relationships with others.

With the return of the erased universes, Tsukasa's journey as a warrior was far from over. He knew that more challenges awaited him, but he was ready to face them with the support of his friends and the newfound bonds he had forged with fighters from other universes.

With a determined smile, Tsukasa looked to the future, knowing that he would continue to grow stronger and protect the ones he cared about. The Tournament of Power had been a transformative experience, and Tsukasa was now more resolute than ever to face whatever the future held.

The scene opens with the aftermath of the Tournament of Power in Universe 7. The fighters from all universes are celebrating their victory, with smiles and laughter filling the air. Tsukasa, Goku, Vegeta, Caulifia, Kale, and others gather together, sharing stories of their battles and congratulating each other.

Tsukasa turns to Whis, who is nearby, and makes a request. "Whis, could you please take me to Universe 6?" he asks with a warm smile. Whis nods and teleports Tsukasa to Universe 6, where Caulifia and Kale are waiting anxiously.

As soon as Tsukasa appears, Caulifia and Kale rush towards him with excitement. Tsukasa embraces them both in a tight hug, expressing how proud he is of their performance in the tournament. Caulifia and Kale blush, feeling the warmth of Tsukasa's affection.

Meanwhile, back in Universe 7, a peculiar visitor arrives - Helles, the God of Destruction of Universe 2. She stands there with a mischievous grin, her eyes fixed on Tsukasa. Unbeknownst to Tsukasa, she's been harboring a peculiar and somewhat inappropriate infatuation with him.

Goku and Vegeta, always up for a challenge, decide to spar with each other for fun. The two Saiyans unleash their power, and their friendly bout turns into an intense and exhilarating battle, shaking the ground beneath them.

Elsewhere, Frieza has returned to Hell after his temporary release for the tournament. He smirks as he revels in the chaos he caused during the tournament. Although his role in saving the universe may seem odd, the victory brings him satisfaction in his twisted way.

As the scene unfolds, various characters from different universes are shown having fun and bonding with one another. Universes that were once rivals now share a camaraderie forged in battle. The Tournament of Power has not only strengthened their fighting skills but also created lasting friendships and understanding between different universes.

The scene concludes with a preview of what's to come, hinting at future adventures and challenges for Tsukasa and the others. The joy and excitement of the Tournament of Power are still fresh, and the multiverse awaits new stories to be told. As the camera pans out, a sense of hope and unity fills the air, leaving viewers eager for the next chapter in the epic Dragon Ball Super saga.

----END OF ARC----—Skipping Past The Universe Survivor Arc Entirely—-

....The Second to Final Arc to this Story for now...

Beginning of the Tournament of Power Arc:

As the events of the Life Arc came to a close, Tsukasa returned to Universe 7, filled with newfound confidence and determination. He informed Goku and the others about the potential threat of the Tournament of Power, where all universes would compete against each other, and one universe would be erased. Everyone understood the gravity of the situation and began training intensely to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Tsukasa, along with Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and others, trained under Whis and Beerus to improve their techniques and master their transformations. Meanwhile, Tsukasa continued to keep in touch with Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru, discussing their progress and exchanging battle strategies.

Middle of the Tournament of Power Arc:

As the Tournament of Power commenced, Universe 7 was put to the test. Tsukasa, Goku, and Vegeta led the charge, showcasing their incredible power and teamwork. Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru fought alongside Universe 7, determined to protect their universe.

During the tournament, Tsukasa faced fierce opponents from other universes, using his God techniques and unique fighting style to hold his own. He formed a formidable bond with Caulifia and Kale, and their combined power became a force to be reckoned with. Their teamwork impressed not only their allies but also their rivals.

Tsukasa's feelings for Caulifia and Kale continued to grow, and he found himself drawn to them even more. The three of them fought side by side, each protecting the other, and their connection became evident to everyone around them.

As the battles raged on, Universe 7 faced numerous challenges, and some of their fighters were eliminated. However, the combined efforts of Tsukasa, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and others helped them survive and endure. Tsukasa's influence and leadership played a significant role in their unity and determination to protect their home.

