
Chapter 8 - Time skip and Bao'er's awakening

4 years passed since Xingyun last got his 1st spirit ring, he is currently at rank 20 because Xingyun decided that his second spirit ring should be a 10000 year old spirit ring, that's why he trained like a madmam for 4 years which was supported by his family, when they first saw Xingyun's blood ring can age they are shocked but they just attributed it to the peculiarity of the peculiar Destiny Cat Spirit. Xingyun obtained many gains because of spartan training he put himself through, first his blood ring reached 9500 years old and it's current percentage enhancement reached 90%, but his martial technique attainments is what surprised the family the most.

His Way of the Cat technique reached stage 4 and is close to reaching stage 5, his Shadow Cat Steps technique reached stage 5 and he is currently developing the technique for it to better suit him, his Cat Imitation Circulation Technique, reached 200 circulations, the only thing stopping him from advancing more on it is his physique, and his Cat Battle Style attainments even puts to shame his parents' attainments on it, he even developed his own version of it, though he didn't neme it yet, because it is still incomplete in his opinion.

Now, whenever Xingyun uses his Clairvoyance spirit skill, there is no trace of mental pain anymore, he used it whenever he could, which helped him train his mental fortitude at the same time, that's where Xingyun got his confidence to take on a 10000 year spirit beast's spirit shock, also, because of his high mental fortitude he can now better control his domain, in his estimates he can even affect Spirit Ancestors with it.

His Clairvoyance spirit skill is also the reason he did his own version of Cat Battle Style, with it he can overwhelm spirit masters by anticipating their every move and making a counterattack before they even made their move, with his new battle style he can even in fight his own parents for a while before losing, if they are not using spirit power. Also, because of his often use of Clairvoyance spirit skill he learned how to read what his enemy's next move will be, which is an unexpected gain for him.

Blacky also made many improvements, because he doesn't have a strong physique like Xingyun, he focused more on training Clairvoyance, his attainments in it is so so much better than Xingyun who trained his physique at the same time, if he put his all in reading the future, he can see up to he can see up to 1 year in the future, unlike Xingyun who can only see up to 6 months if he gave it his all, the past is easier to read and that's why Blacky can read someone or something up to 5 years ago. Blacky is never unsummoned by Xingyun, and is always by his side, when the villagers saw this cat who had the same characteristics as Xingyun's mutation, they never suspected that it might be a spirit, instead they treated it as a 10 years old spirit beast picked up by Xingyun in the Star Dou Forest.

Bao'er also improved a lot, she was influenced by Xingyun to start training when she turned 3, her physique is leaning to the strength route, she is wayy taller than girls her age, her body is still a bit slim but the muscles can already be seen, Xingyun is worried that his sister might turn out as a muscular woman in the future, which always makes him shiver, he regretted influencing his sister to train early. The reason why Bao'er is not like Xingyun who has a slim but compact physique is because she didn't train in Way of the Cat Technique, Shadow Cat Steps Technique and Cat Battle Style, instead she trained in the Way of the Lion Technique, Lion's Pride Technique and Lion Wild Battle Style, which trains the strength and fierceness of the user. This is also the technique his grandpa Chen and uncle Li uses. The Mao clan just have so many types of techniques that was developed by the past generations of the clan.

Today is the day of Bao'er's awakening, coincidentally Xingyun is also in need of his second spirit ring that's why he planned to absorb one at the same trip with Bao'er, they are currently walking towards the village hall. Unlike when Bao'er is younger, her childish personality vanished and what replaced it is a fierce and unyielding personality, this is also one of the reasons Xingyun regretted influencing her to train early, he missed the clingy and cute Bao'er before but he also loved his battle maniac sister. One of the reasons she changed so much is she found out her love for battles, she became more well known than him in the village because of it, when the villagers talked about her, they will shiver and it's because of what she did to the Spirit Grandmasters of the clan.

She challenged every Spirit Grandmaster of the clan to a no spirit power using fight, and when she loses she will never give up unless she's knocked out. Then when she recovered she'll challenge them again, and what the Spirit Grandmasters despairs is every time she comes back she becomes stronger, which made many Spirit Grandmasters question their life, they have to train for many years and she just needs to battle them a few times to actually caught up to them. She defeated every Spirit Grandmaster and below spirit masters in the clan except for Xingyun, which became Xingyun's pride and nightmare at the same time, because every time she looks at him, her gaze is full of admiration and competitiveness at the same time and she always challenges her brother everyday, which Xingyun can't not accept because she was so persistent!

After reminiscing for a few minutes, Xingyun and the whole family, finally reached the village hall, then the ceremony started then the 2 children that underwent awakening at the same time as Bao'er finished and it's finally Bao'er's turn to awaken. She stepped up the podium, then the elder bowed to her first before starting the ceremony, the moment spirit power entered her body, pressure enveloped the whole village hall and everyone inside except Xingyun felt burdened by it, then after a few more seconds a guttural roar sounded in the whole village, and it even made grandpa Chen, grandpa Fang and grandpa Huifen flinched because of it.

Xingyun is also a bit shocked because of the event and checked Bao'er's awakened spirit.


Name: Mao Bao'er

Age: 6

Spirit: Golden Lion Emperor

Spirit Rank: 10

Loyalty: 100%


Xingyun became shocked, because according to the clan records, the last time the Golden Lion Emperor Spirit appeared is the same time the founder ascended and also according to the records, the Golden Lion Emperor spirit is a spirit that can rival the Clear Sky Hammer top spirit. When Xingyun saw Bao'er fall down suddenly, he quickly came up, supported her and solemnly whispered, "Don't admit that your spirit is the Golden Lion Emperor when the elder asked you, just say that you awakened the Golden Lion King", Bao'er nodded to what Xingyun asked, because she also knew that she definitely couldn't reveal to the whole village that she awakened the legendary Golden Lion Emperor spirit. If the Golden Lion Emperor can rival the top spirits of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Golden Lion King on the other hand isn't as attention seeking as the latter one. The Mao clan already has 1 innate full spirit power spirit master, which is Xingyun, if the Spirit Hall heard news of a top tier spirit also appearing in the Mao clan, they might just throw caution to the wind and annihilate the whole Mao clan to get rid of potential threats.

Like what he expected, the spirit ball showed that Bao'er is also an innate full spirit power spirit master which overjoyed the elders and when they from Bao'er that her spirit is Golden Lion King they became more overjoyed. Like what happened after Xingyun's awakening, the whole village also celebrated Bao'er's awakening all evening.
