
Haotian's Candidates

Another day of the tournament started, the arena was full of people waiting to see the different teams fight, especially over the central arena where usually the most expected match occurred while the other matches were over the secondary ones. It was especially true for today where a match between two favorites occurred, Heaven Dou Academy vs Blazing Academy.

Heaven Dou had already shown its grand strength in the previous match and being directed sponsored by the Imperial family, it was clear their power and fame.

On the other hand, the Blazing Academy was one of the 5 elementary academies of Heaven Dou. These academies were directly backed up by powerful clans and with the exemption of Heaven Dou Academy, they were the strongest of the empire, each one heavily focusing on one element, exploiting it to its almost potential.

As the name suggested, the Blazing Academy element was fire and they were known to have the strongest offensive power of the elementary academies.

The Blazing Academy finally entered the arena receiving an ovation from the arena. However, it was quickly overlapped as Heaven Dou team appeared, their own ovation overpowering the Blazing Academy. After the show off of strength yesterday, it was clear who was the favorite team.

The Blazing Academy's 7 members angrily looked towards Heaven Dou's side with fire in their eyes as they wanted to demonstrate that they were in no way weaker than the adversaries. Following their spirits, their temper was also quite fiery.

Nevertheless, they quickly prepared to battle, taking their own formation. It was a peculiar formation were every member stepped forward with the exemption of the only girl from the group who stayed at their back. Their formation clearly showed their preference, a heavy focus on the offensive, with 6 attack spirits masters, some agility and others power, and only one control.

On the other hand, Heaven Dou's side took the complete reverse formation, Haotian stepped forward while all the others stood behind him, their 1-6 formation clearly contrasting with the rival 6-1 formation.

"Heaven Dou vs Blazing Academy formally starts!" The referee declared, the blazing academy invoking their spirits, showing their spirit rings. All of them had the ideal configuration, with four of them being Spirit Ancestors while the others were only Spirit Elders.

Haotian stood in his place, calmly observing their adversaries while not making any move. A type of dragon, two birds, a cat, a bear and a tiger were their spirits all of them with the fire element.

'It seems that they would use their full power unlike Shrek' A light smile appeared over Haotian as he hummed 'Not like there would be much difference, even if they hid some.'

Then, Haotian's gaze fell over his principal objective, the only girl of the team, Huo Wu. 'She is quite hot if anything else.'

Huo Wu was an extremely beautiful woman. She was very tall with a well-shaped body, her huge breast of at least D cup, clearly gained attention, being the first thing. Her hair was long with a deep red color that waved hanging down to her waist while her face was fair, with exquisite facial features and a pair of big eyes that faintly flickering with silvery light.

Next to her stood a blazing transparent figure that resembled her, but the exemption that was purely made by fire. This was her spirit, the Fire Shadow. A rare beast spirit that created an avatar outside the body that produced the effects of abilities, kind of similar to Xiaogang's San Luo Pao.

With powerful strength, good talent and a smoking hot body, Haotian was really interested in Huo Wu as a potential spirit ring. She had a good talent and being boosted by Haotian's own spirit, it would make it possible for her to ascend, even reaching godhood, however, there were two reasons that took Haotian's idea of adding her.

The first was Huo Wu's element being fire. None of his girls had a fire spirit and would be a good addition, but even with that, Haotian's body had been refined by Yan energy over the Ying Yan Ice Fire Well, already gaining most of the strength that would gain from a fire element.

The second was the type of her spirit. An external beast spirit was certainly special and rare, but what would gain Haotian from it? If it doesn't change match after his refining and continue similar, Haotian would be able to invoke a Fire Shadow that would lack completely its strongest point that was its spirit skills and it was clear that being made of fire, it would make it impossible to replicate his strong body in it.

If that was the effect, he would clearly prefer a spirit that directly increases his strength, affecting his own body and making him stronger rather than invoking a useless servant.

If it was before learning the Heart Separation Control, he wouldn't have been so against it as controlling up to 9 spirits effectively would have become impossible, but thanks to the Heart Separation Control, it was completely doable to control all of them perfectly if he reached enough attainments in it that thanks to his dual cultivation with the girls, it was clear that he would reach a high level of it.

In the end, it was an unknown and the information obtained from it wouldn't help him much for the future as that type of spirit was too rare. It was different for auxiliary spirits like food, plants or specials like Rongrong.

Taking Rongrong's case, what would happen if Haotian was able to bond with her and form a ring? Following Meijing's example, he would be able to invoke her Pagoda, but unlike a sword that has attack power passively and grew stronger with each new ring, the Pagoda was useless without any spirit ring, becoming nothing other than decoration.

Even if that was the unfortunate case, Haotian would be able to learn from it, discarding the spirits without innate ability from his future conquest and not wasting time from them. And it wouldn't be a complete waste as Rongrong had great talent to ascend godhood without even his help and would help him cultivate, moreover, she was extremely cute.

All these reasons made Huo Wu not being in the top of his list, but nevertheless, she was a candidate and it was better to act with that in mind, preparing to bond with her and having her in the reserve.

It was similar to his own team member, Li Meigu. If Haotian wanted, he could easily bond with her without much work, using her for his own spirit ring that it was near to pass if Haotian hadn't finally bonded with Yan, keeping his own spirit in check. Meigu wasn't bad, but she also wasn't good so he preferred others.

Huo Wu would certainly be over Meigu if he would be able to bond with her as Huo Wu's talent and spirit were stronger.

In the end, Haotian had his own top priority where if the opportunity occurred, he would take them instantly due to their talent, spirit or special reasons. In that list, there would be, Ah Yin (If she were to recover her human form), Bi Ji, Bibi Dong, Bo Saixi, Hu Liena, Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Xiao Wu, Xie Lingling and Zi Ji. But Haotian was a realist, it was impossible, some were beasts that he might never see and others would be impossible to conquer so it was always good to have second plans.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, one of Shrek's girls and most important characters at the novel? She isn't in the top list due to her spirit. For speed, he already has Chenxiang who could be considered superior to Zhuqing's in speed. That of course didn't mean that he didn't want her. Zhuqing is very high in his list and if the opportunity came, he would take care, but there are clearly people above for his preferences.

"What are you doing?! You and your team are not going to invoke your spirit?!" Huo Wu's words finally broke Haotian's thoughts. Anger could be sensed by them.

Haotian made a big smile "I alone am enough to take all of you."

"You!" Huo Wu became enraged. She had always been proud of herself, how could her team let be looked down on like this "Don't look down on us!"

"Hm!" Haotian grinned "I'm perfectly assessing you, there's no need for more." He answered haughtily "About the spirit, force me!"

All the Blazing Team clenched their hands in fury, they seemed furious beasts, holding back but that would reach their limit soon, jumping to attack him.

Knowing that the minute to prepare had finished, the referee looked at both team with a worried and frightful face, but she must do her work "Start!"

"Haaaaa!" As the referee declared, the Blazing Academy team charged towards Haotian madly.

Short chapter. I would have finished the fight, but I lacked time and I preferred to post something, so here you have it.

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