Romantic Development:

During moments of respite in the Tournament of Power, Tsukasa found himself growing closer to Caulifia and Kale. The three Saiyans shared conversations about their pasts, their goals, and their dreams. They laughed together, trained together, and supported each other through the toughest battles.

In these moments, Tsukasa's feelings for Caulifia and Kale became more evident, and he found himself torn between the two. However, their bond remained strong, and they knew they were stronger together as a trio.

As the Tournament of Power progressed, Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale's relationship evolved into something more profound than friendship. They cherished each other's company and found comfort in each other during the challenging times they faced.

During the Tournament Of Power:

As the Tournament of Power raged on, Universe 2's God of Destruction, Helles, observed the intense battles from her position. She was intrigued by the power and teamwork displayed by Universe 7, especially Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale. As she watched, she decided to take a living for Tsukasa, considering his potential threat.

Meanwhile, Ribrianne, the warrior of love, faced off against Gohan and Tien. Ribrianne's relentless attacks kept Gohan and Tien on their toes, but they fought back valiantly, defending each other and working together to counter her moves.

Tien realized that he needed to unlock his hidden potential to stand a chance against Ribrianne. Gohan protected him while he concentrated, tapping into the depths of his power. Suddenly, Tien's body started to glow, and his power surged to new heights as his hidden potential was unleashed.

Feeling the newfound energy within him, Tien charged at Ribrianne with newfound speed and strength. He skillfully dodged her attacks and delivered a powerful kick that sent her crashing into the ground. As she struggled to get up, Tien focused his energy and unleashed his Neo Tri Beam, a technique that combined the power of the Tri-Beam and Kaio-Ken.

The energy blast enveloped Ribrianne, causing a massive explosion. However, Ribrianne's unyielding spirit kept her going, and she managed to emerge from the smoke, albeit exhausted.

Amidst the chaos, Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale noticed Helles' interest in Tsukasa. Caulifia and Kale exchanged a worried glance, realizing the danger their friend was in.

"Tsukasa, we need to be careful. Helles is watching you," Caulifia whispered, her eyes filled with concern.

"I know, but we can't let that distract us from the fight," Tsukasa replied, determination in his eyes.

Caulifia and Kale nodded, focusing on their respective opponents once more. Tsukasa's presence had always been a source of strength for them, and they were determined to give their best in this crucial battle.

As the intense battles continued, Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale showed their incredible skills and power, impressing everyone, including the Gods of Destruction from other universes. The fate of Universe 7 rested on their shoulders, and they were determined to fight with all their might to protect their home and loved ones.

As the battles in the Tournament of Power raged on, Tsukasa noticed that Caulifia and Kale were facing a formidable opponent from another universe. Without hesitation, he grabbed their hands and took off, running at an incredible speed towards their location.

"Stay close and don't let go," Tsukasa said, his voice steady but caring.

Caulifia and Kale blushed at the sudden contact, feeling the warmth of Tsukasa's hand in theirs. They were both amazed at how effortlessly he moved, his power, speed, and determination evident in every step he took.

As they reached the battleground, Tsukasa skillfully maneuvered through the chaos, dodging attacks and obstacles to reach their friends who needed backup. He never let go of Caulifia and Kale's hands, making sure they stayed together and protected throughout the rush.

Caulifia and Kale couldn't help but admire Tsukasa's strength and bravery, and they were grateful for his support. Despite the intensity of the battle, they felt a sense of comfort and reassurance with Tsukasa by their side.

"Thanks for being here, Tsukasa," Caulifia said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"Yeah, we got this," Kale added, a newfound determination in her eyes.

Tsukasa smiled warmly at them, his heart filled with a sense of camaraderie and friendship. He was proud to have Caulifia and Kale as allies and friends, and he would do everything in his power to protect them.

