
Douluo, I rely on the panel to become a god

When he was three years old, Wang Li awakened his memory. After a short period of adaptation, he quickly understood the current situation. Bad news, he traveled through time. Good news, this is Douluo Continent, not a strange world. At the same time, there is also a game panel awakened together with the memory. [Host: Wang Li] [Martial Spirit: Not turned on] [Soul Power: Unknown] [Characteristics: Unknown] [Passive: Unknown] [Soul Ring: Unknown] [Soul Bone: Unknown] [Experience: Unknown] Wang Li was overjoyed. As expected, the luck of being a worker would not be too bad. He could still travel through time after sudden death, and there would be cheats after time travel. THIS FANFIC IS A TRANSLATED NOVEL, English is not my first language, not even my second. I will update it as much as I can, because I am busy, if you want to give encouragement, please give a power stone. Thank You.

Admiral27 · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

VS Wang Sheng

Notting College

A group of work-study students held their breath and stared at two people who were confronting each other. One was Wang Sheng, who was possessed by a martial spirit and was very powerful. The other was Wang Sheng, who only had the blue silver grass martial spirit but had an unyielding will. Leave.

Because Wang Li's second-class speech and deliberate guidance have given this battle a sacred color, no boy can't be second-class, and they all have the talent of soul masters, and they are full of yearning for the world of soul masters.

At this moment. Wang Shenghu's eyes seemed to have flames burning, he looked at Wang Li and shouted:

"I won't be careless this time."

After saying that, he made a tiger's lunge and rushed towards Wang Li, full of momentum and terrifying power.

Wang Li's mind was tense. He could not be easily defeated. He had to continue to gain experience in the battle. Unfortunately, the Blue Silver Grass without a soul ring was almost useless for improving his strength. He could only fight with the physical body, contend.

Facing Wang Sheng's punch, Wang Li took a stance, stretched out his hands, and clasped Wang Sheng's wrist with one hand and Wang Sheng's arm with the other, trying to neutralize the force of the punch

Rut soon, Wang Lis face changed color slightly. He couldn't move it. Wang Sheng obviously used all his strength

Wang Sheng grinned when he saw this. He didn't hold back at all. The original idea of deciding the boss's victory has been forgotten by him. Now he just wants to have an upright battle as a soul master.

Wang Li stepped back continuously. Suddenly, he turned around and leaned against Wang Sheng, hoping to use the inertia of his forward motion to throw him over his shoulder.

Wang Sheng has some fighting experience, or experience in being beaten, but he doesn't know much about fighting techniques

No, Wang Li directly used Wang Sheng's strength to lift Wang Sheng into the air, his feet lifted off the ground, and all his strength was gone

Wang Sheng was still dazed, but he had already flown up, but he was also experienced, and at the same time his ferocity exploded, and the arms held by Wang Li also hugged Wang L

Wang Li didn't expect that Wang Sheng's reaction was quite fast. He couldn't get rid of Wang Sheng's imprisonment, so he gave up resistance and followed Wang Sheng to fly out. At the same time, he also regarded Wang Sheng as his back.


The two fell heavily to the ground and struggled together again, rolling around. You purich me and I punch you. Senous soul masters definitely don't fight like this, it's like hooligans fighting.

Wang Li was beaten all over by Wang Sheng, but he gritted his teeth and held on. At the same

time, fists like raindrops also fell on Wang Sheng

Wang Li is not as strong as Wang Sheng, so fighting in a mud pit like this will be beneficial to

Wang Li. No one can even think of going ashore alone.

Not long after, someone walked into the dormitory again.

As soon as Tang San entered the dormitory, he saw Wang Sheng and Wang Li struggling with

each other.

The moves used could only be described as unsightly. In his opinion, they were just novices. pecking each other.

Because of Tang San's arrival. Wang Sheng and Wang Li had a tacit agreement to stop and then separate.

Wang Li was breathing heavily. Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, the battle just now allowed him to gain 21 points of experience again. Such a gain made him laugh

and said: "Wang Sheng, you are really a formidabie opponent."

Wang Sheng was a little depressed. His martial soul was better, his soul power was higher,

and his strength was stronger, but he was forced to this point by Wang Li. He had to admit it.

and said:

"Wang L,) am very surprised by how difficult you are. There is no winner this time. We will fight again next time."

Tang San's head was covered with black lines, and in his eyes, the two novices actually

seemed to cherish each other.

When Wang Li heard this, he readily agreed "Come back next time." Wang Sheng grinned, but this smile made him twitch in pain again, Then he tumed to look at Tang San, and said slightly surprised:

"There are quite a few new people this year. Hey, please introduce yourself first."

Tang San really couldn't understand the current situation. The two people who were rolling

around on the ground just now were now talking and joking like friends.

After hearing this, he said coldly:

"My name is not Hey, my name is Tang San, a work-study student from Holy Soul Village,"

Wang Sheng struggled to stand up. Although his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was quite embarrassed, he held his head high and said proudly:

"My name is Wang Sheng, and I am currently the boss here. Just now, another newcomer Wang 11, and I were engaging in a soul master duel with the position of the boss as a bet

was difficult to tell the difference for a moment"

"Now that you are here, I will give you two choices. One is to recognize me as the boss. and the other is to defeat me and take the boss position from me. These are the rules here, no matter who you are you must abide by them."

Tang San frowned, thinking in his mind that this Wang Sheng wanted to bully him for no

reason, it was simply abominable.

Tang San, who had watched the fight between the two just now, already had an idea of Wang

Sheng's strength. Regardless of whether he used a hidden weapon or not he was always easy to k

Then teach him a lessori

Putting down everything in his hands, Tang San said coldly:

"bring it on!"

Wang Sheng looked at the dark and thin Tang San, who was a head shorter than Wang Li and two heads shorter than himself. He thought in his heart, although I am not in peak condition,

am definitely more than enough to take care of this kit

So the put himself into position and said loudly. "Wang Sheng, Wuhun Zhanhu, ninth level soul warrior"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, be wasn't used to revealing his strength, but this

seemed to be some kind of rule, so he had no choice but to say with a cold face: Tang San, martial spirit blue silver grass, tenth level spirit warrior."


When Wang Sheng heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Wang Li. He was surprised that

there was another Blue Silver Grass, and he was also a tenth-level soul warrior. What was poing on?

How come the current Blue Silver Grass martial arts spirits are more talented than the last But

for the sake of talking about it, he had to bite the bullet and finish the fight. The tiger roared and flew forward.

Tang San was completely prepared to teach Wang Sheng a lesson.....

At this time, Wang Li was sitting on a bed. He couldn't bear to look at Wang Sheng who

rushed up to see him off. Even Wang Sheng at his peak state was no match for Tang San. Wang Sheng, who was now covered in njuries, had nothing but a white blow. If you fight, there will be no second result

Wang Sheng's body was covered with injuries. Wang Li only suffered more injunes than Wang Sheng. However, the initial severe pain on his body had been relieved a lot, and he felt

cold instead

Wang Li larmented that although the quality of Bluesilver Grass reaching the second level did

not improve the strength much, it recovered quite quickly after being injured.

This is the vitality characteristic taking effect, and the toughness and passiveness should alsu be taking effect. My physique will improve after recovery, which is also a way to become stronger. In addition, the physique is also related to the age of the soul ring absorbed.