
Douluo, I rely on the panel to become a god

When he was three years old, Wang Li awakened his memory. After a short period of adaptation, he quickly understood the current situation. Bad news, he traveled through time. Good news, this is Douluo Continent, not a strange world. At the same time, there is also a game panel awakened together with the memory. [Host: Wang Li] [Martial Spirit: Not turned on] [Soul Power: Unknown] [Characteristics: Unknown] [Passive: Unknown] [Soul Ring: Unknown] [Soul Bone: Unknown] [Experience: Unknown] Wang Li was overjoyed. As expected, the luck of being a worker would not be too bad. He could still travel through time after sudden death, and there would be cheats after time travel. THIS FANFIC IS A TRANSLATED NOVEL, English is not my first language, not even my second. I will update it as much as I can, because I am busy, if you want to give encouragement, please give a power stone. Thank You.

Admiral27 · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Yu Xiaogang met Tang San and saw that he was right in the eye

Location of the gate of Notting College

One of the two concierges, holding the Wuhundian certificate in his hand, shook his head with disdain, looked at the old man and the young man in rags in front of him, and said: "Where are these beggars from? They just want to sneak into our Notting Acaderny. How dare a useless martial soul like Lan Yincao dare to write that he has level ten soul power? Do you really think that we two brothers are fools?"

Having said this, he threw back the Wuhundian certificate, waved his hands, and cursed:

"Take your forged Wuhundian certificate and get out of here quickly, otherwise don't blame us brothers for being rude."

Jack, the village elder of Holy Soul Village, hurriedly took the Spirit Hail certificate and explained with a grimace:

"Two little brothers, this Wunun Palace certificate is definitely authentic. It was given to us mistresses by the Wuhun Palace's Battle Soul Master, If you let us in, the teachers in the academy will definitely be able to tell the authenticity from the fake."

The concierge's expression changed and he said angrily: "Old man, who is your brother? Get out of here and don't force us to leave."

Okt Jack wanted to explain again, but the child next to him moved lust at this moment, there seemed to be a pulling force. The concierge was unprepared and sucidenly fell forward.

The child took this opportunity to grab the concierge's wrist with one hand, making him unable to use any force or resist. Then he leaned forward with his whole body and hit the concierge hard on the stomach with his elbow.


In just a moment, the porter fell to the ground and screamed in pain, and the child in front of him heard a subtle snapping sound again, hidden in his sleeve. The sleeve arrow close to his arm had opened the safety, and it seemed that he was ready to send the parter to his death

There were two concierges. One fell to the ground, and the other was furious and wanted to use violence against the old and the young "Old guy, little guy, you want to sneak into our Natting Academy, but you dare to hit people, let's see how deal with you!"

Faced with the sudden situation. Old Jack was completely stunned. As for the dark and thin child next to him, his eyes showed naked murderous intent.

Probably the other party's method of death has been determined.

At this moment a cold voice came:

"Stop it all"

The two concierges were stunned. One of them pulled the other concierge tes stand up and stand aside, behaved, and no longer dared to show any impudence

Then a tall, thin, middle-aged man with fleshless cheeks and a stiff face came over. He walked. up to an old man and a young man, that is, Old Jack and Tang San, and said solemnly:

"Old sir, children, this matter is our college's fault. Can I see your Spirit Hall certificate?"

Old Jack was overjoyed. What happened just now made him quickly send the Wuhun Palace certificate, and then said eagerly "Teacher, this is our Wuhun Palace's proof that our Xiansan's Wuhun is Blue Silver Grass, but he really has tenth level soul power."

This tall and thin middle-aged man naturally squats here every year, hoping to find Ya Xiangang, who comes from a humble background but has excellent talents and can help him

verify the ten core competitiveness of his martial arts. After all, his theories that were only inferred based on existing knowledge without any practice ould not be accepted by those big for nd sects. in order to prave himself, he urgently

needed a test subject, a guinea pig

After carefully reading this Spint Hall certificate, Yu Xiaogang's eyes showed an indescribable excitement Spirits like Blue Silver Grass definitely cannot provide such high soul power, so there is only one truth. This child still has There is another martial spirit, and it is a martial spirit of extremely high quality

Then he calmed down all his emotions, coughed lightly, and said seriously to Old Jack and Tang San: "No problem, this is the proof that the Spint Hall has been opened. Olo sir, leave this child to me, and I will take him to the academy to register."

Old Jack must be happy, and said to Yu Xiangang "Excuse me, teacher. I'll leave everything to you."

While saying to Tang San

"Xiao San, just follow this teacher in, sturdy hard, and practice hard

Tang San secretly thought to himself, those two porters are lucky, otherwise they will be

bleeding for five steps today, then he lowered his eyebrows and said:

"I see, Grandpa lack"

Yu Xiaogang also wanted to leave a good impression in front of Tang San, so he turned his head to look at the two concierges and threatened coldly:

"Dogs look dawn on people. If there is a next time, there is no need to stay" The two concierges also have some connections in the academy, but even if they are related,

they are still ordinary people. Facing the soul master Yu Xiaogang, they naturally do not dare to refute. They look at each other and can only admit that they am unlucky. They all said in

unison: "Master, we understand."

Then Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San, with an ugly smile on his stiff face and spoke in a

gentle voice

"Xian San, let me call you that for now. Come in with me."

Tang San glanced at Jack, and then followed Yu Xiaogang into the academy gate

At the same time. Wang Ping and Wang Li witnessed all this. Wang Ping quickly pulled Wang Li, ran quickly towards the college gate, and said:

"Xiao Li let's go there quicidy. He must be a teacher from the college, and he is also a high status one. If you follow him, you will be able to register smoothly!"

Wang Li didn't panic at all. Just now he was watching with relish. This scene was so classic Noting Academy was making things difficult for him, and Tang San was so angry that he

wanted to kill

In fact, as long as Su Yuntao's name is used, this problem should be solved more easily and reasonably. After all, they are just two ordinary concierges who have no knowledge To question the proof of the Wuhun Temple opened by Su Yuntan is to question Su Yuntan. Questioning the Wuhun Palace, they were still scared to death.

With Su Yuntao's identity and status, he was already a big shot that these two concierges

could not afford to offend

Arriving at the gate of Notting College, Wang Ping faced the two concierges, handed over

Wang U's Spirit Hall certificate, then pointed at Wang Li and said:

"This is Wang Li from our village. This is the fighting spirit master of the Spirit Hall. He came to

our village to give him proof of the Spirit Hall he opened after he awakened the spirit."

The two angry concierges were holding back their anger, but when they heard the battle soul master from Wuhun Palace, all their anger disappeared. After looking at this Wuhun Palace certificate, they said in great astonishment

"It's Bluesilver Grass again, mutated Bluesilver Grass, and third-level soul power. What's going

on this year? One or two of them are all Bluesilver Grass."

Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, who had not gone far, also heard this. Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed

with surprise, and so did Tang San's

The two concierges, after returning the Wuhun Palace certificate, looked at the similar. combination of an old man and a young man and could only wave their hands and said:

"Go in, don't run around...go directly to the Academic Affairs Office to register."