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WebNovel で公開されている、Ayush_Singh_0913 の作者が書いた DOULUO : GOD OF CHAOS DRAGON の小説を読んでください。It is short story about A BLUE STAR Boy who got transmigrated into DD1 with few chances to travel through past and future of DOULUO WORLD........and lets see what changes he got to create in CURRNT W...


It is short story about A BLUE STAR Boy who got transmigrated into DD1 with few chances to travel through past and future of DOULUO WORLD........and lets see what changes he got to create in CURRNT WORD and TIMELINE........


Primordial Divine inheritance

The world of Orion is inhabitated by multiple races from Primordial beings like overpowered Dragons to adapting humans with even pest like Goblins but one thing in common is the touch of Mana. With Mana even the smallest creatures like rabbits and all sorts of insects can evolve into powerful beings and change their fate. Devan is just an ordinary elf with little to no talent in most types of elven magic and would considered increasingly incompetent if not for his very rare innate skill called the Ancient Abyssal Elderitch eye which led to him being kept by an elven Noble for personal gains. Though young in elven years and only about 100 years old Devan was no fool and knew his worth in the Ancient elven forest of Euphora so he mostly kept to himself and used every chance he got to grow in strength and find different ways to protect himself. But even after all the preparations he wasn't prepared to meet Alucard an immortal Deity with the power to create and destroy worlds at will who had ended up getting trapped in a subspace that turned into a dungeon which Devan had coincidentally chosen to raid due to its incredibly low magic rank. Grateful for being helped out of the Subspace now turned dungeon Alucard directly empowers Devan with the inheritance of multiple God's that tried to Kill Alucard but ended up dying in battle. Now immortal and basically assured of being overpowered and undefeatable throughout the known realms on Orion Devan after unlocking his abilities has to get used to his power while trying to live out the carefree and adventurous life he dreamed of but could not attain due to his weakness. PS : MC chooses to help heroes and other adventurers because he doesn't want all the trouble of their battles to disturb his pursuit of a normal peaceful life. And there is very little R18 like 1 in 30 to 40 chapters.

Derewz · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Island Fall

[This story is also being posted on Royalroad] After being thrown overboard from their ship, Frisk wakes up on a strange remote island that they have never heard of before. Serphile Island. They quickly realize that the island's population is mutated and has the ability to use magic. They also quickly learn that the entire island is populated by parasites capable of taking over the world. With the population harboring a grudge on the outside world, Frisk must make their way through the island if they ever want to find a way home, and maybe save the world. Frisk knows that if the parasites escape, the world will turn into a full-blown apocalypse. In order to stop that, they must somehow manage to stop the king of the island and the queen of the parasites. They will discover friends on their way through their journey as well as many dangers and mystery. Yet they can't help but think... ....is killing the islanders and stopping the parasites for good the right answer? After all, everyone here, even the animals, has thoughts. Yet, if they don't do anything, everyone Frisk knows might die. What is happening here? What is the secret of this strange island? Who, or what is Luna? With all of these questions, Frisk must start her journey, praying that whatever choice they make will be the right one. [Despite being an Undertale Fanfic, or AU, Island Fall is far different from Undertale. Please take note that this is a gory, traumatizing, psychological story that is a far cry from the original story of Undertale. And no, there are no actual "monsters" here. Everyone is either a mutated human, animal, or something else]

Gabewest42_West · ゲーム
1 Chs

Let's be Mates: The story of a transmigrated Beta(?)

Set in the Omegaverse is the story of a Beta girl who is trying to find a place of belonging, something that she couldn't get in her previous life. Yuki Winterdale: I was the villainess in the world I lived in... I died to protect... and to be free... I got a second chance to live, but it was another world... and it seems I became a Beta(?) Selene 'Aki' Winterdale: I am an Omega... The Cute brother of my Onee-chan~ Our ML: My world faced an Apocalypse. I chose to protect. I got a second chance to live again, it was 'the world inside a book', my sister was the author... Her regret and my mate... I'll protect her this time!! .................. Let's follow the dependable sister, clingy brother and the stalker(?) man to find out what actually happened in the story....hm? PS. This has action and war along with soft twists of romance, love, family relations and so on... Hope you like it!! WARNING: This is a BG&BL story, that is, the secondary couple are 'two men in love'.... This is set in OMEGAVERSE and hence, there will be mpreg, it means men will get pregnant!! Again, I repeat.... this story contains BL elements as its secondary story... if you are not comfortable with it please don't advance further... To the rest of my kins who came here to enjoy this story....ENJOY YOUR STAY!! Discord: https://discord.gg/5J3xdvr PS. The front cover is not mine... got it from pinterest~