The three fighters joined the fray, showcasing their power and teamwork. With Tsukasa's guidance and Caulifia and Kale's raw strength, they became an unstoppable force, taking on opponents together and winning battles in the most spectacular fashion.

As the Tournament of Power continued, Caulifia, Kale, and Tsukasa fought side by side, their bond strengthening with every moment they spent together. The intense battles brought them closer, and they knew they could rely on each other no matter what.

In the midst of the chaos and challenges, they found comfort in knowing they weren't alone. Together, they faced the fierce competition, and they were ready to fight until the very end to protect their universe and ensure its survival.

As Goku's Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20 proved ineffective against the overwhelming power of Jiren, it seemed like all hope was lost. The spectators held their breath, witnessing their hero pushed to the edge by the formidable foe. Goku, bruised and battered, refused to give up.

With a final surge of determination, Goku summoned the energy of the universe into a massive Spirit Bomb. He put all his energy into this last resort attack, hoping against hope that it would be enough to turn the tide of the battle.

The Spirit Bomb took form, glowing with a brilliant light, and Goku launched it towards Jiren with all his might. But to everyone's shock, the Spirit Bomb started to change direction mid-air, flying back towards Goku. The sudden twist in the attack left the entire arena bewildered.

As the Spirit Bomb rushed back towards him, Goku's body reacted instinctively. His eyes glowed silver, and his hair stood on end as he experienced an intense surge of power. The bright light enveloped him, and his aura exploded with energy. Goku had unknowingly tapped into an extraordinary new state – Ultra Instinct Omen.

Goku's movements became fluid, his attacks precise and effortless. He dodged Jiren's attacks with ease, retaliating with lightning-fast strikes that left the Pride Trooper on the defensive. The power of Ultra Instinct Omen allowed Goku to read Jiren's moves and respond in kind, making him virtually untouchable.

The crowd erupted in cheers as they witnessed Goku's new transformation. Even the mighty Jiren was taken aback by this sudden shift in power. The battle between the two warriors reached an entirely new level, shaking the very foundation of the arena.

Goku fought with everything he had, pushing his limits even further. The power of Ultra Instinct Omen was overwhelming, but he could feel that it wasn't enough. Jiren was still too strong, and Goku needed more power if he hoped to defeat him.

With a final burst of energy, Goku pushed himself even further, tapping into the complete Ultra Instinct state. His hair turned pure silver, and his eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. Ultra Instinct -Sign- had evolved into its perfected form.

In this state, Goku's power surpassed anything he had ever experienced before. His movements were now effortless and unstoppable, and he launched a devastating attack on Jiren, pushing him to the brink.

The intense battle continued, both warriors refusing to back down. The arena shook as they clashed, their power resonating across the entire universe. The fate of their respective universes hung in the balance.

The Tournament of Power had reached its climax, and Goku's newfound strength had become the hope of Universe 7. The world watched in awe as the battle between Goku and Jiren unfolded, unsure of who would emerge victorious in this epic showdown.

In the midst of the chaotic Tournament of Power, Tsukasa found himself surrounded by three members from different universes - Sorrel and Hop from Universe 9 and Cocotte from Universe 11. They all seemed fixated on him, and their intentions were anything but friendly.

As Sorrel and Hop assumed battle stances, their eyes locked onto Tsukasa, and a wicked smile spread across Cocotte's face. Tsukasa could sense their hostile energy, and he knew that he was about to face a formidable challenge.

As Cocotte lunged towards Tsukasa with blinding speed, he managed to dodge her initial attack, but he could tell she wasn't letting up. Sorrel and Hop quickly followed suit, attacking from different angles to overwhelm Tsukasa.

Tsukasa skillfully evaded their strikes, using his quick reflexes to counter their moves. However, their combined efforts made it difficult for him to find an opening to retaliate.

The situation grew more tense as the three opponents closed in, their eyes filled with a mix of determination and, strangely, an unsettling sense of infatuation towards Tsukasa. The intensity of the battle increased, and Tsukasa's nervousness only grew.

