
Chapter 6 Spirit Ring Abilities!

The six year old Rank 11 Spirit Master and his conscious Spirit Ring, returned to Green Mulberry City after completely stabilizing is ascension from being a Rank 10 Spirit Trainee, and the formerly giant black crane raised an eyebrow at Bing Xian's cultivation technique.

"So basically, when you cultivate your Spirit Essence, every 10 levels you need to integrate a new Spirit Ring to ascend to the next stage of cultivation? And by reaching level 100 and becoming you become a God? Isn't that a little too easy?".

Bing Xian shook his head in denial.

"From what I've seen, a level 99 Extreme Douluo is roughly equivalent to a Life Destruction Martial Artist. I've never seen a martial artist at the Divine Sea Realm, nor have I ever seen someone who has ascended to Godhood fight. I don't even know how many levels there are after Godhood, and I don't know how many realms there are after Divine Transformation....".

Bing Xian bit his lip and gazed at the Red Spirit Ring beside him.

He wondered why this massive bird possessed such a huge age, while its spiritual power was so low. He thought that after absorbing his first Spirit Ring, his cultivation would jump to level 12 Spirit Master, or even level 13!

But it didn't, because the massive cranes power lied primarily in its physical body, not its spiritual essence.

"Life Destruction Beasts have ten times the lifespan of human Life Destruction martial artists. And because of one of my fortuitous encounters, I extended my lifespan several hundred times over! It's what helped me reach Life Destruction. When I was born, I was just a normal black crane.... but after 700,000 years, I became the [Immortal Midnight Crane]!".

Bing Xian rolled his eyes at the over exaggeration of the black crane.

He supposed it was alright if his morale was kept up. It wouldn't do any harm, if the voices in his head were kept happy rather than wrathful.

The rank 11 Spirit Master smiled, but his eyes were drawn to the blood red Spirit Ring will seven golden wing like markings inlaid on the Ring.

His haul from this little adventure was much more than he originally bargained for!

This 700,000 year old Spirit Ring actually granted him 3 Spirit Abilities! 3!

Since his [Undying Nightmare Ghost Demon] possessed the greatest affinity with the [Immortal Midnight Crane], it integrated with the Spirit Ring.

The first benefits Bing Xian noticed from integrating with Senior Crane's Spirit Ring was the humongous boost in speed! Bing Xian managed to travel roughly 20 meters in the time it took to take a breath!

This boost wasn't a Spirit Ability. It was the [Immortal Midnight Crane's] Wind and Darkness affinity which boosted his speed so much!

"Of course! If it's one thing I'm proud of it's my speed! I could outrun most Life Destruction martial artists and even other Life Destruction Beasts had to exert quite a bit of effort to catch me!".

The small crane pointed its beak to the sky, and stated arrogantly. The small smirk on its face caused Bing Xian to roll his eyes once more at the silly bird's antics.

His Spirit Rings first ability was called [Twilight Slash]. It gathered Spiritual Power in Bing Xian's arm and with a slashing movement, a pitch black wave of Spiritual Power was sent flying at the enemy. The size of the wave could be adjusted by the amount of Spiritual Power Bing Xian put into the ability.

The weakest could only cut a blade of grass, while the strongest could cut a tree with the thickness of a man's thigh clean in half!

If exposed to a human body, it could cut limbs off with relative ease, or even do major damage to the internal organs!

Unfortunately, using a maximum level [Twilight Slash] would take half of Bing Xian's Spiritual Power! Half!

'I'll have to raise my cultivation some more in order to use the skill freely, and to its greatest effect...', he thought.

The second ability was called [Tendrils]. It was limited in its range, but within 1 meter of Bing Xian's body, he could shoot tendrils of shadows out of his own shadow that could pierce through his enemies!

It was a good close quarters skill, that he could use if the enemies got too close to him. His speed, while definitely his strong point, could be countered if he met an enemy with a high enough cultivation.

Having this skill hidden in reserve would be a reassuring thought in Bing Xian's mind.

Finally, his third and final spirit ability was called [Shadow Wind Strike]. Another offensive spirit ability, allowed Bing Xian to shape his hand as if he was going to pierce through them with his fingers. Doing so would create a black wind around his arm and strike the enemy head on!

It was reminiscent of the way the [Immortal Midnight Crane], dived beak first in order to strike cleanly through his enemies.

It was his greatest skill and possessed the the most efficient use of Spiritual Power out of his three skills.

"See! Aren't I amazing! I give 3 Spirit Abilities instead of one! I'm the strongest Crane in the skies! Hahaha!".

Bing Xian chuckled at the crane's words but didn't roll his eyes.

After the [Immortal Midnight Crane] became his first Spirit Ring, its massive body was just left in the mountains near Green Mulberry City. Every time Bing Xian spoke of trying to harvest it for its meat and blood, the Crane would rampage inside his Sea of Consciousness.

It was like trying to calm down an angered chicken rather than a majestic crane!

In the end, they came to an agreement.

"I'll allow you to harvest my blood, but you must promise to burn my body! I don't won't any dirty low level beasts feasting on my flesh and bones. And since I don't have any Spirit Bones, you may not take my skeleton!".

It seemed rather fair to Bing Xian. The Crane had agreed to become his Spirit Ring and his body was just left lying on a mountainside, ready for the picking.

"Good... this should be far enough".

The spiritual body of the [Immortal Midnight Crane] flew upwards before landing on Bing Xian's shoulder. The two stood tall on a cliff side overlooking the setting sun.

The pair stared off into the sunset, and behind Bing Xian were several dozen large vats of blood, covered in an outrageous amount of shrubbery to hide them, and dozens of herbs to hide the scent.

"Where are you going to go from here? The Sky Spill Continent is far and wide, and even I haven't seen the entire extent of it..... If you need to find another Spirit Ring, I know where we might find a few....".

The six year old child whose head the crane was sitting on nodded slightly as he looked out over the endless mountains and valleys.

'In this new world, the quality of cultivation is much higher than my previous ones.... but!'.

He turned around aggressively and the sun cast a long shadow of the six year old child, one that resembled a adults! His facial expression resolute and his will stronger than forged steel!

'In this world.... I shall be King!'