AtsukiJoou · ファンタジー
50 Chs

My Abilities Come with Special Effects

In the world of dynasties and martial arts, Lin Yan awakened the memories of his past life and struggled to survive with his half-sister. Fortunately, he awakened cheats. As long as the ability proficiency reached 100%, he could sublimate the skill to the extreme and give rise to strange special effects. Swallowing - [Transforming Poison]: Invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, swallowing poisons can be transformed into qi and blood to feed oneself. Five Birds Hand - [Spring Return]: consume qi and blood to recover from injuries Dragon Fist - [Cloud from Dragon]: Ride the wind to swim the dragon, and speed instantly doubled. Mountain Breaking Fist - [Wind from Tiger]: White Tiger breaks the army, and instantly doubles the instant damage. Attack - [Ape God Strike]: The whole body force converges in one point. Defense - [No Phase]: Distribute the attack received evenly to all parts of the body ... A secret realm wrapped in poisonous miasma, where no one could enter without being killed by touching it? I had [Swallowing - Transforming Poison]. I could enter and leave the secret realm at will. The secret medicine must be used to counteract the injury? I had [Five Birds Hand - Spring Return], and I could practice at will without fear. Every special effect was a cheat. The world was in turmoil with demons, the people were like ghosts, the ancient world was revived, and the world would be in chaos. Only with the idea of invincibility, I should open up a path of prosperity, overlooking the nature of the rivers and mountains.

Lin Tuo · アクション
644 Chs

Inherent System

Long ago, when the world finally eradicated an infectious pandemic. It was then that the first "Fractures" had been seen. Fractures, were glittering crystalline like ripples formed on the surface of the planet. Inducing a spectacular scenery beyond the wonders of this world. However, after their first semblance of beauty the Fractures then began to burst in fragments. Making colorful glimmering lights to rain down on nearby cities and towns. Creating injuries of various degree, and deaths. Accompanied by the devastation of the fragments. Came the horde of terrifying monsters and unknown creatures rushing out from the worlds beyond the Fractures. They'd wrecked havoc and brought chaos to this world. Making the people succumbed in despair as they lived in fear upon each passing day. Until, the first wave of people undergone an awakening. They felt changes. As crystal Cores formed in their bodies that were pierced by the crystalline fragments. And as time passed, they began exhibiting unknown powers. Abilities. And talents from the Cores within them. The people titled this awakened ones as "Exalts", beings that where far stronger and better than normal humans. When this news spread, people soon developed ways to create crystal Cores on the human body. Where simple ingestion of fragments became the basics of different techniques, and the abilities they acquired became their standing on the world. As the amount of Exalts grew the population of monsters soon then dwindled. Earning the Exalts their opportunity to assault the worlds beyond the Fractures. Either, wishing to find treasures. Or, just wanting to feel a refreshing adventure on the different worlds. However, only a horrifying fact was found. Truth. That the worlds beyond were also riddled with Fractures. Connecting to even further, and farther worlds. As this discovery was made. It then began. The inception of a mystical era in the history of mankind. Now, a hundred years had fleetingly gone by in the new era as the people explored and pioneered most of the Fractures, and the worlds beyond till it was on their reach.

Arthur_Mendoza · ファンタジー

Rebuilding the abandoned school with ghosts

The main character Kevin was accused of a murder, Kevin pleaded his innocence as best as he could but all evidence seems to be going against him and his statements Not having enough evidence to lock him up just yet, the police put Kevin in house arrest with an ankle monitor His situation having had reached the public,Kevin was fired from his job as a college teacher Kevin did not think much of losing his job due to him already being a rich kid with a lot of dead daddy’s money So why exactly is a rich kid with endless daddy’s money doing with a tiring job such as teaching? Simple, out of boredom, to Kevin Boredom is a deadly disease Especially now with an ankle monitor limiting his actions and destinations That was until the day Kevin can only wish he had his boredom days back One day Kevin was looking through his parents old antiques and found a strange device with a 17 symbol. Curious Kevin reached out to touch it suddenly blacking out Waking up again Kevin came to realize he now had some sorta of mysterious teaching system that would kill him if he does not do what it tell him. (Find a classroom with students in the next 24 hours are your heart gives out and dies) Where I’m I suppose to find a classroom of students?! What kinda crazy person would leave a teacher with an ankle monitor alone in a class filled with students?! To Kevin after seeing the first mission,he had already accepted death. As a way to try and clear his mind he decided to take a look around one of the many properties his parents left behind for him after their passing The abandoned school, this school was abandoned because a fire accident happened that ended up killing an entire class My father had ownership over this school and for some reason refused to sell it after the chaos subsided Taking a step into the classroom where the accident happened,the system rang through my head (Congratulations!, you had found a classroom with students Name of the class:233,ghost class) Before I could register anything my head started ringing and my eyes blackened for a second Coming back to my normal state a looked at in front of me What was first a silent broken down burned class was suddenly filled with bloody burned creepy students “Good morning teacher”

Suta_amaya · ホラー
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

does this fanfic have raw?..............



General Audiencesmature rating