Despite being outnumbered, Tsukasa refused to back down. He gathered his strength and unleashed a powerful wave of energy, momentarily pushing back Sorrel, Hop, and Cocotte. However, it was clear that they were not easily deterred.

Tsukasa glanced around, scanning the arena for his allies, hoping for some support. He spotted Caulifia, Kale, and Cabba battling fiercely in other parts of the arena, but they were too far away to come to his aid.

With no other choice, Tsukasa knew he had to face his opponents head-on. He steeled his nerves and focused on his training, seeking to tap into his full potential.

As the battle continued, Tsukasa's determination began to shine through. His skills improved with each passing moment, and he started to hold his own against the trio of attackers.

Sorrel, Hop, and Cocotte became increasingly impressed by Tsukasa's prowess, but their infatuation only seemed to intensify. It was clear that they were underestimating his abilities, assuming they could conquer him easily.

With a newfound sense of confidence, Tsukasa took the offensive, unleashing a flurry of powerful attacks. He managed to catch Sorrel and Hop off guard, knocking them back and gaining some ground in the battle.

Cocotte, on the other hand, was undeterred. She continued to press forward, seemingly enthralled by Tsukasa's strength and charm.

The arena buzzed with excitement as the battle raged on, and Tsukasa's determination only grew stronger. He knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down, and he fought with everything he had to protect himself and his universe.

As the clash of powers echoed throughout the arena, Tsukasa's battle against Sorrel, Hop, and Cocotte became a symbol of his unwavering resolve in the Tournament of Power. The fight was far from over, but Tsukasa was determined to give it his all and prove himself as a powerful and formidable warrior.

With a final surge of power, Tsukasa mustered all his strength and unleashed a devastating attack towards Cocotte, Hop, and Sorrel. The energy wave roared towards them, and they tried their best to defend themselves, but Tsukasa's determination and skill were too much for them to handle.

The blast engulfed them, and for a moment, the arena was filled with blinding light. As the dust settled, Tsukasa stood unscathed, his energy still burning brightly. He had managed to eliminate Cocotte, Hop, and Sorrel from the tournament.

The crowd gasped in awe at Tsukasa's display of power, and even the other fighters in the arena couldn't help but be impressed. Tsukasa had proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with, and his determination to protect his universe and his friends was evident in every move he made.

As the three Universe 9 fighters found themselves teleported to the stands, they looked on with a mixture of surprise and admiration. They realized that Tsukasa was not just a formidable opponent, but also a warrior of honor and integrity.

Tsukasa turned to them with a small smile, "You fought well, but this is where our paths diverge for now. We'll meet again someday, I'm sure of it."

Cocotte, Hop, and Sorrel nodded in understanding, acknowledging Tsukasa's strength and resolve. Despite being eliminated from the tournament, they felt a sense of respect for the Saiyan warrior from Universe 7.

With a swift wave of his hand, Tsukasa bid them farewell, and they vanished from the arena, sent back to their universe. The Tournament of Power continued, and Tsukasa's actions had only served to solidify his reputation as a powerful and honorable fighter.

As he returned to the battlefield, Tsukasa's mind was clear and focused. He knew that there were still many challenges ahead, and he was determined to give his all for the sake of his universe and its survival.

The battle raged on, and Tsukasa continued to fight with unwavering determination, drawing on the strength of his friends and allies. The arena trembled with the clashes of power, and Tsukasa's resolve remained unshaken.

As the Tournament of Power reached its climax, Tsukasa stood tall and proud, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He had proven himself as a powerful and honorable warrior, and he was determined to make sure that his universe emerged victorious in this ultimate battle for survival.

As the Tournament of Power continued, Tsukasa fought with all his might alongside his fellow fighters from Universe 7. The battle was intense, and the warriors from different universes clashed in epic and dramatic confrontations.

Throughout the tournament, Tsukasa showcased his incredible power and mastery over his Saiyan abilities. He continued to push his limits, tapping into new transformations and techniques to face the ever-growing challenges posed by the opponents from other universes.

During one critical moment, Tsukasa found himself facing an incredibly powerful foe from Universe 11 - Jiren, the Pride Trooper. The two clashed with unimaginable strength, and Tsukasa managed to access Ultra Instinct Omen once more, pushing himself to new heights in the battle against Jiren.

As the tournament approached its climax, Universe 7 faced intense pressure, with many of its fighters eliminated. However, Tsukasa's determination to protect his friends, family, and the universe was unwavering. He fought with all his heart, knowing that the survival of not only Universe 7 but all the erased universes was at stake.

With teamwork and strategy, Universe 7 managed to outlast the other remaining universes, including Universe 11. The final minutes of the tournament were filled with nail-biting tension as the number of fighters dwindled, but Tsukasa never lost faith.

In a spectacular display of power, Tsukasa fought alongside Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza as the last four warriors standing from Universe 7. They faced off against Universe 11's Jiren, who proved to be a formidable and determined opponent.

In a climactic final battle, Tsukasa and the others gave it their all. They pushed their limits to the very edge, with Tsukasa even breaking through to the complete Ultra Instinct form. The battle was fierce and earth-shattering, with the fate of the universes hanging in the balance.

In the end, Tsukasa, Goku, and Frieza combined their efforts to defeat Jiren and secure the victory for Universe 7. Tsukasa's indomitable spirit and unwavering determination played a crucial role in their triumph.

With the tournament concluded and the erased universes brought back, Tsukasa's wish was fulfilled. The joyous celebration filled the arena, and Tsukasa's friends and allies congratulated him on his incredible performance.

As the dust settled, Tsukasa was left with a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. He had grown immensely during the Tournament of Power, not only in strength but also in understanding the value of his relationships with others.

With the return of the erased universes, Tsukasa's journey as a warrior was far from over. He knew that more challenges awaited him, but he was ready to face them with the support of his friends and the newfound bonds he had forged with fighters from other universes.

With a determined smile, Tsukasa looked to the future, knowing that he would continue to grow stronger and protect the ones he cared about. The Tournament of Power had been a transformative experience, and Tsukasa was now more resolute than ever to face whatever the future held.

The scene opens with the aftermath of the Tournament of Power in Universe 7. The fighters from all universes are celebrating their victory, with smiles and laughter filling the air. Tsukasa, Goku, Vegeta, Caulifia, Kale, and others gather together, sharing stories of their battles and congratulating each other.

Tsukasa turns to Whis, who is nearby, and makes a request. "Whis, could you please take me to Universe 6?" he asks with a warm smile. Whis nods and teleports Tsukasa to Universe 6, where Caulifia and Kale are waiting anxiously.

As soon as Tsukasa appears, Caulifia and Kale rush towards him with excitement. Tsukasa embraces them both in a tight hug, expressing how proud he is of their performance in the tournament. Caulifia and Kale blush, feeling the warmth of Tsukasa's affection.

Meanwhile, back in Universe 7, a peculiar visitor arrives - Helles, the God of Destruction of Universe 2. She stands there with a mischievous grin, her eyes fixed on Tsukasa. Unbeknownst to Tsukasa, she's been harboring a peculiar and somewhat inappropriate infatuation with him.

Goku and Vegeta, always up for a challenge, decide to spar with each other for fun. The two Saiyans unleash their power, and their friendly bout turns into an intense and exhilarating battle, shaking the ground beneath them.

Elsewhere, Frieza has returned to Hell after his temporary release for the tournament. He smirks as he revels in the chaos he caused during the tournament. Although his role in saving the universe may seem odd, the victory brings him satisfaction in his twisted way.

As the scene unfolds, various characters from different universes are shown having fun and bonding with one another. Universes that were once rivals now share a camaraderie forged in battle. The Tournament of Power has not only strengthened their fighting skills but also created lasting friendships and understanding between different universes.

The scene concludes with a preview of what's to come, hinting at future adventures and challenges for Tsukasa and the others. The joy and excitement of the Tournament of Power are still fresh, and the multiverse awaits new stories to be told. As the camera pans out, a sense of hope and unity fills the air, leaving viewers eager for the next chapter in the epic Dragon Ball Super saga.

----END OF ARC----

---Preview Scene For The Final Arc of this series---

The scene opens in a mysterious and dark realm, where a figure lies dormant for 30 long years. Suddenly, Atrus, a powerful demon Saiyan hybrid, awakens from his slumber, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly energy.

As he rises to his feet, he is greeted by two sinister figures, Towa and Mira, who have been patiently waiting for his awakening. Towa, the brilliant scientist, speaks with an air of excitement, "Welcome back, Atrus. It's been a long time since you've been sealed away. Are you ready to fulfill your destiny?"

Atrus nods, a smirk forming on his face. "Indeed, it's time to bring chaos and destruction to the multiverse. The power of the demon Saiyan will be unleashed once again!"

Beside Towa and Mira stands a captivating demon girl named Youko, who possesses god-like abilities. She smirks and speaks with a seductive tone, "Atrus, my dear, you have no idea what kind of power awaits you. Together, we will rule over all the realms."

Meanwhile, in another part of the dark realm, the powerful demon god, Sypher, and the enigmatic Hikari, who was once a god, have been resurrected and revived thanks to the mighty dragon balls. They emerge from a mystical portal, their eyes filled with a newfound vigor and purpose.

Sypher lets out a deep, booming laugh, "I knew the dragon balls were capable of incredible things, but this... this is beyond my expectations. Now, Hikari, together, we shall reclaim our rightful place as the ultimate beings in the universe."

Hikari's eyes glow with determination, "Indeed, Sypher. Our time has come to seize control and reshape the cosmos as we see fit."

As the camera pans out, the dark realm trembles with the ominous presence of Atrus, Towa, Mira, Youko, Sypher, and Hikari. A sense of impending doom looms over the multiverse, signaling the beginning of the final arc for Dragon Ball Super.

The screen fades to black, leaving fans on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the epic conclusion to the Dragon Ball Super saga.


---Preview Scene For The Final Arc of this series---

The scene opens in a mysterious and dark realm, where a figure lies dormant for 30 long years. Suddenly, Atrus, a powerful demon Saiyan hybrid, awakens from his slumber, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly energy.

As he rises to his feet, he is greeted by two sinister figures, Towa and Mira, who have been patiently waiting for his awakening. Towa, the brilliant scientist, speaks with an air of excitement, "Welcome back, Atrus. It's been a long time since you've been sealed away. Are you ready to fulfill your destiny?"

Atrus nods, a smirk forming on his face. "Indeed, it's time to bring chaos and destruction to the multiverse. The power of the demon Saiyan will be unleashed once again!"

Beside Towa and Mira stands a captivating demon girl named Youko, who possesses god-like abilities. She smirks and speaks with a seductive tone, "Atrus, my dear, you have no idea what kind of power awaits you. Together, we will rule over all the realms."

Meanwhile, in another part of the dark realm, the powerful demon god, Sypher, and the enigmatic Hikari, who was once a god, have been resurrected and revived thanks to the mighty dragon balls. They emerge from a mystical portal, their eyes filled with a newfound vigor and purpose.

Sypher lets out a deep, booming laugh, "I knew the dragon balls were capable of incredible things, but this... this is beyond my expectations. Now, Hikari, together, we shall reclaim our rightful place as the ultimate beings in the universe."

Hikari's eyes glow with determination, "Indeed, Sypher. Our time has come to seize control and reshape the cosmos as we see fit."

As the camera pans out, the dark realm trembles with the ominous presence of Atrus, Towa, Mira, Youko, Sypher, and Hikari. A sense of impending doom looms over the multiverse, signaling the beginning of the final arc for Dragon Ball Super.

The screen fades to black, leaving fans on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the epic conclusion to the Dragon Ball Super saga.
